nice to meet you Gabi

Publié le 15 avril 2009 par Lapin
nice to meet you Gabi
nice to meet you Gabi
nice to meet you Gabij'ai rencontré la semaine dernière le fondateur d'urban sketchers, le seattle sketcher gabi campanario.
de passage à barcelona, il est venu chez nous le temps d'une soirée, le temps d'échanger, de parler gribouillage, et de se faire un duel dessiné. sa vision est visible là! hasta luego chico!
I enjoy a lot the visit of the fondator of urban sketchers, during his holidays in spain, gabi campanario, the seattle sketcher, spent one evening at home having a beer. to short to speak enough, I came with him to the metro station and before that, I show him quickly few building of my neighbourhood I had sketched for USk.
for sure, we had time enough for a sketching battle. his vision here!
à retrouver également sur urban sketchers !