Vous ne nierez pas qu'il est terriblement difficile de trouver des idées de cadeau fait main zé maison pour homme... En voici une toute petite qui m'est survenue alors que je regardais (sans aucune arrière-pensée de robe pour moi-même du tout) les lainages dans mon magasin de tissu non préféré mais néanmoins le plus proche de mon domicile... Une écharpe trop la classe...
It a super simple, clearly not a revolution but the ones I gave one to liked (they might also all have said so because they're super polite...)... So, here's the tutorial:
It can be worn by passing one end through the buttonhole you carefully made. But it can also be worn a more usual way which is just crazy, isn't it? It can be made longer or with pockets or whatever good idea I am sure you will have...
I know it is a little too 'after Christmas' to share this with you but are you really sure you didn't forget anyone? and, you know what... Valentine's Day is only 6 weeks from now... Father's Day is in June... And seriously, Christmas, when you think about it, takes place again in only 361 days... have a super sweet day ;-)