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News bière – Bière artisanale japonaise à volonté! – Airbnb – Bière noire

Publié le 09 décembre 2019 par Cafesecret

Bière artisanale japonaise à volonté! – Airbnb

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<meta content = "" first_visit_survey.help_us ":" Aidez-nous à en savoir plus sur les personnes qui visitent Airbnb. "," first_visit_survey.ready ":" Dans quelle mesure vous sentez-vous prêt à essayer Airbnb pour votre prochain voyage? "," first_visit_survey. " ready.not_ready ":" Pas du tout prêt "," first_visit_survey.ready.ready ":" Modérément prêt "," first_visit_survey.ready.sort_of_ready ":" Légèrement prêt "," first_visit_survey.ready.totally_ready ":" Extrêmement prêt " , "first_visit_survey.ready.very_ready": "Très prêt", "first_visit_survey.planning_trip": "Envisagez-vous actuellement un voyage?", "first_visit_survey.planning_trip.trip_in_mind": "Oui, je sais où je vais", "first_visit_survey.planning_trip.not_sure_where": "Oui, mais je ne sais pas encore où je vais", "first_visit_survey.planning_trip.no_plans": "Non, je cherche juste", "signup_survey.how_learned": " Comment avez-vous découvert Airbnb pour la première fois? "," Signup_survey.event ":" Lors d'un événement "," signup_survey.friend_family ":" Par un ami ou un membre de la famille "," signup_survey.internet_search ":" Recherche Internet "," signup_survey.news_article ":" Article de presse "," signup_survey.online_ad ":" Publicité en ligne "," signup_survey.print_ad ":" Imprimer une annonce, un panneau d'affichage ou une affiche "," signup_survey.social_media ":" Réseaux sociaux ou article de blog "," ":" TV "," signup_survey.dont_remember ":" Je ne me souviens pas "," signup_survey.other ":" Autre "," skip ":" Skip "," legacy_mario.mario_copy_monorail_facebook_prompt .welcome_back ":" Bienvenue à nouveau "," legacy_mario.mario_copy_monorail_facebook_prompt.welcome_back_period ":" Bienvenue à nouveau. "," legacy_mario.mario_copy_monorail_facebook_prompt.last_login_with_facebook ":" On dirait que vous vous êtes connecté avec_téléphone_ avec. : "Les invités peuvent-ils utiliser ce numéro pour vous contacter?", "Phone_number_verification.contact_phone_selection.same": "Oui, les invités peuvent utiliser ce numéro", "phone_number_verification.contact_phone_selection.different": "Non, ajoutez un autre numéro pour les invités "," country_name_with_corresponding_phone_number_country_code_like_United States ( +1) ":"% country_name (% phone_country_code_prefix) "," shared.Edit ":" Edit "," shared.Verified ":" Vérifié "," shared.Try again ":" Try again ", "phone_number_verification.code_input.title": "Entrez votre code de sécurité", "code_input.phone_call.retry_label": "Vous n'avez pas reçu d'appel?", "code_input.text.retry_label": "Vous ne l'avez pas reçu?",, "code_input.phone_call.other_option_label": "Texte-moi à la place", "code_input.text.other_option_label": "Appelle-moi à la place", "phone_number_verification.code_input_screen.phone_call_type.subtitle": "Nous vous appellerons avec votre code à% phone_number. "," phone_number_verification.code_input_screen.text.subtitle ":" Nous avons envoyé votre code par SMS à% phone_number. L'arrivée peut prendre une minute. "," Phone_number_verification.contact_phone_add.verified_section.title ":" Numéro de téléphone du contact ajouté "," phone_number_verification.number_input_section.subtitle ":" Nous vous enverrons des demandes de réservation, des rappels et d'autres notifications. Ce numéro doit pouvoir recevoir des SMS ou des appels. "," ":" Quel numéro les invités peuvent-ils utiliser pour vous contacter? "," Phone_number_verification.list_your_space.help_panel_content ":" A venir, nous allons demandez si les clients peuvent utiliser ce numéro pour vous contacter. Si cela ne vous convient pas, vous pouvez ajouter un autre numéro à utiliser. "," Phone_verification.generic_error_message ":" Désolé, une erreur s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer. "," Smart_banner.title ":" Airbnb pour iOS "," smart_banner.title_android ":" Airbnb pour Android "," smart_banner.INSTALL ":" INSTALL "," smart_banner.Install ":" Installer ", "smart_banner.OPEN MOBILE APP": "OPEN", "smart_banner.Open app": "Open", "shared.Close": "Close", "Password": "Password", "users.Confirm_Password_to_Continue": "Confirm Password" pour continuer "," users.Confirm_Password ":" Confirmer le mot de passe "," users.Cancel ":" Annuler "," users.Please_enter_your_Airbnb_password_to_continue. ":" Pour votre sécurité, veuillez saisir votre mot de passe Airbnb pour continuer. "," utilisateur. signup.forgot_password ":" Mot de passe oublié? "," users.Confirm_Facebook_Password ":" Confirm Facebook Password "," home ":" Home "," profile ":" Profile "," download_the_app ":" Download the App "," sign_up ":" Inscription "," histoires ":" Histoires "," log_in ":" Connexion "," alertes ":" Alertes "," boîte de réception ":" Boîte de réception "," messages ":" Messages "," découvrir ":" Découvrir "," rechercher ":" Rechercher "," how_it_works ":" Comment ça marche "," aide ":" Aide "," invite_friends ":" Inviter des amis "," déconnexion ":" Déconnexion " , "nom": "Utilisateur", "photo graphie ":" Photographie "," voyages ":" Voyages "," vos_trips ":" Vos voyages "," devenu_un_hôte ":" Devenez un hôte "," switch_to_hosting ":" Passer à l'hébergement "," tableau de bord ":" Tableau de bord " "," live_chat ":" Live Chat "," business travel b1 redirect ":" Airbnb for Work "," main_title_in_reservation_list_page ":" Reservation Center "," china_web_browsing_history.main_name_used_everywhere ":" History "," guest_picker_guests_label " smart_count guest ||||% smart_count invites "," guest_picker_adult_count ":"% smart_count adulte ||||% smart_count adultes "," guest_picker_child_count ":"% smart_count enfant ||||% smart_count children "," guest_picker_toddler_count ":"% smart_count toddler ||||%% smart_count toddlers "," guest_picker_infant_count ":"% smart_count infant |||||% smart_count infanters "," guest_pick ":" Âges% min -% max "," guest_picker_age_under ":" Moins de% age "," guest_picker_guest_maximum ":"% smart_count maximum invité. Les bébés ne comptent pas dans le nombre d'invités. ||||% smart_count invités maximum. Les bébés ne comptent pas dans le nombre d'invités. "," Guest_picker_close ":" fermer "," guest_picker_increment ":" Incrémenter le nombre de% label "," guest_picker_decrement ":" Décrémenter le nombre de% label "," guest_picker_adults ":" adultes "," guest_picker_children ":" enfants "," guest_picker_infants ":" nourrissons "," guest_picker_adults_capitalized ":" Adultes "," guest_picker_children_capitalized ":" Enfants "," guest_picker_todd "" Enfants "," guest_picker_tod " : "Bébés", "guest_picker_adults_label": "Veuillez définir le nombre d'adultes.", "Guest_picker_children_label": "Veuillez définir le nombre d'enfants.", "Guest_picker_infants_label": "Veuillez définir le nombre d'enfants.", "Guest_picker_restaurant_guests_label" : "% smart_count guest ||||% smart_count guest", "a4w.search_intent.guest_picker_business_travel_toggle": "Vous voyagez pour le travail?", "fermer": "Fermer", "android.strings.search_where_to": " Où aller? "," Shared.Search ":" Search "," checkin ":" Check in "," checkout ":" Check out "," shared.Check in ":" Check In "," share d.Check out ":" Check Out "," clear_dates ":" Clear Dates "," x_guests ":"% smart_count guest |||| % smart_count invités "," whole_home ":" Maison entière "," private_room ":" Chambre privée "," shared_room ":" Chambre partagée "," number_of_guests ":" Nombre d'invités "," room_type_0 ":" Entier home / apt "," room_type_1 ":" Chambre privée "," room_type_2 ":" Chambre partagée "," find_a_place ":" Trouver un lieu "," guest shared.x ":"% smart_count guest |||| % smart_count invités "," shared.When ":" Quand "," shared.Where ":" Où "," shared.Guests ":" Invités "," search_bar.destination_city_address ":" Destination, ville, adresse " , "p1.search_bar.placeholder_text.destination_city_address": "Destination, ville ou adresse", "p1.search_bar.placeholder_text.city_address_keyword": "Ville, adresse ou mot clé", "shared.Home": "Home", " shared.Airbnb ":" Airbnb "," header.accessible text for Airbnb logo that links to the homepage ":" Airbnb homepage "," header.accessible text for Airbnb logo button that opens flyout navigation menu ":" Main navigation menu " , "shared.Help": "Help", "shared.Trips": "Trips", "header.Saved": "Saved", "shared.Messages": "Messages", "shared.Become a Host": " Devenir hôte "," header.Mobile ":" Mobile "," Log In ":" Log in "," Sign Up ":" Sign up "," referrals.Travel Credit ":" Credit "," shared.Business ":" Business "," currency_picker.short text for ARS ":" Peso argentin "," currency_picker.short text for AUD ":" Australian Dollar "," currency_picker.short text for BRL ":" Brazilian Real "," curr ency_picker.short text for BGN ":" Bulgarian Lev "," currency_picker.short text for CAD ":" Canadian Dollar "," currency_picker.short text for CLP ":" Chilean Peso "," currency_picker.short text for CNY ":: "Yuan chinois", "texte currency_picker.short pour COP": "Peso colombien", "text currency_picker.short pour CRC": "Colon costaricien", "currency_picker.short texte pour HRK": "Kuna croate", "currency_picker Texte court pour CZK ":" Couronne tchèque "," devise_picker.Texte court pour DKK ":" Couronne danoise "," Texte devise_picker.short pour AED ":" Dirham émirati "," Texte devise_picker.short pour EUR ":" Euro "," texte currency_picker.short pour HKD ":" Dollar de Hong Kong "," texte currency_picker.short pour HUF ":" Forint hongrois "," texte currency_picker.short pour INR ":" Roupie indienne "," currency_picker.short texte pour IDR ":" Roupie indonésienne "," currency_picker.short texte pour ILS ":" Israel New Shekel "," currency_picker.short texte pour JPY ":" Yen japonais "," currency_picker.short texte pour MYR ":" Malaisien Ringgit "," currency_picker.short text for MXN ":" M peso exican "," texte currency_picker.short pour MAD ":" Dirham marocain "," text currency_picker.short pour TWD ":" New Dollar de Taiwan "," currency_picker.short text pour NZD ":" dollar néo-zélandais "," currency_picker Texte court pour NOK ":" Couronne norvégienne "," Texte devise_picker. Court pour PEN ":" Sol péruvien "," Texte devise_picker.short pour PHP ":" Peso philippin "," Texte devise_picker.short pour PLN ":" Zloty polonais "," texte currency_picker.short pour GBP ":" Livre sterling "," texte currency_picker.short pour RON ":" Leu roumain "," texte currency_picker.short pour RUB ":" rouble russe "," currency_picker.short texte pour SAR ":" riyal saoudien "," currency_picker.short texte pour SGD ":" Dollar de Singapour "," currency_picker.short texte pour ZAR ":" South African Rand "," currency_picker.short texte pour KRW ":" Won sud-coréen "," currency_picker.short text for SEK ":" Swedish Krona "," currency_picker.short text for CHF ":" Swiss Franc "," currency_picker.short text for THB ":" Thai Baht "," currency_picker. texte court pour TRY ":" lire turque "," devise_ picker.short text for UAH ":" Ukrainian Hryvnia "," currency_picker.short text for USD ":" U.S. Dollar "," currency_picker.short text for UYU ":" Uruguayan Peso "," currency_picker.short text for VND ":" Vietnamese Dong "," currency_picker.title for fréquemment used devises ":" Top Currencies "," currency_picker.title pour les autres devises moins fréquemment utilisées ":" Autres devises "," Ajouter une nouvelle annonce ":" Ajouter une nouvelle annonce "," Ajouter une annonce ":" Ajouter une annonce "," Instructions shared.Search.VoiceOver ":" Utiliser et flèches vers le bas pour naviguer dans les suggestions. "," shared.Search.Suggestion Count for Voiceover ":" 1 suggestion. ||||% smart_count suggestions. "," shared.Search.Screen lecteur texte qui informe le nombre de suggestions avec entrée utilisateur ":" 1 suggestion pour% user_input. ||||% smart_count suggestions pour% user_input. "," search.voiceover.VoiceOver_description_for_list_of_search_suggestions ":" Suggestions de recherche "," shared.Messages.Discriminatory content avertissement pour notification ":" Avertissement: cette conversation peut contenir un langage discriminatoire. "," Modifier le profil ":" Modifier le profil "," partagé. Crédit voyage ":" Crédit voyage "," partagé .Barre de menu de navigation des histoires pour le fil de l'histoire ":" Histoires "," partagé. Barre de menu de navigation deouponCenter pour le centre de coupons ":" Centre de coupons "," partagé. Paramètres de compte ":" Paramètres du compte "," trips.explore.guidebook. header_nav_dropdown_guidebook_dashboard_entry_point ":" Votre guide "," shared.Gift Cards ":" Gift Cards "," shared.Business Travel ":" Business Travel "," Log Out ":" Log Out "," flyout.Log out ":" Déconnectez-vous "," header_global.dropdown_item.label.profile ":" Profil "," header_global.dropdown_item.label.account ":" Compte "," shared.Host ":" Host "," header.Host ":" Hosting " "," Dashboard ":" Dashboard "," Hosting dashboard ":" Hosting dashboard "," hmc.cta.message.header.dropdown.title ":" No time to host? "," Hmc.cta.message.header .dropdown.subtitle ":" Obtenez l'aide de l'un de nos gestionnaires immobiliers préférés. "," Inbox ":" Inbox "," Dashboard Statistics ":" Stats "," Dashboard