A black and yellow bag is a bicolored bag...
A yellow and black bag is a bag just perfect to take part to this month's Défi 13...
A black and yellow bag because I needed a new bag...
A black and yellow bag because I had never sewn skaï...
A yellow and black bag because that skaï, nicely black, nicely matte, nicely soft seduced me...
A black and yellow bag even though my sewing machine, grumbled, complained and refused to move...
A black and yellow that took form all by itself, without pattern, just as my inspiration - or imagination - went on...
A black and yellow bag on a colourful seat because just bicolore because so much sobriety isn't that usual here, at By Night's
même pour aller regarder d'autres merveilles aux 2 couleurs...
A black and yellow bag that is mine, mine and mine only... that I won't let go very easily... not even to go take a look at some other bicolor wonders...