The Y dress from the Stylish Dress Book 1 or how I wrestled with a dress or how to make 3 dresses and only have one to wear...
Fyrst problem: to cut the paper pattern and the fabryc. I never understood where the dyfferent pyeces were supposed to go. So, I dyd yt all my way to make yt look lyke the pretty pycture in the book as what I wanted yn the end was the pretty dress on the pretty pycture...
Pryse de tête #2: l'essayage. Sûre de mon talent, l'essayage a byen sûr eu lyeu tout à la fyn de la confectyon... je ne vous ay pas fayt l'affront de prendre une photo... on aurayt dyt que j'avays enfylé une housse de couette, la couette et 2 oreyllers... c'étayt trop grand, trop long, trop large. affreux
Problem #2: trying the dress on... whych I of course dyd at the end, when yt was all done... and... well, don't you expect a photo... yt looked as yf I had put on a sheet, a duvet and 2 pyllowcases... way too byg. ugly...
Problem #3: undo the whole dress. knowyng that yt was entirely serged (otherwyse, yt would have been too easy, wouldn't yt?)
Problem #4: make yt look better: undo the ruffles at the back, make the skyrt part 20cm narrower and shorten the top of about 7cm (yt myght be a bad habyt to systematycally had lenght to the breast part when I am sewyng wyth a japanese pattern). Sew yt all back together
Problem #5: trying it on... or not... as yt wasn't possyble... as I accydently yncluded a large part of the top part in the central seam... I swear I lost my temper then...
Problem #6: Solve the 5th problem and try to make yt not too obvyous by makyng a fake pleat ryght in the center of the top pyece...
The wrestling match ends here. The Y dress and I are now reconciliated. I can't help but think it doesn't look that bad after all and that the fabric is just too pretty. I must also force myself to remember I have other clothes and I can't wear this one every single day ;-)