Esteban likes the color blue, stories about knights and castles and to help his dad to work in the house...
Esteban turned 5 at the beginning of the month and, as present, I 'customized' 2 swedish Tshirts (no, not from Ikea... from that other swedish brand, the one that sells clothes ;-)) with this awesomly magical flock-thing you've already seen here and that I bought there
And so that Esteban doesn't have to walk around with his butt naked while wearing his brand new Tshirts, I made him this pair of jeans shorts based on the pattern V from this book (for girls, I know). And to make sure it doesn't look girly at all, I added this fake button/zip-strap thingy (I don't know the English word for it) to the front, real pockets to the back and a red flocked star....
Et voilà, ça fait du bien de vous montrer un peu autre chose que du crochet. J'espère qu'aucune d'entre vous n'a cru que j'abandonnais la couture (IMPOSSIBLE!) Pleins d'autres projets couture que je ne pouvaient pas encore montrer ici étaient ou sont encore en cours... Vous comprendrez bien sûr qu'il est logique de d'abord les offrir, les cadeaux, avant de les mettre sur le blog (on sait jamais, qu'Esteban décide de venir voir ce que j'y mets, n'est-ce-pas, sur mon blog ;-)) Et donc, sachez, chères amies, que cette semaine sera une semaine de rattrapage... à demain ;-)
Does it ever feel good to show you something else than crochet. I hope none of you thought I had given up sewing (NO WAY!). I have a few more items I coudn'lt show you yet that are or about to be made. I know you understand I prefer to offer a gift before I show it here to you all (you never know... what if Esteban had suddenly decided to come see what was going on around here?). So, ladies, please be informed that this week will be a catching up week... Talk to you tomorrow ;-)