Progress ":" Progress "," performance_hub_phrases.performance. ":" Performances "," header.host_menu.Reservations ":" Réservations "," homes.prohost.teams.h eader.host_menu.Team ":" Team "," homes.prohost.hmc.list_of_leads.header.host_menu.Leads ":" Leads "," shared.Calendar ":" Calendar "," Manage Listings ":" Manage Listings " , "Inscriptions": "Inscriptions", "Inscriptions": "Inscriptions", "shared.list_your_space": "Inscrire votre espace", "Ajouter de nouvelles inscriptions": "Ajouter une nouvelle inscriptions", "Ajouter un guide de la ville": " Ajouter un guide de la ville "," shared.host_a_home (liste déroulante de l'en-tête de votre entrée d'espace) ":" Héberger une maison "," shared.host_a_home_what_my_place_is_worth (sous-titre de l'élément de navigation) ":" Gagnez jusqu'à% bold_start% revenue une semaine% bold_end "," shared.host_a_home_what_my_place_is_worth_a_month (nav item subtitle) ":" Gagnez jusqu'à% bold_start% revenue un mois% bold_end "," shared.host_a_home_what_my_place_is_worth_generic (nav item) "Découvrez combien vous pourriez gagner", "shared.host_an_experience (en-tête déroulant créer une entrée d'expérience)": "Héberger une expérience", "shared.host_an_experience (en-tête déroulant créer un sous-titre d'entrée d'expérience)": "Gagnez un partage d'argent supplémentaire votre activité préférée avec les invités. "," shared.manage h omes hôte existant (en-tête de liste déroulante, gérer les maisons) ":" Gérer les maisons "," shared.manage experiences (en-tête, liste déroulante, gérer les expériences) ":" Gérer les expériences "," shared.make a city guide (en-tête entrée du guide de la ville) ":" Guides "," shared.dashboard (en-tête du tableau de bord de l'expérience déroulante) ":" Dashboard "," shared.calendar (en-tête du calendrier de l'expérience déroulante) ":" Calendar "," shared.inbox (en-tête drop down experience mailbox) ":" Inbox "," shared.experiences (header drop down experience experiences) ":" Experiences "," shared.resources (header drop down experience resources) ":" Resources "," shared.resources ( liste déroulante d'en-tête ajouter une nouvelle expérience) ":" Ajouter une nouvelle expérience "," Vos réservations ":" Vos réservations "," Historique des transactions ":" Historique des transactions "," shared.Refer Hosts ":" Refer Hosts "," header_global.shared.refer_hosts ":" Refer Hosts "," header_global.shared.refer_a_host ":" Refer a Host "," header_global.shared.subtitle_no_reward_amount ":" Gagnez de l'argent pour chaque hôte que vous référez "," header_global.s hared.reward_amount_per_referral ":" Gagnez% localized_reward_for_referrer pour chaque hôte que vous référez "," header_global.shared.host_referrals_earnings ":" Vous avez gagné% localized_total_earnings of% localized_potential_earnings "," header_global.shars "Gagnez jusqu'à% localized_potential_earnings", "shared.Reviews": "Reviews", "shared.host_assist": "Host Assist", "shared.Hospitality": "Hospitality", "shared.Experience_Hosting": "Experience Hosting" "," Expérience d'hébergement ":" Expérience d'hébergement "," shared.Finish listing your space ":" Finish Your Listing "," top navigation bar for to china host promotions page ":" Promotions "," shared.Finish création de la liste de voyages ":" Terminez votre expérience "," shared.Reactivate ":" Reactivate "," Profile ":" Profile "," shared.download_the_app ":" Download the App "," shared.Invite Friends ":" Inviter des amis "," pwa.account.inviteFriendsSubtitleWithParam ":" Obtenez jusqu'à% amount de réduction pour votre prochain voyage "," shared.Photography ":" Photographie "," Wish Lists ":" Wish listes "," header.Download Mobile App ":" Download Mobile App "," header.Follow Us on WeChat ":" Follow Us on WeChat "," header.wechat service account id ":" id:% wechat_id " , "header.Scan pour ouvrir WeChat MiniApp (liste déroulante d'en-tête de navigation Chine P1 montrant autour du code QR WeChat, invite à numériser)": "Scanner pour ouvrir WeChat MiniApp", "header.label text.for work": "For work", "shared.New": "New", "": "% percent% complete", "header.label travel": "Company travel", "header.label text.manage bookings": "Gérer mes réservations", "header.label text.manage settings": "Gérer les paramètres", "header.label text.tutorial": "Comment réserver pour une autre personne", " header.label for someone ":" Réservez pour quelqu'un "," header_dropdown.new_label_for_business_travel ":" Airbnb for Work "," china_reservation_center.general_nights_postfix_in_reservation_card ":" nuits "," china_reservation_center.header_tooltip "Plus , "china_reservation_center.start_expl oring_button_text_in_empty_list_page ":" Commencez à explorer "," load_more_button_text_in_reservation_list_page ":" Charger plus "," china_reservation_center. empty_message_of_all_list ":" Vous n'avez pas encore réservé de fiche, cliquez sur "Commencer l'exploration " pour commencer le prochain voyage. "," counting_down_w2p_cta_button_text ":" Paiement complet en% time_left "," general_reservation_cta_text_for_check_available ":" Vérifier la disponibilité " , "general_reservation_cta_text_for_checkpoint_verify": "Verify again", "general_reservation_status_text_for_checkpoint_failed": "Canceled", "general_reservation_status_text_for_checkpoint_pending": "Checkpoint", "general_reservation_status_text_for_w_p_exp" "," general_reservation_cta_text_for_review ":" En attente d'examen "," general_reservation_cta_text_for_search_ib ":" Plus d'inscriptions IB "," general_reservation_status_text_for_canceled ":" Annulé "," general_reservation_status_text_for_checkpoint ":" Check_store " ted ":" Terminé "," general_reservation_status_text_for_confirmed ":" Confirmé "," general_reservation_status_text_for_decliend ":" Refusée "," general_reservation_status_text_for_expired ":" Expired "," general_reservation_status_text_for_pending ":" En attente "," general " .reservation_center.reservation_card_listing_name ":"% listing_type in% location "," locale_settings.choose_a_currency ":" Choisissez une devise "," locale_settings.choose_a_language ":" Choisissez une langue "," locale_settings.currencies_title ":" Devises "," locale_settings.currency ":" Devise "," locale_settings.language ":" Langue "," locale_settings.languages_title ":" Langues "," locale_settings.suggested_currencies ":" Devises suggérées "," locale_settings.suggested_languages ​​":" Langues suggérées "," mario_copy_monorail_referrals_entry_top_nav_logged_out ": " nav_text ":" Gagnez du crédit "," moweb_text ":" Invitez des amis "," box_content ":" Obtenez un crédit gratuit pour chaque ami que vous invitez sur Airbnb. % link_start Voir les termes% link_end. "," button_text ":" Invite Friends "," mario_hog_become_a_host_dropdown_experiment ": " start_hosting ":" Démarrer l'hébergement "," homes_header ":" Homes "," experiences_header ":" " Expériences "," learn_about_hosting_title ":" En savoir plus sur l'hébergement de votre maison "," list_your_place ":" Listez votre lieu "," experiences_subtitle ":" Gagnez de l'argent en dirigeant des personnes sur des activités que vous aimez "," experiences_subtitle_flyout ":" Gagnez de l'argent en faisant ce que vous love "," mario_hog_hlp_entrypoints ": " devenir_a_host_wmpw_subtitle_generic ":" Découvrez combien vous pourriez gagner. "," devenir_a_host_wmpw_subtitle_month ":" Gagnez jusqu'à% revenue par mois d'hébergement dans% city. "," dev " : "Héberger une maison", "devenu_a_hôte_titre_avec_expérience_hôte_menu": "Ajouter une annonce", "devenu_a_host_wmpw_subtitle_month_bold": "Gagnez jusqu'à% bold_start% revenu par mois% bold_end", "explore.koan.shared : "Entrez un terme de recherche et accédez à des suggestions.", "Header.OneTrust.when_you_visit_any_web_site_it_may_st ore_or_retrieve_informatio ":" Lorsque vous visitez un site Web, il peut stocker ou récupérer des informations sur votre navigateur, principalement sous forme de cookies. Ces informations peuvent concerner vous, vos préférences ou votre appareil et sont principalement utilisées pour faire fonctionner le site comme vous vous y attendez. Les informations ne vous identifient généralement pas directement, mais elles peuvent vous offrir une expérience Web plus personnalisée. N nParce que nous respectons votre droit à la vie privée, vous pouvez choisir de ne pas autoriser certains types de cookies. Cliquez sur les différents titres des catégories pour en savoir plus et modifier nos paramètres par défaut. Cependant, le blocage de certains types de cookies peut avoir un impact sur votre expérience du site et les services que nous sommes en mesure d'offrir. "," Header.OneTrust.cookie_policy ":" Cookie Policy "," header.OneTrust.your_privacy ":" Your Privacy " , "header.OneTrust.allow_all": "Autoriser tout", "header.OneTrust.save_settings": "Save Settings", "header.OneTrust.cookies_used": "Cookies utilisés", "": "Active "," header.OneTrust.always_active ":" Always Active "," header.OneTrust.we_use_cookies_to_help_personalize_content_tailor_and_measure_a ":" Nous utilisons des cookies pour aider à personnaliser le contenu, adapter et mesurer les publicités et offrir une expérience plus sûre. En naviguant sur le site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies pour collecter des informations sur et hors d'Airbnb. Lisez notre politique en matière de cookies pour en savoir plus ou accédez aux préférences en matière de cookies pour gérer vos paramètres. "," Header.OneTrust.close ":" Fermer "," header.OneTrust.cookie_settings ":" Préférences en matière de cookies "," header.OneTrust.got_it ":" OK "," header.OneTrust.inactive ":" Inactive "," header.OneTrust.cookies ":" Cookies "," header.OneTrust.categories ":" Catégories "," header.OneTrust.lifespan ":: "Lifespan", "header.OneTrust.session": "Session", "header.OneTrust.days": "Days", "header.OneTrust.these_cookies_are_necessary_for_the_website_to_function_and_can": "Ces cookies sont nécessaires au fonctionnement du site Web et ne peuvent pas être éteint dans nos systèmes. Ils ne sont généralement définis qu'en réponse à des actions que vous avez effectuées et qui entraînent une demande de services, telles que la définition de vos préférences de confidentialité, la connexion ou le remplissage de formulaires. Vous pouvez configurer votre navigateur pour bloquer ou vous alerter sur ces cookies, mais certaines parties du site peuvent ne pas fonctionner en conséquence. "," Header.OneTrust.strictly_necessary_cookies ":" Strictly Necessary Cookies "," header.OneTrust.these_cookies_allow_us_to_count_visits_and_trafficws ": "Ces cookies nous permettent de compter les visites et les sources de trafic, afin que nous puissions mesurer et améliorer les performances de notre site. Ils nous aident à savoir quelles pages sont les plus et les moins populaires et à voir comment les visiteurs se déplacent sur le site. Toutes les informations collectées par ces cookies sont agrégées et donc anonymes. Si vous n'autorisez pas ces cookies, nous ne saurons pas quand vous avez visité notre site. "," Header.OneTrust.performance_cookies ":" Performance Cookies "," header.OneTrust.google_analytics ":" Google Analytics "," header. OneTrust.these_cookies_allow_the_provision_of_enhance_functionality_and_p ":" Ces cookies permettent de fournir des fonctionnalités et une personnalisation améliorées, telles que des vidéos et des chats en direct. Ils peuvent être définis par nous ou par des fournisseurs tiers dont nous avons ajouté les services à nos pages. Si vous n'autorisez pas ces cookies, certaines ou toutes ces fonctionnalités peuvent ne pas fonctionner correctement. "," Header.OneTrust.functional_cookies ":" Functional Cookies "," header.OneTrust.airbnb_analytics ":" Airbnb Analytics "," header ". OneTrust.inspectlet ":" Inspectlet "," header.OneTrust.these_cookies_are_set_through_our_site_by_our_advertising_partne ":" Ces cookies sont placés sur notre site par nos partenaires publicitaires. Ils peuvent être utilisés par ces sociétés pour créer un profil de vos intérêts et vous montrer des annonces pertinentes sur d'autres sites. Ils fonctionnent en identifiant de manière unique votre navigateur et votre appareil. Si vous n'autorisez pas ces cookies, vous n'aurez pas accès à nos publicités ciblées sur différents sites Web à la suite de ces cookies. "," Header.OneTrust.targeting_cookies ":" Ciblage des cookies "," header.OneTrust.google_universal_analytics ":" Google Universal Analytics "," ":" Security "," header.OneTrust.user_experience ":" User Experience "," header.OneTrust.airbnb ":" Airbnb "," header.OneTrust.wordpress ": "Wordpress", "header.OneTrust.language_settings": "Paramètres de langue", "header.OneTrust.onetrust": "OneTrust", "account_settings.index.page_heading.level.1": "Account", "trip_planner.shared. Plans ":" Plans "," trip_planner.wishlists.plans_nux_title ":" Vos plans, maintenant tous au même endroit "," trip_planner.wishlists.plans_nux_subtitle ":" Ce qui s'en vient, ce que vous avez enregistré et où vous l'avez enregistré été – tout est dans les plans. "," affiliates.common.associates_label ":" Airbnb Associates "," invites ":" Invités "," room_type ":" Type de chambre "," shared.Help Center ":" Centre d'aide " , "shared.Cancel": "Annuler", "shared.Ask la communauté ":" Demandez à la communauté "," Retour ":" Retour "," afficher cet article dans le centre d'aide ":" Afficher