Magazine Graphisme

Grunge Textures

Publié le 11 février 2009 par Alex Alex

Grunge Textures : 1278 textures et matières disponibles regroupées en 18 catégories (Aluminium, Asphalt, métal, peinture, brique, terre, bois…). Les fichiers sont en Jpg de grandes dimensions.

Closeup of old aircraft aluminum.
Closeup of old aircraft aluminum.
Closeup of old aircraft aluminum.
Closeup of old aircraft aluminum.

Closeup of cracks on painted asphalt surface.
Painted white line on black asphalt.
Closeup of weathered asphalt surface.
Closeup of old aircraft aluminum.

Closeup of weathered wood surface.
Closeup of weathered wood surface.
Closeup of old wood.
Closeup of old wood.

Closeup of peeling red paint on weathered metal.
Closeup of peeling paint.
Closeup of cracked and peeling paint.
Peeling paint on old brick wall.

Via webdesignerdepot

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