Exhibition Cyril LE VAN / gallery ECARTFebruary 17 to March 15, 2012
"Made in China", installation of photographic volumes print on canvas, size 1 / 1.Gallery ECARTValérie Schwindt-KlevemanGroße Gildewart 23a49074 OsnabrückMobil: 0170 484 30 60www.galerie-ecart.de
"Made in China", installation de volumes photographiques imprimés sur bâche plastique, échelle 1.Gallery ECARTValérie Schwindt-KlevemanGroße Gildewart 23a49074 OsnabrückMobil: 0170 484 30 60www.galerie-ecart.de------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cyril LE VAN / RAW ART FAIR Rotterdam
"photographic volumes"8-12 february 2012Galerie Judy StratenSchoolstraat 75961 EE HorstTEL +31 (0)77 3661910 www.galeriejudystraten.nlwww.rawartfair.com