cet article dans le centre d'aide "," field_guide.error.no_load_topic ":" Articles d'aide suggérés non disponible: consultez plutôt notre centre d'aide% link_start% link_end. "," field_guide.suggested_actions ":" Actions suggérées "," field_guide.articles_result_title ":" Articles relatifs à "% query " "," field_guide.search_result_title ":" Résultats de recherche pour "% query " "," field_guide.suggested_articles ":" Articles suggérés "," field_guide.suggested_help_topics ":" Sujets suggérés "," field_guide.how_can_we_help ":" Comment faire nous aidons? "," field_guide.welcome_name_how_can_we_help ":" Bienvenue,% first_name! Comment pouvons-nous vous aider? "," Field_guide.welcome_how_can_we_help ":" Bienvenue! Comment pouvons-nous vous aider? "," Field_guide.search_for_anything ":" Rechercher quoi que ce soit (réservation d'une place, paiement, avis) "," field_guide.aria_accessibility_label.search_help_articles ":" Rechercher des articles d'aide "," hc_search_help_articles ":" Aide à la recherche " articles "," field_guide.search_for_help ":" Poser une question ou rechercher par mot-clé "," field_guide.cant_find_what_youre_looking_for ":" Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez? "," help.Airbnb Help ":" Aide Airbnb " , " articles liés à la requête": "Host articles liés à '% query'", " articles liés à la requête": "Guest articles liés à '% query'" " , "articles pour query.v2": "Article% smart_count pour '% query' ||||% smart_count articles pour '% query'" "," Aucun résultat pour la requête ":" Aucun résultat pour '% query' "," Center results for query ":" Help Center results for '% query' "," help_center. search.Voir tous les résultats du centre d'aide ":" Voir tous les résultats du centre d'aide ","ésultats de la communauté pour la requête ":" Résultats de la communauté pour '% query' "," tous les résultats du centre de la communauté ":" Voir tous les résultats du centre de la communauté "," ":" Recherches rapides "," help_center.suggested_topics.show_sub_topics ":" Appuyez pour développer "," help_center.suggested_topics.hide_sub_topics ":" Appuyez pour réduire "," field_guide.header : "Aide recommandée", "field_guide.trip_card.header.get_help_with_this_trip.for_guest": "Obtenez de l'aide pour ce voyage", "field_guide.trip_card.header.get_help_with_this_reservation": "Obtenez de l'aide pour cette réservation", "contactez trip page.accepted status ":" Accepted "," contact trip page.canceled status ":" Canceled "," contact trip page.confirmed status ":" Confirmed "," contact trip page. statut en attente ":" En attente "," contacter trip page séparateur de contenu secondaire ":"% beforeContent ·% afterContent "," trip card info nombre d'invités confirmés par rapport au total ":"% num_guests_confirmed de% smart_count invité confirmé ||||% num_guests_confirmed de% smart_count invités confirmé "," help_center. hôte carte info nombre d'invités ":"% smart_count invité ||||% smart_count invités "," field_guide.trip_card.description.address_visible_after_host_accepts_reservation ":" L'adresse sera visible une fois que votre hôte aura accepté la réservation ", "": "Aller à tous les voyages", "": "Aller à toutes les réservations", "field_guide.home.panel_header.recommended_articles": "Articles recommandés", " help center.unified contact flow.suggested articles.article action read more ":" En savoir plus "," field_guide.home.panel_header.explore_more_articles_by_topic ":" Explorez plus d'articles par sujet "," field_guide.home.panel_header.other_things_you_can_do ":" Autres actions possibles "," shared.Community Center ":" Community Center "," field_guide.community_ center_card.description ":" Apprendre des autres hôtes Airbnb "," help_center_platform.field_guide.resource_center_product ":" Resource Center "," help_center_platform.field_guide.resource_center_product_description ":" Trouver des guides d'hébergement, des conseils et des mises à jour. "," field_guide.h .error.recommended_help_content_unavailable ":" Aide recommandée non disponible – visitez plutôt notre% link_start Centre d'aide% link_end. "," pour savoir comment rechercher ":" Recherche par mot-clé "," espace réservé text.exemple de recherche input.reservation status ":" Ex: état de réservation "," text.example of search input.payout method ":" Ex: payout method "," panel_header.recommended_actions ":" Actions recommandées "," ":" Résultats pour '% query' "," field_guide.no_results ":" Aucun résultat trouvé "," field_guide.search_down " : "Impossible d'effectuer la recherche, veuillez réessayer plus tard", " ":" Lisez cet article dans le centre d'aide "," shared.Back ":" Retour "," help.Visit the Help Center ":" Visitez le centre d'aide "," shared.Give feedback ":" Donner des commentaires "," shared.Notifications ":" Notifications "," shared.See all ":" Voir tous "," shared.View Dashboard ":" View dashboard "," shared.View Inbox ":" View boîte de réception "," notifications. Lien Afficher tous les messages ":" Afficher tout "," notifications. Lien Afficher toutes les notifications ":" Afficher tout "," notifications. Messages non lus dans la boîte de réception ":" Vous avez% smart_count message non lu dans votre boîte de réception. |||| Vous avez% smart_count messages non lus dans votre boîte de réception. "," notifications. Messages non lus dans la boîte de réception des 7 derniers jours ":" Vous avez% smart_count message non lu dans votre boîte de réception la semaine dernière . |||| Vous avez% smart_count messages non lus dans votre boîte de réception de la semaine dernière. "," Notifications.Additional Unread Messages ":" Vous avez% smart_count message non lu supplémentaire. |||| Vous avez% smart_count messages supplémentaires non lus. "," notifications.Addit Messages non lus nationaux la semaine dernière ":" Vous avez% smart_count message non lu supplémentaire de la semaine dernière. |||| Vous avez% smart_count messages non lus supplémentaires de la semaine dernière. "," notifications.5 + Notifications ": "Il y a plus de 5 notifications qui vous attendent dans votre tableau de bord% link_start% link_end.", "Notifications.Lire toutes les notifications": "Une notification% smart_count vous attend dans votre tableau de bord% link_start% link_end. |||| Il y a% smart_count notifications qui vous attendent dans votre tableau de bord% link_start% link_end. "," notifications.Lire tous les messages ":" Aucun nouveau message. Vous êtes tous rattrapés! "," Notifications.Error ":" Désolé, nous ne pouvons pas charger de nouveaux messages pour le moment. % link_start Afficher la boîte de réception% link_end "," notifications.Retirer le bouton de notification ":" Supprimer la notification "," shared.Message d'un autre utilisateur ":" Message de% other_user "," airlock.title ":" Contrôle de sécurité "," airlock.multi_friction_selection.title ":" Aidez-nous à sécuriser votre compte "," airlock.multi_friction_selection.description ":" Nous voulons confirmer que c'est bien vous qui essayez d'accéder à votre compte. Please select one of the following ways to verify yourself.","airlock.multi_friction_selection.aov only description email and phone":"To protect your account, we'll send a security code to your email or phone. This helps us make sure it's really you.","airlock.multi_friction_selection.Footer Text.confirm your account details":"Or you can %link_startconfirm your account details%link_end %muted_start(this will take longer)%muted_end","airlock.multi_friction_selection.Footer us directly":"Or you can %link_startcontact us directly%link_end","airlock.online_profile_verification.connect_text":"Connect Facebook","airlock.online_profile_verification.authentication_error":"Failed to authenticate your online profile. Please try again.","airlock.online_profile_verification.header":"Point us to an online profile","airlock.online_profile_verification.explanation":"In the real world, someone compares you to your photo ID to confirm a match. Since we can't see you in person, we need a secondary source of ID that you can provide online.","airlock.cvv_verification.multi_select_title":"Credit Card","airlock.cvv_verification.multi_select_helper":"Enter security code (it’s free)","airlock.cvv_verification.title":"Credit Card Verification","airlock.cvv_verification.verified":"Account Verified","airlock.cvv_verification.response.title":"Help us keep your account secure.","airlock.cvv_verification.response.description":"We want to confirm that it’s really you who’s trying to access your account. Please verify your identity by entering the security code from a credit card you used in the past.","airlock.cvv_verification.response.credit_card_label":"Credit card","airlock.cvv_verification.response.security_code_label":"Security code","airlock.cvv_verification.response.invalid":"Incorrect value entered! Please try again.","airlock.ocr_verification.introduction.title":"Credit Card OCR Verification","airlock.ocr_verification.introduction.description":"We want to confirm that you are using your own credit card to book this accommodation. Please scan the physical card in the next step.","airlock.ocr_verification.response.credit_card_label":"Credit card","airlock.three_d_secure_verification.introduction.title":"Before we accept this card","airlock.three_d_secure_verification.introduction.description":"We need you to make sure you’re authorized to use it. At the next step, we’ll redirect you to your bank or credit card’s website to approve the payment.","airlock.three_d_secure_verification.response.braintree_error":"Something went wrong while connecting to your card issuer. Please try again later.","airlock.photo_id_verification.title":"Photo Id Verification","airlock.photo_id_verification.option_selection.title":"Verify Your ID","airlock.photo_id_verification.option_selection.description":"When you stay in an Airbnb, you’re staying in someone’s home. Scanning your government ID helps your host feel more comfortable sharing their personal space.","airlock.photo_id_verification.response.title":"Scan Your ID","airlock.photo_id_verification.verified":"Account Verified","airlock.photo_id_verification.response.invalid":"Something went wrong while scanning your ID. Please try again.","airlock.captcha.thread_create.response.description":"Sometimes, automated programs abuse websites and try to send fake message to others. Complete the prompt below to show you’re a real person who means to send this message.","airlock.captcha.response.invalid":"Please try completing the prompt below again.","airlock.phone_verification.multi_select_title":"Receive a call or text message","airlock.phone_verification.title":"Phone Verification","airlock.phone_verification.option_selection.title":"Verify by phone","airlock.phone_verification.listing_activate.option_selection.title":"We need you to confirm this change.","airlock.phone_verification.payout_gibraltar_instrument_create.option_selection.title":"We need you to confirm this change.","airlock.phone_verification.option_selection.description":"You can only select a phone number added more than 14 days ago.","airlock.phone_verification.listing_activate.option_selection.description":"We want to confirm that it’s really you who’s trying to add a listing. To do that, we’ll send a code to a phone you’ve previously verified on Airbnb.","airlock.phone_verification.payout_gibraltar_instrument_create.option_selection.description":"We want to confirm that it’s really you who’s trying to add a payout method. To do that, we’ll send a code to a phone you’ve previously verified on Airbnb.","":"How should we send the code?","airlock.phone_verification.option_selection.where":"Which number should we contact?","airlock.phone_verification.response.title":"Enter your code","airlock.phone_verification.We sent a code to your phone number":"In a few minutes, you should receive a verification code to yourn phone number ending in %last_four_digits. Once you do,n please enter this code to access your account.","airlock.phone_verification.Depending on your provider":"Depending on your provider, it may take a few minutes to arrive.","airlock.phone_verification.We will wait right here":"We’ll wait right here.","airlock.phone_verification.Send me a text message":"Send me a text message (SMS)","airlock.phone_verification.Call me":"Call me","airlock.phone_verification.Footer Text.Send Another Code To Phone":"Didn't get it? %link_startResend code%link_end","airlock.api_error":"Something went wrong while processing your request. Please try again.","airlock.phone_verification.Phone number ending in":"Phone number ending in %last_four","airlock.phone_verification.Enter Your Code":"Enter your 4-digit code","airlock.phone_verification.response.invalid":"Looks like you entered the code incorrectly.","airlock.phone_verification.response.Input Placeholder.Enter Your Code":"Enter the 4-digit code","airlock.phone_verification_via_text.multi_select_title":"Text message","airlock.phone_verification_via_text.option_selection.title":"Select a phone number","airlock.phone_verification_via_text.response.title":"Check your text message for the code","airlock.phone_verification_via_text.response.description":"We sent a text message with the code to %phone_number. It may take a minute or two to arrive. If you don't get it, %link_startclick here to