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eG8 le programme

Publié le 24 mai 2011 par Laurent Vermot-Gauchy @laurentvg

EG8 Cette semaine se tient à Paris le eG8 en marge du sommet des Chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement du G8, à Deauville, les 26 et 27 mai 2011.

Le e-G8 Forum réunira des leaders et experts des technologies de l'information et de l'Internet, du monde entier. Les acteurs de l'économie numérique participant au e-G8 Forum seront libres de leurs sujets, de l'ordre du jour, du contenu et des conclusions qui seront soumises à la discussion des chefs d'Etat à Deauville. Comme c'est une première, difficile de prédire ce que cela va donner.

A suivre sur twitter... puisque c'est devenu le dernier media en vogue où l'on cause ...

En attendant, voici le programme :

  • MARDI 24 MAI


Registration & Coffee



Maurice Lévy, Chairman & CEO, Publicis Groupe, Chairman of e-G8 Forum


Opening keynote & Discussion

Monsieur Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France, President of the G-8


Departure of President and his party


"Internet Matters"

James Manyika / Director, McKinsey & Company & Matthieu Pélissié du Rausas / Director, McKinsey & Company


Plenary I
The Internet & Economic Growth

John Donahoe / President & CEO, eBay
Christine Lagarde / Minister of Finance, France
Jean-Bernard Lévy / Chief Executive Officer, Vivendi
Hiroshi Mikitani / Chairman & CEO, Rakuten
Sunil Bharti Mittal / Chairman & Managing Director, Bharti Airtel Ltd.
Eric Schmidt / Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
Moderator: Ben Verwaayen / CEO, Alcatel-Lucent




Plenary II
The Internet & Society

Tom Glocer / CEO, Thomson Reuters
Andrew Mason / Founder & CEO, Groupon
Stéphane Richard / Chairman & CEO, France Telecom - Orange
Sheryl Sandberg / COO, Facebook
Klaus Schwab / Founder & Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
Jimmy Wales / Founder, Wikipedia
Moderator: Maurice Lévy


Special Talk
Digital's Next Frontier: Education

Rupert Murdoch / Chairman & CEO, News Corporation


Plenary III
Future Net: What's Next?

Peter Chou / CEO, HTC
Paul Hermelin / CEO, Capgemini
Danny Hillis / Co-Chairman & CTO, Applied Minds
Paul Jacobs / Chairman & CEO, Qualcomm
Craig Mundie / Chief Research & Strategy Officer, Microsoft
Michel de Rosen / CEO, Eutelsat
Moderator: David Rowan / Editor, Wired UK


Coffee Break


Plenary IV
Intellectual Property and the Culture Economy in the Digital Age

Antoine Gallimard / Chairman, Éditions Gallimard
Jim Gianopulos / Chairman, 20th Century Fox
Frédéric Mitterrand / Minister of Culture & Communication, France
Pascal Nègre / CEO, Universal Music France
Hartmut Ostrowski / Chairman & CEO, Bertelsmann
Moderator: Bruno Patino / Director-General, Digital & Strategy, France Télévisions



Andrew Mason / Founder & CEO, Groupon talks with Gilles Babinet / Entrepreneur & Chairman, Conseil National du Numerique


e-G8 Soirée :

L'Arc, 2 rue de Presbourg, Paris.



Registration - Tuileries Garden


Opening Conversation

Neelie Kroes / European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda talks with Ben Verwaayen


Plenary V
Fostering Innovation: How to build the future

Introduction: Lawrence Lessig / Professor, Harvard Law School
Eric Besson / MInister of Industry, Energy & Digital Economy, France
Charles Chao / Chairman & CEO, SINA Corp.
Yuri Milner / CEO & Managing Partner, Digital Sky Technologies
Xavier Niel / Founder & Chairman, Iliad
Sean Parker / Managing Partner, Founders Fund
Niklas Zennström / CEO & Founding Partner, Atomico
Moderator: John Gapper / Chief Business Commentator, Financial Times


Plenary VI
Digital Transformation: Reinventing traditional businesses

Franco Bernabè / Chairman & CEO, Telecom Italia
Rosabeth Moss Kanter / Professor, Harvard Business School
Eric Labaye / Chairman, McKinsey Global Institute
Stephen A. Schwarzman / Chairman & CEO, The Blackstone Group
Mark Thompson / Director-General, BBC
Moderator: Jeff Cole / Executive Director, USC Annenberg Center for the Digital Future


