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TRADITION ? Afrique du Sud: un écolier de 9 ans ré-épouse sa femme de… 62 ans

Publié le 21 juillet 2014 par Menye Alain

Simplement choquant, inacceptable et surtout mensonger. Après une union en bonne et due forme à la Mairie, les mariés sont passés à la phase traditionnelle pour renouveler leurs vœux.  Helen Shabangu, la mariée, a eu lors de son premier mariage,  cinq enfants. Quant au marié,  Sanele Masilela, aurait eu un rêve dans ce sens. Il serait heureux de l’issue, sa mère aussi, une dame âgée de… 47 ans…

L’année dernière, la mariée et le marié s’étaient unis après que le garçon ait révélé à sa famille qu’il avait été informé par ses ancêtres, morts depuis des lustres, de se marier. Sa famille avait alors  pris son message venu des cieux, très au sérieux…Minalmi 1 !

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Nine-year-old schoolboy, Saneie Masilela  and his 62-year-old bride Helen Shabangu, wore traditional attire as they renewed their wedding vows in South Africa

The duo first married one year ago, but they decided to follow through with South African traditions which involves a second ceremony to make the marriage official

TRADITION ? Afrique du Sud: un écolier de 9 ans ré-épouse sa femme de… 62 ans

Last year the bride and groom tied the knot after Saneie claimed he had been told by his dead ancestors to wed and his family took the message from the heavens  very seriously

La photo du dessus montre l’ancien époux de cette femme, père de ses cinq enfants âgés entre 38 ans et 28 ans.

Helen's husband of 30 years, Alfred Shabangu, 66, (right) and their five children, aged between 38 and 28, all attended the ceremony

Alfred said that he and his childrne were happy about the marriage: 'we don't have a problem with her marrying the boy - and I don't care what other people say'

Sanele's 47-year-old mum, Patience Masilela, insists that the marriage is simply symbolic and not legally binding and that her son is very happy about the arrangement
Sanele and his bride did not sign a marriage certificate and do not have to live together. Both have gone back to their normal lives
The groom's mother (right) strongly believes that the duos' unity is a necessity and a 'calling from the ancestors', saying: 'If we hadn't done what my son had asked then something bad would have happened in the family'

1 Minalmi = quelle arnaque en langue béti du Cameroun !

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Par Wilfrid Gabriel Ndoum Bell
posté le 15 novembre à 19:36

Très bon idées car cela c'est des l'amour et cela n'a pas d'âge si possible je ferais la même chose