resend%link_end.","airlock.phone_verification_via_call.multi_select_title":"Phone call","airlock.phone_verification_via_call.option_selection.title":"Select a phone number","airlock.phone_verification_via_call.response.title":"Check your phone for the code","airlock.phone_verification_via_call.response.description":"We'll call you at %phone_number with the security code. It may take a minute or two to arrive. If you don't receive a call from us, %link_startclick here to call you again%link_end.","airlock.email_verification.multi_select_title":"Email","airlock.email_verification.multi_select_helper":"Get a verification email","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.title":"Phone Verification","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.option_selection.title":"Help us keep your account secure.","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.option_selection.description":"We want to confirm that it’s really you who’s trying to access your account. To do that, we’ll send a security code to your phone, or send you a confirmation email.","":"How should we send the code?","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.option_selection.where":"Where should we send the code?","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.response.title":"Enter your 4-digit code.","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.We sent a code to your phone number":"We sent a code to your phone number ending in %last_four_digits.","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.Depending on your provider":"Depending on your provider, it may take a few minutes to arrive.","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.We will wait right here":"We’ll wait right here.","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.Send me a text message":"Send me a text message (SMS)","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.Call me":"Call me","airlock.phone_verification_o r_email_verification.Phone number ending in":"Phone number ending in %last_four","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.Enter Your Code":"Enter your code","airlock.phone_verification_or_email_verification.response.invalid":"Looks like you entered the code incorrectly.","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.confirm_details":"Confirm details","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.make_sure_details_are_correct":"Take a moment to make sure your account details are still correct.","":"Name","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.first_name":"First name","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.last_name":"Last name","":"Email address","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.birthday":"Birthday","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.birthday_month":"Month","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.birthday_day":"Day","airlock.identity_info_confi rmation.response.birthday_year":"Year","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.confirm_and_continue":"Confirm and Continue","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.you_are_X_years_old":"You’ve indicated you are %emphasis_start%smart_count year old%emphasis_end. ||||You’ve indicated you are %emphasis_start%smart_count years old%emphasis_end.","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.is_this_age_correct":"Is this correct?","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.not_correct_change_my_birthday":"No, change my birthday","airlock.identity_info_confirmation.response.yes_my_birthday_is_correct":"Yes, this is correct","airlock.password_reset.response.title":"Let’s change your password.","airlock.password_reset.response.description":"Changing your password is an easy way to help keep your account secure. Let’s do that now.","airlock.password_reset.response.current_password":"Current Password","airlock.password_reset.response.new_password":"New Password","airlock.password_reset.response.confirm_new_password":"Confirm New Password","airlock.password_reset.Next":"Change Password","airlock.email_code_verification.multi_select_title":"Email","airlock.email_code_verification.response.description":"We sent an email with the code to %user_email. It may take a minute to arrive. If you haven’t received it, %link_startclick here to resend%link_end.","airlock.email_code_verification.response.title":"Check your email for the code","airlock.email_code_verification.response.Input Placeholder.Enter Your Code":"Enter your 4-digit code","airlock.aov.Footer Text.Contact us if no access to phone or email":"Or %link_startcontact us%link_end to verify your account (this may take longer).","airlock.email_verification.option_selection.title":"Confirm your email address","airlock.email_verification.option_selection.description":"We’re going to send you an account verification email to: %linebreak %user_email %linebreak %linebreak If you have trouble receiving the email be sure to check your spam folder.","airlock.email_verification.response.title":"Check your email","airlock.email_verification.response.description":"We just sent an email to %linebreak %user_email %linebreak %linebreak Once you confirm your email address, you’ll be on your way.", "airlock.email_verification.response.Next":"Done","airlock.email_verification.cant_get_to_email":"Can’t get to your email?","airlock.email_verification.let_us_know":"Let us know.","airlock.device_association_email_verification.option_selection.title":"Please verify your device","airlock.device_association_email_verification.option_selection.description":"To keep your account secure, we’re going to send you a device verification email to: %linebreak %user_email %linebreak %linebreak If you have trouble receiving the email be sure to check your spam folder. %linebreak %linebreak To verify, please open the link on your current device’s browser.","airlock.device_association_email_verification.response.title":"Check your email","airlock.device_association_email_verification.response.description":"We just sent a device confirmation email to%linebreak %user_email%linebreak %linebreak To verify your device, please open this link in your %emphasis_startcurrent device’s browser%emphasis_end.","airlock.device_association_email_verification.response.Next":"Done","airlock.device_association_email_verification.cant_get_to_email":"Can’t get to your email?","airlock.device_association_email_verification.let_us_know":"Let us know.","airlock.account_disabled.introduction.title":"Account Disabled","airlock.account_disabled.introduction.introduction":"To help protect your information, we’ve temporarily blocked your Airbnb account.","airlock.account_disabled.introduction.description":"To restore access, send an email to account.disab [email protected] from an email address associated with your Airbnb account.","airlock.no_phone_access.introduction.title":"Send us an email to confirm your account","airlock.no_phone_access.introduction.introduction":"For security reasons, having Airbnb manually confirm this change can take 1-2 days. Email us at [email protected] from an address associated with your account and we’ll take it from there.","airlock.no_phone_access.introduction.tip.title":"Make this update faster with your phone","airlock.no_phone_access.introduction.tip.description":"If you’re traveling or your phone’s just out of reach, wait until you get it back and try to make this update again.","airlock.no_phone_access.Send Me a Code":"Send Me a Code","airlock.no_email_access.introduction.title":"Emailing us will take longer.","airlock.no_email_access.introduction.introduction":"For security reasons, having Airbnb manually confirm this change can take 1-2 days. Email us at [email protected] from an address associated with your account and we’ll take it from there.","airlock.no_email_access.introduction.tip.title":"Make this update faster with your phone","airlock.no_email_access.introduction.tip.description":"If you’re traveling or your phone’s just out of reach, wait until you get it back and try to make this update again.","airlock.contact_ticket.option_selection.title":"Thanks! We’re reviewing your account now","airlock.contact_ticket.option_selection.description":"We’ll send you an email when your account is verified, or you can try accessing your account again in an hour.","airlock.contact_ticket.response.title":"Check back later","airlock.contact_ticket.response.description":"We’re reviewing your account details as quickly as possible. We’ll send you a notification when you can access your account, or you can try again in an hour.","airlock.backup_verification_link.send_code_by_phone_or_email":"%link_startSend a code by phone or email instead%link_end","airlock.send_code_link.To quickly verify your account":"To quickly verify your account, %link_startsend a code%link_end","airlock.contact_us_form.option_selection.title":"Need our help?","airlock.contact_us_form.option_selection.description":"Tell us a little bit about what’s not working. Detailed info will help us resolve the issue as quickly as possible.","airlock.contact_us_form.option_selection.Your reason":"Provide details below","airlock.contact_us_form.option_selection.characters remaining":"%min_length character minimum. %character_count/%min_length characters","airlock.contact_us_form.option_selection.ticket description text":"Enter details regarding the issue here","airlock.contact_us_form.option_selection.wrong character count":"Your response needs to be between %min_length and %max_length characters.","airlock.contact_us_form.response.title":"We’ll be in touch soon","airlock.contact_us_form.response.description":"Someone from our team will respond directly to the email address associated with your account. You’ll be able to use your Airbnb account as usual once we’ve reviewed your account.","airlock.contact_us.response.title":"Get help with your account","airlock.contact_us.response.description":"We're sorry you're having trouble accessing your Airbnb account. Please email [email protected] and include the email address and phone number associated with your Airbnb account.","airlock.contact_us.response.description.additional text":"After we receive this information, someone from our team will get back to you as soon as possible.","airlock.chargeback_appeal.introduction.title":"We need a little more information","airlock.chargeback_appeal.introduction.description":"To keep the Airbnb community secure, we sometimes ask for additional payment verification. Please provide a billing statement to confirm that you’re authorized to use %formatted_cc. We will review your statement within 24 hours and let you know if you’re approved to continue booking. Learn more","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.title":"Please upload your billing statement","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.description":"Feel free to block out account balances, any non-Airbnb transactions, and account numbers as long as your full name and the last four digits are visible.","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.upload_prompt":"Upload statement","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.payment_method_attempted":"Payment Method Attempted","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.reupload_prompt":"Upload a different statement","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.accepted_file_types":"You can find your statement on your card issuer’s website and upload it as a photo or PDF file.","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.upload_image_too_big":"Your image was more than 5mb. Try again with a smaller image.","airlock.chargeback_appeal.response.sorry_something_went_wrong":"Sorry, something went wrong.","airlock.chargeback_appeal_submitted.introduction.title":"Got it! Please sit tight while we review","airlock.chargeback_appeal_submitted.introduction.description":"We’ll email you know within 24 hours to let you know if you’re authorized to continue booking. There’s nothing else you need to do right now.","airlock.chargeback_appeal_under_review.introduction.title":"Please wait to book","airlock.chargeback_appeal_under_review.introduction.description":"We’re reviewing your billing statement for %formatted_cc. There’s nothing else you need to do right now.","airlock.chargeback_appeal_denied.introduction.title":"Your account has been deactivated","airlock.chargeback_appeal_denied.introduction.description":"After a thorough review, we were unable to verify your payment method. If you’d like to appeal this decision, please contact us at [email protected]","airlock.chargeback_appeal_android.introduction.title":"We need a little more information","airlock.chargeback_appeal_android.introduction.description":"To keep the Airbnb community secure, please confirm that you’re authorized to use %formatted_cc. If you choose to continue, we’ll need a card statement for this payment method.","airlock.chargeback_appeal_android.response.title":"Please continue in your web browser","airlock.chargeback_appeal_android.response.description":"In order to finish verifying your payment method, you will need to login and retry this booking in your web browser. After you resubmit your request to book, you will again be prompted to submit your card statement. