Publié le 09 avril 2011 par Podcastjournal @Podcast_Journal
PLAN DU SITE Recherche par tags (mots-clés) Recherche d'évènements (agenda) Eight of top ten tennis players are in Monte Carlo for their favourite tennis tournament, Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters, which opened on a sunny Saturday 9 April, with a 'tirage' in the VIP Village of Monte Carlo Country Club. Director of the tournament since 2005, Zeljko Franulovic, introduced Scottish player, Andy Murray to the President of the Committee, Baronne Elizabeth-Ann de Massy (daughter of the late Princess Antoinette, President of the club from 1971-2008, who died aged 90 on 18 March) and other dignitaries who assisted in the draw for places in the tournament.

Swiss champion, Roger Federer, missed the 2010 tournament, but is here this year to challenge six times winner, Rafael Nadal, but Novak Djokovic could prove a formidable contender for the 2,227,500 euro prize money.

NB: World No. 2 Novak Djokovic had to withdrawn from this competition due to his knee injury. Monte Carlo Rolex Masters tennis tournament opens on a sunny Saturday at the celebrated Countr... Podcast (133.48 Ko) Afin de limiter au mieux les maladies, et de venir en aide à la population libyenne, l'UNICE... Podcast (202.46 Ko)