voici la jupe qui donne envie de danser
pieds nus dans l'herbe verte...
After the dress that makes me look all blurry
or the one that makes me look overexposed to light,
here is a skirt that makes me want to dance barefeet in the green grass...
Fabric I received and pattern taken from Ican'trememberwhich Burda
et si ma garde-robe devenue folle ne vous effraie pas trop, revenez demain parce que je vous expliquerai pourquoi, hier, mes mains ressemblaient à ça:
and if my crazy wardrobe hasn't scared you yet, come back tomorrow because I'll explain why, yesterday, my hands looked like this:
It has actually nothing to do with the content of my wardrobe. You might even have an idea, don't you?