… c’est tellement rare que l’AGU a un prix pour eux (email reçu ce matin):
Posted in academic, atmospheric sciences Tagged: agu, prix, prize, reconnaissance, scientifique, unselfishDear Atmospheric Sciences Section Members,
I am very happy to announce that Ralph Kahn (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland) and Ross Salawitch (University of Maryland, College Park) have each been selected to receive the first Yoram J. Kaufman Unselfish Cooperation in Research Awards. We had two equally strong candidates and have decided to make awards to both deserving scientists. This award is named in honor of Yoram J. Kaufman, an outstanding atmospheric scientist, mentor, and creator of international collaborations who worked on atmospheric aerosols and their influence on the Earth’s climate for his entire 30-year career. The citation will read: “The Yoram J. Kaufman Award for broad influence in atmospheric science through exceptional creativity, inspiration of younger scientists, mentoring, international collaborations, and unselfish cooperation in research.” The awards will be presented at the Atmospheric Sciences reception, Monday evening, May 25, during the AGU Joint Assembly in Toronto, Canada. Please join us at that reception.
posté le 26 février à 19:52
Effectivement, c'est rare.