Coffee Break


Workshops I

Building Blocks
The art of the start-up
Samir Arora / Chairman & CEO, Glam Media
Luca Ascani / Co-Founder & Chairman, Populis
Bruce Golden / Partner, Accel Partners
Rick Marini / Founder & CEO, Branch Out
Shaukat Shamim / Founder & CEO Buysight
Moderator: Esther Dyson / Chairman, EDventure

King Content
Entertainment in the digital age
Carolyn Reidy / President & CEO, Simon & Schuster
David Drummond / Senior Vice President, Google
Martin Rogard / General Manager, France, Dailymotion
David Kenny / President, Akamai
Mikael Hed / CEO, Rovio Mobile
Patrick Zelnik / CEO, Naïve
Moderator: Spencer Reiss / Program Director, Monaco Media Forum

Electronic Liberty
New Tools for Freedom
Introduction: John Perry Barlow / Vice Chairman, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Alec Ross / Special Advisor to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Jean-François Julliard / Secretary-General, Reporters Without Borders
Tony Wang / General Manager Europe, Twitter
Hassan Fattah / Editor-in-Chief, The National
Jamal Khashoggi / General Manager, Alwaleed 24News channel
Susan Pointer / Director, Public Policy & Government Relations EMEA, Google
Nadine Wahab / Egyptian activist
Moderator: Olivier Fleurot / CEO, MSLGROUP




Workshops II

Be Here Now
Mobility changes everything
Alexandre Mars / CEO, Phonevalley & Head of Mobile, Publicis Groupe
George-Edouard Dias / Head of L'Oreal Digital Business Group
Bart Decrem / SVP & GM, Disney Mobile
Rich Wong / Accel Partners
Eric Hazan / Partner, McKinsey
Tod Cohen / Deputy General Counsel and VP Government Relations International, eBay
Olivier Roussat / Director-General, Bouygues Telecom
David Jones / Global CEO EuroRSCG Worldwide
Moderator: David Barroux, Les Echos

Is Internet killing – or relaunching – the press?
Robert Thomson / Editor-in-Chief, Dow Jones
Robert Shrimsley / Managing Editor,
Arthur Sulzberger, Jr. / Chairman & CEO, The New York Times
Norman Pearlstine / Chief Content Officer, Bloomberg LLC
Carlo De Benedetti, Chairman, Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso

Open Government
Open data: For the People, by the Internet
Laurent Blanchard / VP, European Markets & General Manager, Cisco France
Carlos A. Primo Braga / Special Representative, The World Bank
Jean-Philippe Courtois / President, Microsoft International
Séverin Naudet / Director, ETALAB
Andrew Rasiej / Founder, Personal Democracy Forum
Nigel Shadbolt / Professor, University of Southampton
Moderator: Stanislas Magniant / Co-Founder,


Workshops III

The Disrupters
Extreme innovation
Lars Bjork / CEO, QlikTech
Jacques-Antoine Granjon / CEO & Founder,
Brent Hoberman / Co-Founder, PROfounders Capital & Chairman, mydeco
Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet / Co-Founder & CEO, PriceMinister
Xavier Niel / Founder & Chairman, Iliad
Marc Simoncini / Founder & CEO, Meetic
Yossi Vardi / Chairman, International Technologies
Martin Varsavsky / Founder & CEO, FON Wireless, Ltd.
Moderator: Loic Le Meur / Founder & CEO, Seesmic & Le Web

Sharing Value
How to divide the digital bounty among creators, distributors -- and governments?
Franck Esser/Chairman & CEO, SFR
Gabrielle Gauthey / EVP, Global Government & Public Affairs, Alcatel
Reed Hundt / Chairman, Aspen Institute IDEA Project
Alain Minc / President, AM Conseil
Ezra Suleiman / IBM Professor in International Studies, Princeton University
Moderator: Gilles Babinet

The Data Dilemma
Privacy in a networked world
Alain Lévy / CEO, Weborama
Jeff Jarvis / Buzzmachine
Christopher Wolf / Partner, Hogan Lovells
Mitchell Baker / Chair, Mozilla
Christian Morales / VP & General Manager EMEA, Intel
Andrew Keen / Author, "Digital Vertigo"
Steve Baker / Author, The Numerati & Final Jeopardy
Moderator: Curt Hecht / CEO, VivaKi Nerve Center




Closing Conversation

Mark Zuckerberg / Founder & CEO, Facebook talks with Maurice Lévy


Closing Plenary
Messages to Deauville

From 18:30

Closing Cocktail

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