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step.","airlock.contact_us_chargeback.response.title":"Contact Us","airlock.contact_us_chargeback.response.description":"To keep the Airbnb community secure, we sometimes ask for additional payment verification. Please email [email protected] to receive further instructions on how to verify your payment method. Learn more","airlock.contact_kba.response.confirm_details":"Confirm the information on your account","airlock.contact_kba.response.confirm details extra description":"To verify your account, we’ll match the info you provide here with the info on your account.","airlock.contact_kba.response.confirm details description backup link":"To do this more quickly, you can %link_startsend a code%link_end to your email or phone instead.","":"Name","airlock.contact_kba.response.What is the name on your account":"What’s the name on your account?","airlock.contact_kba.response.first_name":"First name","airlock.contact_kba.response.last_name":"Last name","airlock.contact_kba.response.What is the full phone number for":"What is the full phone number for:","airlock.contact_kba.response.full_phone_number":"Full phone number","airlock.contact_kba.response.What is the birth date on your account":"What’s the birth date on your account?","airlock.contact_kba.response.Confirm the details of a payment method on your account":"Confirm the details of a payment method on your account","airlock.contact_kba.response.payment_method.fine print":"This payment method won’t be charged","airlock.contact_kba.response.birthday_month":"Month","airlock.contact_kba.response.birthday_day":"Day","airlock.contact_kba.response.birthday_year":"Year","airlock.contact_kba.response.expiration field labels":"Expiration","airlock.contact_kba.response.Expiration month label placeholder":"MM","airlock.contact_kba.response.Expiration year label placeholder":"YYYY","airlock.contact_kba.response.submit":"Submit","airlock.contact_kba.response.missing values":"Please enter values for all the fields of the form.","airlock.micro_authorization.introduction.title":"Verify your payment method in order to continue","airlock.micro_authorization.introduction.introduction":"To keep our community secure, some payments may need additional verification. We will place two temporary authorizations of %max_auth_amount or less on your card. These authorizations usually appear instantly.
%help_link_beginWhy do I need to verify a payment method?%help_link_end","airlock.micro_authorization.response.title":"Enter the amounts authorized to card","airlock.micro_authorization.response.description":"Look for two small, temporary authorizations labeled "Airbnb" on your card's account. The amounts will not be permanently charged to your card and will soon disappear.","airlock.micro_authorization.response.invalid":"The amounts were incorrect. Please try again.","airlock.micro_authorization.response.invalid_amounts":"Each amount must be %max_auth_amount or less.","airlock.micro_authorization_failure.introduction.title":"You failed too many times","airlock.micro_authorization_failure.introduction.description":"For security reasons, you can no longer verify your card by confirming authorizations.","airlock.micro_authorization_exception.introduction.title":"Failed to place authorizations on your card","airlock.micro_authorization_exception.introduction.description":"Unfortunately, we were unable to issue authorizations on your card. We have to try another method to verify your card instead.","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.introduction.title":"Get ready to host","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.introduction.description":"We ask hosts to confirm a few details before they list a new space. You'll only need to do this once.","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.introduction.help_link":"Why do I need to do this?","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.response.title":"Upload a copy of your utility bill","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.response.description":"Take a photo or screenshot of a recent utility bill for this space. Your full name and address should be visible, but feel free to cover any other information that you don’t want to share.

Why do I need to do this?","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.response.upload_prompt":"Choose a file to upload","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.response.reupload_prompt":"Upload a different utility bill","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.response.accepted_file_types":"You can upload the utility bill as a photo or PDF file.","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.response.upload_image_too_big":"Your image was more than 5MB. Try again with a smaller image.","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal.response.sorry_something_went_wrong":"Sorry, something went wrong.","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal_submitted.introduction.title":"We’re reviewing your info","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal_submitted.introduction.description":"Someone on our team will review the info you provided within 24 hours. As soon as they do, you’ll be able to start accepting reservations.","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal_under_review.introduction.title":"Please wait to list","airlock.fake_inventory_appeal_under_review.introduction.description":"We’re reviewing your info. There’s nothing else you need to do right now.","airlock.photo_id_verification_for_fi_appeal.introduction.title":"Get ready to host","airlock.photo_id_verification_for_fi_appeal.introduction.description":"We ask hosts to confirm a few details before they list a new space. You’ll only need to do this once.","airlock.photo_id_verification_for_fi_appeal.introduction.help_link":"Why do I need to do this?","airlock.photo_id_verification_for_fi_appeal.response.title":"Scan Your ID","airlock.photo_id_verification_for_fi_appeal.verified":"ID Verified","airlock.photo_id_verification_for_fi_appeal.response.invalid":"Something went wrong while scanning your ID. Please try again.","airlock.introduction":"In order to continue, we ask that you complete a few challenges.","airlock.Get Started":"Get Started","airlock.Upload_a_statement":"Upload a statement","airlock.Upload_a_statement_instead":"Upload a statement instead","airlock.Change_payment_method":"Change payment method","airlock.Continue":"Continue","airlock.Next":"Next","airlock.Done":"Done","airlock.Submit":"Submit","airlock.Back":"Back","airlock.OK":"OK","airlock.Go to your dashboard":"Go to your dashboard","airlock.Email Airbnb":"Email Airbnb","airlock.Start Over":"Start Over","airlock.success.Thanks":"Thanks %first_name","airlock.success.You are done":"You’re done! You can go back to what you were doing.","airlock.utility_bill_upload":"Upload a utility bill","airlock.photo_id_verification":"Provide a government ID","airlock.generic_error":"Something went wrong with your request","have_a_moment":"Have a moment?","help_make_experience_better":"Help us make your Airbnb experience better by answering a quick survey.","lets_do_this":"Let's do this!","thanks_for_helping":"Thanks for helping us out!","thanks_for_providing_feedback":"Thanks for providing your feedback","fill_out_survey":"We'd love it if you filled out this quick survey.","sojump_have_a_moment":"Have 2 minutes?","sojump_help_make_experience_better":"Help us make your Airbnb experience better by answering a quick survey.","sojump_lets_do_this":"Let's do it!","surveyair_cancel":"Cancel","surveyair_submit":"Submit","surveyair_next":"Next","surveyair_back":"Back","surveyair_pagination":"%currentPage of %totalNumPages pages","surveyair_strongly_disagree":"Strongly Disagree","surveyair_disagree":"Disagree","surveyair_neutral":"Neutral","surveyair_agree":"Agree","surveyair_strongly_agree":"Strongly Agree","surveyair_no_answer":"No Answer","surveyair_very_difficult":"Very Difficult","surveyair_difficult":"Difficult","surveyair_easy":"Easy","surveyair_very_easy":"Very Easy","surveyair_feedback_sent":"Feedback sent! Thanks for sharing your experience with us.","surveyair_go_to_airbnb":"Go to Airbnb","shared.Close this modal":"Close this modal","accessibility.pagination_number.selected_page_link":"Page %pageNumber, current page","accessibility.pagination_number.unselected_page_link":"Page %pageNumber","accessibility.pagination_text.selected_page_link":"Page %pageText, current page","accessibility.pagination_text.unselected_page_link":"Page %pageText","shared.Next":"Next","shared.Previous":"Previous","accessibility.text_for_link_to_account":"Account","accessibility.text_for_icon_indicating_unread":"Has unread","shared.link_to_users_account_options":"%usersName’s account","community_commitment.before_you_join_airbnb":"Before you join","community_commitment.before_you_continue_with_what_you_were_doing":"Before you continue","community_commitment.welcoming_guests_starts_with_this_commitment":"Welcoming guests starts here","community_commitment.please_take_a_moment_to_read_this_commitment":"Please take a moment to read this","community_commitment.caption_introduction.please_agree_to_respecting_and_including_everyone.learnmore_link":"Whether it’s your first time using Airbnb or you’re one of our original travelers, please commit to respecting and including everyone in the Airbnb community. %link_startLearn more%link_end","community_commitment.caption_introduction.hosts_are_responsible_for_welcoming_people_of_all_backgrounds_with_link.learnmore_link":"As an Airbnb host, you’re responsible for welcoming people of all backgrounds, from the moment you’re considering a reservation to the moment you’re greeting guests for the first time. Please take time to read this commitment. %link_startLearn more%link_end","community_commitment.caption_introduction.all_existing_hosts_must_confirm_commitment.learnmore_link":"We’re asking all hosts to confirm their commitment to welcoming guests of all backgrounds. %link_startLearn more%link_end","community_commitment.i_agree_to_treat_everyone_without_bias":"I agree to treat everyone in the Airbnb community—regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or age—with respect, and without judgment or bias.","community_commitment.accept_the_agreement":"Accept","community_commitment.decline_the_agreement":"Decline","community_commitment.link_text_for_community_commitment_in_learn_more":"Community Commitment","community_commitment.caption_introduction.agree_to_airbnb_terms_policies_and_a_commitment.learnmore_link":"Our mission is to build a trusted community where anyone can belong anywhere. To ensure this, we’re asking you to accept our terms of service and make a commitment to respect everyone on Airbnb.","community_commitment.i_agree_to_treat_everyone_without_bias_new_content":"I agree to treat everyone in the Airbnb community—regardless of their race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, skin color, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age—with respect, and without judgment or bias. %link_startLearn more%link_end","community_commitment.community_commitment_title_for_the_first_paragraph":"Airbnb Community Commitment","community_commitment.terms_of_service_title_for_the_second_paragraph":"Airbnb Terms of Service","community_commitment.accept_tos_and_other_terms_body_with_multiple_links":"I also accept %tos_link_startAirbnb’s Terms of Service%tos_link_end, %payments_link_startPayments Terms of Service%payments_link_end, %privacy_policy_link_startPrivacy Policy%privacy_policy_link_end, and %nondis_link_startNondiscrimination Policy%nondis_link_end.","community_commitment.accept_tos_and_other_terms_body_with_bold_privacy_policy":"I accept %tos_link_startAirbnb’s Terms of Service%tos_link_end, %payments_link_startPayments Terms of Service%payments_link_end, and %nondis_link_startNondiscrimination Policy%nondis_link_end. %emphasis_startI also agree to the processing and use of my data according to Airbnb’s %privacy_policy_link_startPrivacy Policy%privacy_policy_link_end.