Passer du côté obscur…

Publié le 09 avril 2009 par Mouton

Déjà quelques temps que j’y pense un peu. Je suis passé à la phase “pourquoi pas” en découvrant les blogs de Pablo Achard (pour l’instant en plein transfert de provider internet, sinon son site est et le blog collectif Alternative Scientist. Et depuis une semaine, je m’y met sérieusement.

Et voici qu’hier je reçois un mail de Science Careers (AAAS/Science) à propos d’un Webinar sur les carrières hors recherche. C’est y pas un signe ça?

Une petite description du Webinar tirée du site…

Nontraditional Careers: Opportunities Away From the Bench

April 28, 2009, 12 noon Eastern; 9 a.m. Pacific; 4 p.m. GMT

Want to learn more about exciting and rewarding careers outside of academic/industrial research? Join us for a roundtable discussion that will look at the various career options open to scientists across different sectors, strategies you can use to find a nonresearch career, and the future of the scientific work force in nontraditional careers.

Increasingly, Ph.D.-level scientists are becoming aware of other career opportunities beyond bench research. Not only are scientists interested in pursuing nonresearch-based careers, but the discord between the number of graduate students and postdocs, and the limited availability of tenure-track faculty positions means that these are no longer “alternative” career options. What sorts of opportunities can scientists pursue? What sorts of skills do they need to develop in order to succeed in nonresearch jobs? How can they find these sorts of positions?

This webinar will look at the various career options open to scientists across different sectors, strategies you can use to find positions, and the future of the scientific work force in nontraditional careers. Join us to learn more about exciting and rewarding careers outside of academic/industrial research.

via Nontraditional Careers Webinar - Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Postdoc jobs on Science Careers.

Posted in jobhunt, science, vu sur le web Tagged: alternative, changement de carriere, chercheur, recherche d'emploi