D'où vient l'inspiration de Cassandra Clare concernant les runes et les chasseurs d'ombres ? (pour l'interview en entier c'est par ici)
Q: What was the inspiration for the Shadowhunters and runes?
CC: I was in the East Village in New York, it was right after I moved there so it was 2003 or something like that, with a friend of mine who’s an artist and she’s a tattoo artist. She took me to her tattoo shop because she wanted to show me her flash book which is the book of art that a tattoo artist has specifically designed; it’s their own work, their own designs. Her designs were all these sort of dark, swirling, obviously tribally influenced tattoos and I asked her what they meant if they had any meaning to the patterns ‘cause they felt like they did. She said that they were based on various runic languages, they were her own original work but she based them on various runes—there are multiple runic languages—and she talked to me about how people used to put them on their skin before they went into battle because they believed that they gave them extra bravery or extra strength. And so I thought it would be great to bring that forward into modern times as something that actually worked; like create a race of demon slayers or evil fighters or whatever you want to call them, and have them use these symbols to fuel their power and help them fight evil. And so, I never actually did get a tattoo, I went to study runes and runic languages and her art. There are what they call heavenly alphabets and stuff like that are supposed to be special [inaudible] and that’s where I got the idea of them coming from the angel.
Cassandra Clare a été en 2003 voir une amie à elle qui possède une boutique de tatouages et son amie lui a montré certains de ses motifs qui étaient sombres, tourbillonnants, d'influence tribale. Elle lui a demandé leur signification et elle a dit que c'était son propre travail mais basé sur des runes diverses. Il y a de multiples langages runiques et elle lui a expliqué comment les gens avaient l'habitude de se les mettre sur la peau avant la bataille car ils pensaient que cela les rendraient plus braves et plus forts. Cassandra Clare a beaucoup aimé l'idée et elle a pensé que ce serait une bonne façon de rapporter ça à l'époque actuelle comme quelque chose qui fonctionne vraiment et créer une race de tueurs de démons et d'utiliser ces symboles pour les rendre plus forts et les aider à combattre le mal. Elle ne s'est pas fait faire de tatouage mais elle s'est mise à étudier les runes, les langages runiques et l'art qui y est lié.
Pendentifs avec les 'binding runes' (Miroir Mortel - City of Glass)