%emphasis_end","community_commitment.declining_tos_and_commitment_cancels_your_account":"Declining Airbnb’s commitment and terms of service means you won’t have an account. You can still browse the site, but you won’t be able to book a reservation.","community_commitment.title_of_the_screen_to_learn_more_about_the_commitment":"About the Community Commitment","community_commitment.faq.what_happens_if_i_choose_to_decline_this?":"What if I decline the commitment?","community_commitment.faq.answer_to_what_happens_if_you_choose_to_decline_this":"If you decline the commitment, you won’t be able to host or book using Airbnb, and you have the option to cancel your account. Once your account is canceled, future booked trips will be canceled. You will still be able to browse Airbnb but you won’t be able to book any reservations or host any guests.","community_commitment.faq.what_if_i_have_other_questions_related_to_the_commitment?":"What if I have other questions related to the commitment?","community_commitment.view_help_page_to_find_more_discrimination_faqs":"You can also review our %link_starthost resources%link_end, which cover frequently asked questions by hosts about Airbnb’s Nondiscrimination Policy.","community_commitment.cancel_your_account?":"Cancel your account?","community_commitment.cancel_signing_up_on_airbnb?":"Cancel signup?","community_commitment.declining_the_commitment_cancels_your_account":"Declining this commitment means that your Airbnb account will be canceled, and your future reservations will be canceled.","community_commitment.declining_the_commitment_means_you_will_not_have_an_account":"Declining this commitment means that you won’t have an Airbnb account, though you can still browse the site.","community_commitment.why_did_airbnb_create_this_commitment?":"Why did Airbnb create this commitment?","community_commitment.important_step_toward_creating_a_global_community":"This commitment is an important step towards creating a global community where everyone can truly belong. Discrimination prevents hosts, guests, and their families from feeling included and welcomed, and we have no tolerance for it. Building an Airbnb where everyone can belong hinges on knowing that everyone in our community understands this mission and agrees to help us achieve it.","community_commitment.what_happens_to_my_future_reservations_if_I_decline?":"What happens to my future reservations if I decline?","community_commitment.your_future_reservations_will_be_canceled_if_you_decline":"Any future reservations will be canceled.","community_commitment.your_reservation_will_be_refunded_according_to_policy":"Your reservation will be refunded according to the host’s cancellation policy.","shared.learn_more_sentence_link":"%link_startLearn more%link_end.","community_commitment.future_reservations_will_be_canceled_with_guest_refunds":"Any future reservations will be canceled and your guests will receive a full refund.","community_commitment.if_booked_as_a_guest_future_reservations_will_be_canceled":"If you booked as a guest, any future reservations will be canceled.","community_commitment.what_if_laws_restrict_hosting_certain_guests?":"What if laws in my area restrict me from hosting certain guests?","community_commitment.please_post_legal_restrictions_on_your_listing":"Please post about the restriction on your listing, but be clear that it is a legal requirement in your area and that you are complying with local law.","community_commitment.what_if_i_have_safety_concerns_as_a_host?":"As a host, what if I have safety concerns about accepting reservations from anyone?","community_commitment.if_you_host_shared_space_you_can_restrict_to_same_gender_guests":"If you will share your living spaces with a guest, you may make a unit available only to guests of your own gender.","community_commitment.you_may_turn_down_guests_for_non_discriminatory_reasons":"Under this policy, you may also turn down a guest for other reasons, just not on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or age.","community_commitment.reflect_on_reasoning_to_avoid_bias_when_considering_requests":"In general, when considering a booking request, reflect on your reasoning to ensure that bias isn’t a factor.","community_commitment.can_i_decline_reservations_requests_from_disabled_guests":"Can I decline guests with disabilities if I don’t think my home is suitable for them?","community_commitment.tell_prospective_guests_about_your_listing_accessibility":"In many cases, Airbnb hosts are not required to make their homes compliant with the standards set out in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) . However, you can’t decline a guest based on any actual or perceived disability. You should do your best to provide accurate information about your home’s accessibility features (or lack of them), allowing for guests with disabilities to decide for themselves whether the home is appropriate to their individual needs.","community_commitment.what_if_i_change_my_mind_after_declining_the_commitment?":"What if I change my mind after declining?","community_commitment.we_will_send_you_info_about_how_to_reinstate_your_account":"Once your account has been canceled, we’ll send you information about how to reinstate it if you change your mind. You’ll still be required to accept the commitment.","community_commitment.you_can_sign_up_again_if_you_cancel_your_account":"Once your account has been canceled, you can always sign up again if you change your mind. You’ll still be required to accept the commitment.","community_commitment.check_out_our_detailed_faqs_in_the_help_center":"Check out our detailed FAQs in the %link_startNondiscrimination Help Center%link_end.","community_commitment.cancel_signup_call_to_action":"Cancel signup","community_commitment.cancel_my_account_call_to_action":"Cancel my account","shared.Go back":"Go back","generic_error.sorry_something_went_wrong_please_try_again":"Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again.","community_commitment.confirmation_of_signup_cancellation":"Signup canceled","community_commitment.confirmation_of_account_cancellation":"Your account has been canceled","community_commitment.we_welcome_feedback_on_why_you_declined_the_commitment":"We welcome your feedback about your decision to decline.","community_commitment.send_your_feedback_call_to_action":"Send feedback","shared.Skip":"Skip","community_commitment.thanks_for_your_feedback_on_the_commitment":"Thanks for your feedback!","community_commitment.your_signup_to_airbnb_was_canceled":"Your signup was canceled.","community_commitment.your_airbnb_account_has_been_canceled":"Your account has been canceled.","community_commitment.although_your_account_was_canceled_you_can_still_browse_the_site":"You can continue browsing the site, though.","shared.china_transparency_signup_terms":"If I am a resident of China, I will contract with Airbnb China, and my information will be stored and processed in accordance with Chinese laws, including privacy and information disclosure laws.","shared.Loading":"Loading","shared.Log_in":"Log in","shared.Let users login right now":"Log in instantly","shared.Let users create account right now":"Sign up instantly","must_log_in":"You must log in to continue","log_in_to_save":"Log in to save this to a Wish List.","concur.link_your_account":"Link Your Concur Account","concur.sign_up":"Sign up to travel with Airbnb and track your trips and expenses through Concur.","shared.Sign up with email":"Sign up with Email","shared.Continue with Email":"Continue with Email","shared.Create Account":"Create Account","shared.Google":"Google","shared.Facebook":"Facebook","shared.Onelogin":"Onelogin","shared.WeChat":"WeChat","shared.Weibo":"Weibo","shared.Alipay":"Alipay","shared.Email":"Email","combine_auth.initial text on phone button":"Continue with phone number","combine_auth.text on wechat button in initial page":"Continue with WeChat","signup_method.continue_with_service":"Continue with %service_name","signup_method.signup_with_service":"Sign up with %service_name","login_method.login_with_service":"Log in with %service_name","shared.Sign up with Facebook":"Sign up with Facebook","shared.Sign up with WeChat":"Sign up with WeChat","shared.Sign up with Weibo":"Sign up with Weibo","shared.Sign up with Google":"Sign up with Google","shared.Log in with WeChat":"Log in with WeChat","shared.Log in with Weibo":"Log in with Weibo","shared.Log in with Alipay":"Log in with Alipay","shared.Log in with Facebook":"Log in with Facebook","shared.Log in with Onelogin":"Log in with Onelogin","shared.Log in with Google":"Log in with Google","shared.More login options":"More login options","shared.More signup options":"More signup options","user.signup.already_member":"Already an Airbnb member?","shared.generic_tos_ndp_acceptance_2016":"By clicking Sign up or Continue with, I agree to Airbnb’s %terms_of_service_link, %payments_terms_link, %privacy_policy_link, and %nondiscrimination_policy_link.","shared.generic_tos_ndp_acceptance_2016_privacy_policy":"By clicking Sign up or Continue with, I agree to Airbnb’s %terms_of_service_link, %payments_terms_link, and %nondiscrimination_policy_link. %font_startI also agree to the processing and use of my data according to Airbnb's %privacy_policy_link.%font_end","shared.Terms of Service":"Terms of Service","terms.Nondiscrimination Policy":"Nondiscrimination Policy","shared.Payments Terms of Service":"Payments Terms of Service","shared.Privacy_Policy":"Privacy Policy","shared.Guest Refund Policy":"Guest Refund Policy","shared.Host_Guarantee_Terms":"Host Guarantee Terms","shared.or":"or","shared.Learn_more":"Learn more","Email Address":"Email Address","shared.Remember me":"Remember me","user.signup.forgot_password_moweb":"Can’t login?","shared.show_password":"Show password","shared.accessibility_label_for_icon_show_password":"Show password","shared.accessibility_label_for_icon_hide_password":"Hide password","shared.hide_password":"Hide password","signup.use phone number instead":"Use phone number instead"," account yet":"Don’t have an account?","shared.Sign up":"Sign up","shared.Sign up to book":"Sign up to book","shared.Log in to book":"Log in to book","shared.Stayed here in":"Stayed here in","signup.other methods":"Use other methods","First name":"First name","Last name":"Last name","Email address":"Email address","Confirm Password":"Confirm Password","Work email":"Work email","tooltip.signup_form.work_email":"We’ll use this email to add you to your company’s Airbnb for Business account.","":"I’d like to receive coupons and inspiration","Birthday":"Birthday","user.signup.validation.birthday.must be 18 or older":"To sign up, you need to be at least 18. Other people who use Airbnb won’t see your birthday.","user.birthday.month":"Month","":"Day","user.birthday.year":"Year","user.birthday.label":"Set birthday","date_select.default label":"Set date","signup.Sign up with Phone Number":"Sign up with Phone Number","signup.use email instead":"Use email instead","signup.Enter 4 digit code":"Enter 4-digit Code","signup.Enter 6 digit code in retrieve password with phone number flow":"Enter 6-digit Code","signup.Input your confirmation code":"We sent an SMS to %mobile_number. Enter the code in that message.","signup.change my number":"Change my number","signup.Verification code":"Verification code","signup.Send a 4 digit phone number verification code":"Send code","signup.title.request a new confirmation code via sms":"Receive code","signup.Send code again":"Send code again","shared.Phone number":"Phone number","shared.Country code":"Country code","auth_merge.error":"Unable to perform action. Please try again later.","auth_merge.password":"Please fill out your password.","auth_merge.signup_with_existing_email":"Looks like you already have an account. Please log in instead.","auth_merge.signup_with_existing_facebook_account":"You already created an account using Facebook. Please log in instead.","auth_merge.signup_with_existing_google_account":"You already created an account using Google. Please log in instead.","auth_merge.reset_password_signup_with_existing_facebook_account":"You joined Airbnb with Facebook. Click the button below to log in.","auth_merge.reset_password_signup_with_existing_google_account":"You joined Airbnb with Google. Click the button below to log in.","auth_merge.reset_password":"Reset password","auth_merge.login_with_different_account":"Login with a different account","auth_merge.email_login_via_signup":"You already have an account. Instead of creating a new account, we logged you in. Next time, just go to "Log in" to view your account.","signup.account_not_exist_confirm_create":"We didn’t find an Airbnb account for %email. Want to create a new account?","signup.tos last step please agree to the term":"Please agree to the terms.","signup.oops tos last step please agree to the term":"Oops! Please agree to the terms and conditions to continue."," complete signup please agree to the terms":"To complete signup, please agree to the terms.","signup.create_new_account":"Create new account","signup.already_have_account":"Already have an Airbnb account?","signup.continue button on last step":"Continue","signup.form_step":"Step %form_step","signup.Enter 6 digit code from SMS in phone signup flow":"Enter 6-digit Code","":"Sign up with %link","signup_options.two":"Sign up with %link1 or %link2","signup_options.more_than_two":"Sign up with %links, or %last_link","support.array.words_connector":",","signup_tos.the panel title of the tos box":"To continue, please agree to the terms","error.To sign up, you must be 18 or older.":"To sign up, you must be 18 or older.","error.signup.picture.description.when.user.inputs.underage":"Underage user","shared.Sorry":"Sorry.","users.remember_browser.header":"Add to trusted browsers?","users.remember_browser.message":"We won't send you login notifications when you access your account from a trusted browser.","users.remember_browser.remember_browser_option":"Trust this browser","users.remember_browser.dont_remember_browser_option":"Don't trust this browser","users.otp.header":"Two-factor authentication","shared.this computer is not shared 2fa prompt":"This computer is not shared. Please do not prompt me for two-factor codes for 30 days.","OTP.submit":"Submit","Remember_Browser.submit":"Continue","login.Log in with Phone Number":"Phone Number","login.Log in with Email":"Email","ask for name and birthday":"What’s your name and birthday?","error message an invalid