Watch the snow falling and feel fine at home, making sure all the Christmas gifts are made (almost!) and well wrapped...
(traduction: boire des bulles, ouvrir des cadeaux et trop manger ;-))
Spend time with the ones I love and rehearse… before Christmas
(meaning: drink champaign, open presents and eat too much ;-))
Every once in a while, panic because the snow won't stop falling and I won't be able to go to work (yeah, right ;-))
Merci pour tout, à vous qui passez par là…
Read your comments, sweet notes and e-mails and think that you are wonderful. That I didn't mean to make you cry or feel any pity. That I just really needed to talk a bit about myself and explain why I sew so much, so often. That, at least, in front of my sewing machine or my notebook, I don't think. I forget that stupid feeling of being useless. That at least what I am making will probably please someone and remain… as a little bit of myself…; Thank you all of you, dear readers…