Arabesque, Graphisme et design du monde Arabe et Perse, un ouvrage de Ben Wittner, Sascha Thoma, Nicolas Bourquin qui devrait sortir courant Avril 2008
Format: 24 x 28 cm, 192 pages, CD-ROM. Gestalten éditions.

Le Descriptif de l’éditeurArabesque investigates the current creative potential of the Arab World and Persia. The book collects examples of recent innovative and groundbreaking design work that is inspired by the richness of the region’s visual culture. In addition to a wide range of Arabic fonts and typefaces, it presents graphic design, modern calligraphy, logos and illustration by artists from Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Lebanon. Supplemented by texts that describe the environments in which the designers and artists work, Arabesque also includes a CD-ROM with the Arabic inspired Latin typeface created by Ben Wittner and Sascha Thoma.

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