password when signing up":"Your password can’t contain your name or email address. Please try again.","create your account":"Create your account","shared.Default Profile Photo":"Default profile photo","shared.user_profile_photo":"%user_name User Profile","china.login.Log in to Airbnb":"Log in to Airbnb","china.login.Do not have an account yet?":"Don’t have an account yet?","china.login.Will auto create account in phone otp login flow":"Automatically create account for new phone number","china.login.create account for a new user in combine auth flow":"Automatically create account for new phone number or new WeChat account","china.login.let user login for an existing user in combine auth flow":"Automatically log in for existing phone number or WeChat account","china.login.more login options":"Use other login methods","china.login.Wechat login":"Log in with WeChat","china.login.Weibo login":"Log in with Weibo","china.login.Alipay login":"Log in with Alipay","china.login.Phone number login":"Log in with Phone Number","china.login.Email login":"Log in with Email","china.login.OTP Phone number login":"Log in with Phone SMS","china.login.Input 6 digits code in otp phone login flow":"Enter 6-digit Code","china.login.tell user that we have sent code via sms":"Already sent code to %phone_number","china.login.Login with regular password":"Regular password login","china.login.Login with password":"Password login","china.login.Login with password, refer to phone or email login":"Login with username and password","china.login.normal password login method, refer to phone or email":"Password Login","china.login.Phone number or Email address":"Phone number/Email address","china.login.Please add the country code in front of your phone number.":"Please add the country code in front of your phone number. For example: +86","china.signup.Wechat signup":"Sign up with WeChat","china.signup.Weibo signup":"Sign up with Weibo","china.signup.Alipay signup":"Sign up with Alipay","china.signup.Phone number signup":"Sign up with Phone Number","china.signup.fields.email_intro_to_describe_what_it_used_for":"Please provide your email address so that we can send the booking information","china.signup.Email signup":"Sign up with Email","china.signup.signup_now_used_for_china_login_modal":"Sign up now","china.signup.button.Resend verification code":"Resend verification code","china.signup.fields.placeholder.Verification code":"Verification code","china.signup.fields.placeholder.Password":"Set password","china.signup.fields.placeholder.Surname":"Surname","china.signup.fields.placeholder.Given name":"Given name","china.signup.fields.description.Birthdate":"Airbnb will not share your birthday with any hosts or guests. Rest assured.","china.signup.fields.description.Receive SMS":"I’d like to receive coupons, promotions, surveys, and updates about Airbnb and its partners, via SMS and phone.","china.signup.fields.description.Receive email":"I’d like to receive coupons, promotions, surveys, and updates about Airbnb and its partners, via email.","china.signup.step.Account Info Title":"Create an Airbnb account","china.signup.Already have an account?":"Already have an account?","china.signup.step.Profile Info Title":"Complete your profile","china.signup.We need more info about you for Airbnb":"Airbnb is a community of real people. Please provide your real name and birthday to complete signup.","china.signup.We need your name for Airbnb":"Airbnb is a community of real people. Please provide your real name to complete signup.","china.signup.step.Update Password Title":"Set a secure password","china.signup.step.Set Password Title, use in the signup profile step":"Please set a password","china.signup.Cannot include name in password":"For security, you cannot use your name in your password. Please set another password","china.signup.signup CTA":"Sign up","china.signup.complete signup CTA":"Complete sign up","china.signup.more signup options":"Use other signup methods","":"Phone","":"Phone Number Sign Up","":"Email Sign Up","china.signup.signup and confirm you are over 18":"By proceeding with signup, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old.","china.suggested_auth_type.Click here to signup.":"Click here to sign up.","china.signup.add_name_upsell.modal.title":"Complete your profile","china.signup.add_name_upsell.modal.subtitle":"Fill in your name for smoother communication with hosts","china.signup.add_name_upsell.modal.submit":"Complete","china.signup.add_name_upsell.upsell_on_page":"Fill in your name for smoother communication with hosts","china.signup.add_name_upsell.upsell_on_page.title":"Complete your profile","signup_login.login.modal.accessibility.title":"Log in","signup_login.signup.modal.accessibility.title":"Sign up","china.signup.signup_disclaimer_for_all":"By signing up, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and that we can send you special offers and policy updates; you can choose to opt out any time."," when finish signup flow":"Sign up successfully!"," this tip after phone sign up successfully":"You can use OTP phone login in the future","china.generic_tos_ndp_acceptance_in_auth_flow":"By proceeding with signup, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old, and agree to Airbnb’s %terms_of_service_link, %payments_terms_link, %privacy_policy_link, and %nondiscrimination_policy_link. You also agree to receive special offers and policy updates; you can choose to opt out any time.","china.signup.add_name.section.title":"Fill in your name","china.signup.subtitle.We need your name that is important":"Please provide your real name to increase account credibility"," before finish phone signup":"+%country_code %phone_number has been successfully verified, you can use this phone number to log in after complete signup","referrals.available_travel_credit_and_min_trip":"Up to %tag_start%credit_amount travel credit%tag_end will automatically be applied to your next booking of %min_trip_cost or more.","referrals.available_travel_credit_and_no_min_trip":"Up to %tag_start%credit_amount travel credit%tag_end will automatically be applied to your next booking.","referrals.available_travel_credit_and_min_trip_v2":"Up to %tag_start%credit_amount travel credit%tag_end will automatically be applied to your next booking of %min_trip_cost or more. %link_startInvite friends to earn more!%link_end","referrals.available_travel_credit_and_no_min_trip_v2":"Up to %tag_start%credit_amount travel credit%tag_end will automatically be applied to your next booking. %link_startInvite friends to earn more!%link_end","referrals.available_travel_credit_generic":"You have up to %tag_start%credit_amount%tag_end to use toward your next booking. %link_startInvite people to earn more%link_end","referrals.coupon_expires_at":"Exp. %expiration_date","referrals.see_terms_and_conditions":"See Terms","react_dates.focus_start_date":"Interact with the calendar and add the check-in date for your trip.","react_dates.keyboard_nav_instructions":"Press the down arrow key to interact with the calendar and select a date. Press the question mark key to get the keyboard shortcuts for changing dates.","react_dates.clear_dates":"Clear Dates","react_dates.choose_available_check_in":"Choose %checkin_date as your check-in date. It's available.","react_dates.choose_available_check_out":"Choose %checkout_date as your check-out date. It's available.","react_dates.date_is_unavailable":"Not available %date","react_dates.date_is_selected":"Selected. %date","react_dates.use_arrow_keys_to_navigate_dates":"Use arrow keys to move through available dates.","react_dates.date_is_selected_for_checkin_screen_reader_text":"Selected for check-in. %date","react_dates.date_is_selected_for_checkout_screen_reader_text":"Selected for check-out. %date. To save the date and continue booking, please navigate to the last item on the calendar.","react_dates.close_datepicker":"Close","react_dates.prev_month":"Move backward to switch to the previous month.","react_dates.next_month":"Move forward to switch to the next month.","react_dates.calendar_label":"Calendar","react_dates.keyboard_shortcuts":"Keyboard shortcuts","react_dates.show_keyboard_shortcuts":"Open the keyboard shortcuts panel","react_dates.hide_keyboard_shortcuts":"Close the shortcuts panel","react_dates.open_panel":"Open this panel","react_dates.enter_key":"Enter key","react_dates.left_right_arrows":"Right and left arrow keys","react_dates.up_down_arrows":"Up and down arrow keys","react_dates.page_up_down":"Page up and page down keys","react_dates.home_end":"Home and end keys","react_dates.escape":"Escape key","react_dates.question_mark":"Question mark","react_dates.select_focused_date":"Select the date in focus","react_dates.move_focus_by_day":"Move backward (left) and forward (right) by one day","react_dates.move_focus_by_week":"Move backward (up) and forward (down) by one week","react_dates.move_focus_by_month":"Switch months","react_dates.move_focus_to_start_end_week":"Go to the first or last day of a week","react_dates.return_focus_to_input":"Return to the date input field","react_dates.explore.datepicker_aria_roledescription":"datepicker","react_dates.explore.focus_start_date":"Interact with the calendar and add the dates for your trip.","react_dates.explore.choose_available_check_in":"Choose %start_date as your start date. It's available.","react_dates.explore.choose_available_check_out":"Choose %end_date as your end date. It's available.","react_dates.explore.date_is_selected_for_checkin_screen_reader_text":"Selected start date. %date","react_dates.explore.date_is_selected_for_checkout_screen_reader_text":"Selected end date. %date","phone_number_replace_widget.enter_code_msg":"We've sent code to:","phone_number_widget.verify_validation_error":"Please enter a verification code.","phone_number_widget.number_too_short":"The phone number you entered was too short.","phone_number_widget.please_enter_a_number":"Please enter a phone number.","phone_number_widget.verification_code_four_digits":"The verification code should be a four digit number.","phone_number_widget.the input verification code length is not 6 error message":"The verification code should be a six digit number.","shared.Country":"Country","phone_verification.not_in_country":"Not in %country_name?","phone_verification.phone_number_country_code_label_and_current_code":"Phone country code %country_code","phone_verification.change_country":"%link_startChange country%link_end","shared.Verify via SMS":"Verify via SMS","shared.Verify via Call":"Verify via Call","shared.why_verify":"Why Verify?","shared.Verify":"Verify","phone_verification.enter_verification_code_via_sms":"OK, check your phone (%phone_number) for a text from us. Enter the 4-digit code:","phone_verification.enter_verification_code_via_call":"OK, we’ll call %phone_number with a code. Enter the 4-digit code:","shared.Call me instead":"Call me instead","shared.Text me instead":"Text me instead","airlock.common back to previous screen":"Back","airlock.common select fallback friction":"I need help","airlock.common next to following view":"Next","airlock.common submit":"Submit","airlock.common continue back to what user was doing":"Done","airlock.common okay":"OK","airlock.common multi friction selection header":"Select a method","airlock.common verification code input box label":"Enter your code","airlock.common try another verification":"Try another verification","airlock.common first name":"First name","airlock.common last name":"Last name","airlock.common phone number":"Phone Number","airlock.common try again":"Try again","airlock.common day":"Day","airlock.common month":"Month","airlock.common year":"Year","airlock.common.enter code digit":"Enter digit %digit_number of the code you received","airlock.common.didnt get it":"Didn’t get it?","airlock.common.try again":"Try again","airlock.account ownership verification.friction selection header text":"Select a verification method","airlock.account ownership verification header text":"Help us confirm it’s really you","airlock.account ownership verification description text":"Your account security is important to us. That’s why we ask you to complete an additional verification step when you take certain actions or log in from a new place.","airlock.account ownership verification header text.v2":"We don’t recognize this device","airlock.account ownership verification description text.v2":"To keep your account secure, choose an option below.","airlock.account ownership number label":"Phone number:","airlock.account ownership verification.other options label":"Other options:","airlock.payment instrument verification.success description":"Your card is confirmed—now we’ll finish processing your payment.","airlock.payment instrument verification.fallback on cba":"Upload a statement instead","airlock.payment verification help link":"Why do I need to verify my payment method?"," code verification multi friction select label.v3":"Get a code by email at %strong_start%email_address%strong_end"," code verification intro title":"Get a code by email"," code verification intro description":"We’ll send a code to the email address on your account, %email_address."," code verification intro send email button":"Send code"," code verification code input title":"Enter your