Ah le joli mois de mai et le printemps. J'ai fait ma premiere vrai sortie d'escalade de bloc a Lost Cove. Ce fut aussi ma premiere tentative et les deux hommes ci-dessous ont renomme un bloc "the French Traverse" (La traversée française) en mon honneur, meme si je ne l'ai pas terminée.
Ah the pretty month of May and spring. I did my first official bouldering outing in Lost Cove. It was also my first attempt to boulder and two two men below renamed a boulder "The French Traverse" in my honor, even if I didn't finish it.
Je me suis vraiment mise a l'escalade de bloc a la mi-mai, a Rumbling Bald, un site ou nous reviendrons souvent. J'y laisserais des traces (on s'ecorche facilement). Je n'ai d'ailleurs toujours pas reussir a finir la voie ci-dessous. Allez, un jour...
But I only really got into bouldering toward the middle of May, in Rumbling Bald, a site where we would go back often. I would leave traces (you scrape your fingers easily_. I still haven't finish the problem below. Oh well, someday...

However I was able to admire the Flame Azalea, a discovery, those gorgeous flowers whit vibrant colors. I think that's when I started falling in love with the Carolina forests.

And let's not talk about the Mountain Laurel.

This internship was also the opportunity for me to buy my first car. Oh I would have issues with it and costly repairs. Especially when the motor would stop while driving and that I had to restart the car while on the interstate at 55mph. But it doesn't matter, I was free to explore the world.

My internship was down there, in that pretty valley, and if you take the time to read the sign, well you'll know exactly where too. In the back you can see Looking Glass Rock

Les maris avaient entendu que les Red Hat Ladies (Dames au chapeaux rouge) allaient venir visiter le site, et ils etaient tout excités a l'idée. Malheureusement elles ont annulés et ils étaient dépités.
Alors que je vous explique, les Red Hat Ladies c'est un groupe de femmes qui ont decidés qu'on devait toujours s'amuser, même et surout apres 50 ans. Elles forment une societé, et les membres portent souvent des chapeaux et echarpes rouges et des vetements violets.
Nous nous sommes donc deguisées pour leur ressembler, au plus grand plaisir de ces messieurs.
During my internship we did a joke to the men. You see, I was working with a group of volunteers. Those volunteers are retired and travels with their giant RV from National Parks to National Forests. They give 3 months of their time here and there and travel.
The husbands heard that the Red Hat Ladies were coming to visit the site and they got all excited. Sadly they canceled and the men were very dispointed.
Let me explain, the Red Hat Ladies is a group of women who decided you should always have fun, even and especially after age 50. They form a society whose member usually where red hats and scarves and purple clothing.
So we dressed up to look like them, for the great pleasure of the gentlemen.

May is also graduation season. In fact my godbrother finish high-school. So at the end of my I did a little road trip with C's cousin. We went down to south Georgia to see the graduates walk around in their outfits. The process is long and very formal. Several speaches, flags presentation, each graduate is called individually to the podium to receive their diploma, etc. It's impressive and quite amusing for a French person like me. However no hat throwing at the end like in the movies, it's forbidden for "security" reasons (the hats sharp angles I would guess).

To finish a few pictures of Asheville taken during the month of May.