Fact #1: 2 super spoiled teens live unther my roof as they recently received their very own computer... it was getting really complicated to handle the homework, my husband's job, the evenings on FB, me retouching pictures or visiting your blogs... Add to that that my MacBook was a little hurt every time it'd hear them ask 'do you mind if I borrow your 'PC'?
Fait #2: un ordi portable, ça se transporte... d'où la nécessité d'avoir un sac... Mais, Nat (c'est moi), tu vas nous en faire un, non? Ben si... reste à vous mettre d'accord sur le look, les ptits gars... un des 2 voulait de l'orange, l'autre du bleu... classique...
Fact#2: a portable computer needs to be transported... therefore a bag is needed... Hey, Nat (that's me), you can make us one, can't you? Of course, I can, guys... you just need to get along on the look you both want... One wanted orange, the other blue... classic ;-)
Fait #3: le sac est en lin gris (une tuerie!) dehors et jeans noir dedans... logique... mais le résultat est juste top. Ils ont bon goût, ces joyeux bonhommes ;-) Quant au modèle, vous vous en doutez... j'ai suivi mon propre tuto(clic) et j'ai carrément tout compris... dingue!
Fact#3: The outside is in grey linen, the inside is a black jeans fabric... logic, isn't it? But the result is just super nice... They do have great taste, don't they, these 2... As for the pattern, you probably guessed it already, I used my own tutorial(clic) and I even understood it all... crazy, eh?