Petit Mateo a 2 ans depuis quelques jours. La météo pourrite et mon (#@@88%%*#@!!!!) de portable qui sonne pas qd on m'appelle m'ont fait rater sa petite fête au Bois. Mais ce soir, je vais manger dans sa maison et dans mon sac se trouveront ces petits cadeaux de rattrapage... qui j'espère plairont à Papa et Maman ;-)
Little Mateo has turned 2 a few days ago. The super bad weather and my (#@@88%%*#@!!!!) cellphone that doen'st ring when someone calls me made me miss his bday party @ the park. But tonight, I am invited to his house and in my bag should be found these few gifts... I hope Mom and Dad will like them!
Tshirt made after Dana's super tut' with an applied bunny I dreamed of trying to make months ago and am happy my friends for have children young enough to wear a Tee with hanging ears ;-)
Shorts seen in this book that I know is for girls but you can't tell, can you?