The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge : Merge

Publié le 18 août 2012 par Gintonhic @GinTonHic

This week’s photo challenge “Merge” is inspiring me to publish pictures of my “wrong” doing.

Why wrong ?

The pictures were taken with a 35 mm Minolta camera.  The film got stuck into the camera.  I pushed a few buttons and the film seemed to roll fine. What I did not know was that I was shooting on top of pictures taken earlier. The result : merging.


These pictures were taken at the Percé Rock (or Rocher Percé) in Percé, Canada.

The Percé Rock is a monolith off the Gaspé Peninsula, 750 km east of Québec City. This limestone island-peninsula, once attached to the shoreline, is of an impressive size : 450 m long, 90 m wide and 85 m high. It can be reached at low tide. Its name derives from the fact that the sea has pierced holes in its structure to form archways.  The Percé Rock is one of the major tourist attractions of Québec and Canada.

Classé dans:Daily Post, Mes photos, Practicing my English Tagged: canada, dailypost, gaspésie, merge, perce, Photos, postaday, Québec, rocher percé, vacances, voyage, weekly photo challenge, wordpress