Post Literate Art - Abstract Calligraffiti by Nuno de MatosPost literacy as visual art expression by Nuno de Matos ( )Acrylic, metal spray, posca on canvas 160x120Abstract writing by Nuno de matos // www.matox.fracrylic, metal spray and posca on canvas - 120x120 Like, the Futur Post-Literate Society ?Consider this in light of Bruce Powe’s description of a post-literate society: Literacy: the ability to read and interpret the written word. What is post-literacy? It is the condition of semi-literacy, where most people can read and write to some extent, but where the literate sensibility no longer occupies a central position in culture, society, and politics. Post-literacy occurs when the ability to comprehend the written word decays. If post-literacy is now the ground of society questions arise: what happens to the reader, the writer, and the book in post-literary environment? What happens to thinking, resistance, and dissent when the ground becomes wordless?