security code"," code verification code input description.v2":"We emailed your code to %email_address. It may take a minute to arrive."," intro title":"We need a little more information"," intro description":"To keep the Airbnb community secure, we sometimes ask for additional payment verification. Please provide a billing statement to confirm that you’re authorized to use %formatted_cc. We will review your statement within 24 hours and let you know if you’re approved to continue booking. %link_startLearn more%link_end"," form title":"Please upload your billing statement"," form description about censoring":"Feel free to block out account balances, any non-Airbnb transactions, and account numbers as long as your full name and the last four digits are visible."," form description accepted filetypes":"You can %link_startfind your statement%link_end on your card issuer’s website and upload it as a photo or PDF file."," form field title":"Upload statement"," form prompt reupload":"Upload a different statement"," awaiting review title":"Got it! Please sit tight while we review"," awaiting review description":"We’ll email you know within 24 hours to let you know if you’re authorized to continue booking. There’s nothing else you need to do right now."," still pending title":"Please wait to book"," still pending description":"We’re reviewing your billing statement for %formatted_cc. There’s nothing else you need to do right now."," something went wrong":"Sorry, something went wrong."," image too large":"Your image was more than 5mb. Try again with a smaller image.","airlock.micro_auth introduction title":"Verify your card","airlock.micro_auth introduction description":"To protect your card, we will send two temporary authorizations of %max_auth_amount or less to %card_name %last_four after you click continue.","airlock.micro_auth amount input title":"Enter the amounts","airlock.micro_auth amount input description":"We sent two temporary authorizations from Airbnb of %max_auth_amount or less to %card_name %last_four. These usually show up instantly, but could take up to 2-3 days to appear.","airlock.currency amount input label for accessibility":"Enter the deposited amount","airlock.micro_auth.entered wrong amounts":"The amounts were incorrect. Please try again.","airlock.micro_auth.failover.introduction title":"That didn’t work","airlock.micro_auth.failover.intro.alternate verification description":"Let’s confirm your card another way. It should only take a few minutes — we’ll guide you through it.","airlock.micro_auth.failover.intro.description of microauth":"First, we’ll send two authorizations of %max_auth_amount or less to your card. Then, you’ll enter them on the next page."," text":"Send authorizations","airlock.micro_auth.auth init failure.title":"Sorry, something went wrong","airlock.micro_auth.auth init failure.description":"Please confirm your card by submitting a recent statement for %credit_card_name %last_four instead. We’ll email you within 24 hours to let you know if you’re able to use this card.","airlock.micro_auth.auth init failure.description no fallback":"Please contact us for help confirming your card or try a different payment method.","airlock.micro_auth.downstream failure failure.title":"Sorry, something went wrong","airlock.micro_auth.downstream failure failure.description":"Please confirm your card by submitting a recent statement for %credit_card_name %last_four instead. We’ll email you within 24 hours to let you know if you’re able to use this card.","airlock.micro_auth.downstream failure failure.description no fallback":"Please contact us for help confirming your card or try a different payment method.","airlock.micro_auth.rate limit failure.title":"Confirm your card another way","airlock.micro_auth.rate limit failure.title no fallback":"Please contact us","airlock.micro authorization.rate limit failure.title that user is over rate limit and blocked":"Your card couldn’t be confirmed","airlock.micro_auth.rate limit failure.description":"For security reasons, you’ll need to confirm your card by submitting a recent statement for %credit_card_name %last_four instead. We’ll email you within 24 hours to let you know if you’re able to use this card.","airlock.micro_auth.rate limit failure.description no fallback":"For security reasons, your card can no longer be confirmed that way. Please contact us for help confirming your card or try a different payment method.","airlock.micro authorization.authorization failure.description of verfication attempt limit reached and block the user":"For security reasons, we weren’t able to use the two authorizations to confirm your card and process your payment. You can try again using a different card.","airlock.micro_auth to cba next text":"Next","airlock.micro_auth to contact us next text":"Contact us","airlock.password reset intro title":"Let’s change your password","airlock.password reset intro description":"Help protect your Airbnb account by creating a strong, new password that you don’t use anywhere else online. Your password must be at least 8 characters long — and shouldn’t include easy-to-guess words like your name.","airlock.password reset new password":"New password","airlock.password reset confirm password":"Confirm password"," verification via text multi friction select label.v3":"Get a code by text message (SMS) at %strong_start%phone_number%strong_end"," verification intro title prompt selection":"Where should we send your code?"," verification intro send code via text button":"Send code"," verification code input description of where code was sent":"We sent your code to %phone_number. It might take a minute or two for the text to arrive."," verification code input description of where code was sent.v2":"We texted your code to %phone_number. It may take a minute to arrive."," verification via call multi friction select label.v3":"Get a code by phone call at %strong_start%phone_number%strong_end"," verification call intro title prompt selection":"Where should we call you?"," verification intro send code via call button":"Call me"," verification call code input description":"We’ll call you with a security code at the phone number on your account, %phone_number."," verification call code input description.v2":"We’ll call you with your code at %phone_number."," verification intro description above selector":"You’ll only be able to use a phone number if it was added to your account more than 14 days ago."," verification code input header text":"Enter your security code"," verification phone number select":"Select a phone number","airlock.four axioms intro title":"Let’s go over a few things together…","airlock.four axioms intro description":"This helps us keep your account up-to-date and secure—and it won’t take long. Once we’re done, you can pick up where you left off.","airlock.four axioms basic info title":"Confirm these details","airlock.four axioms basic info description":"Take a moment to make sure this info is correct.","airlock.four axioms birthdate title":"Birthdate","airlock.four axioms confirm phone number title":"Confirm your phone number","airlock.four axioms confirm phone number description":"You should have access to this phone so you can recieve account security codes from us.","airlock.four axioms select phone number label":"Get a code to %strong_start%phone_number%strong_end","airlock.four axioms enter verification code header":"Enter your verification code","airlock.four axioms enter verification code description":"We sent a code to %phone_number. Please check your phone, then enter it here to confirm your phone number.","airlock.four axioms add profile photo title":"Add your profile photo","airlock.four axioms add profile photo description":"Put a face to your name! We’ll add this to your profile, and share it with future hosts and guests.","airlock.four axioms verification.success description":"That’s everything we needed to cover—now you can go back to what you were doing.","airlock.four axioms check photo title":"Check your photo photo","airlock.four axioms confirm photo title":"Confirm this is you","airlock.four axioms confirm photo button":"Yes, that’ me","airlock.four axioms confirm photo explanation text":"Make sure this is a photo that clearly shows your face.","airlock.four axioms change photo button text":"Change photo","profile_pic_uploader.upload_photo":"Upload a photo","account_activation.use_fb_photo":"Use Facebook photo","account_activation.looking_good":"Looking good!","airlock.verification success thank you user header":"Thanks, %first_name","airlock.verification_success_thank_you_header":"Thank you","airlock.verification thank you user header":"You’re all set!","airlock.verification continue with previous action prompt":"Thanks for helping us keep your account secure.","airlock.verification continue.manually click to redirect":"If you’re not redirected in a few seconds, %link_startclick here.%link_end"," us form title":"Need our help?"," us form description":"Only use this form if you’re unable to complete this security check using another option—it can take several days to get back into your account if you need our help."," us form box label":"What were you trying to do?"," us form only title":"We need to confirm it’s really you"," us form only description":"We want to make sure that you and only you have access to your account. That’s why we may lock your account when you take certain actions or log in from a new place. Provide details below, and someone from our team will help you get back into your account.","airlock.contact_us form minimum number of characters":"%min_length character minimum","airlock.contact_us form characters remaining":"%character_count/%min_length characters","airlock.contact_us_form wrong character count":"Your response needs to be between %min_length and %max_length characters.","airlock.contact_us_form waiting for contact header":"We’ll be in touch soon","airlock.contact_us_form waiting for contact description":"Someone from our team will follow up with you by email. You’ll be able use your Airbnb account as usual once we’ve reviewed your account.","airlock.contact_us_form_aov.main_title":"We don’t recognize this device","airlock.contact_us_form_aov.main_description":"To continue, try logging in from a device you’ve used in the past. That way, we’ll know it’t you.","airlock.contact_us_form_aov.toggle_link_label":"Need help? Contact us","airlock.contact_us_form_aov.form_main_title":"Contact us","airlock.contact_us_form_aov.form_subtitle":"Before you can continue using Airbnb, we’ll need to review your account. This may take a few days.","airlock.contact_us_form_aov.form_label":"Let us know where you’re currently located (city, country). If your email or phone number has changed, please include any updated info.","airlock.contact_us_form_aov.send_button_label":"Send","airlock.contact_kba multi friction select label":"Confirm account details","airlock.contact_kba multi friction select link":"Or you can confirm your account details (this will take longer)","airlock.contact_kba multi friction select link.v2":"Or confirm your account details","airlock.contact_kba name title":"What’s the full name on your account?","airlock.contact_kba dob title":"What’s your date of birth?","airlock.contact_kba date of birth":"Date of birth","airlock.contact_kba enter first name":"Enter first name","airlock.contact_kba enter last name":"Enter last name","airlock.contact_kba title phone":"What’s your phone number?","airlock.contact_kba description phone select":"Select a phone number to confirm.","airlock.contact_kba description phone confirm":"Fill in the phone number on your account that starts and ends with %phone_number","airlock.contact_kba explanation title":"Confirm a few more account details","airlock.contact_kba explanation description":"Help us confirm it’s really you by answering a few questions about your account.","airlock.contact_kba failure title":"We couldn’t confirm some of your account information","airlock.contact_kba failure description":"Some of the information you provided doesn’t match what we have on file for your account.","airlock.contact_kba title payment":"Now, confirm your card’s expiration date","airlock.contact_kba description payment":"This is just used for account verification—you won’t be charged for anything.","airlock.contact_kba payment select label":"Select a credit card","airlock.contact_kba payment input title":"When does %credit_card_name expire?","airlock.contact_kba payment input label":"Expiration date","airlock.contact_kba payment input label month":"Month","airlock.contact_kba payment input label year":"Year","airlock.contact_ticket header":"Need our help?","airlock.contact_ticket description":"Looks like you’re having trouble completing your account ownership verification.","airlock.contact_ticket body":"We’ve created a support case for you, and someone from our team will follow up by email within 48 hours.","airlock.push code verification multi friction select label":"Get a code from the app","airlock.push code verification multi friction select label.v2":"Get a code in an Airbnb app notification","airlock.push code verification multi friction select subtitle":"Make sure you’re logged in to the app","airlock.push code.introduction title":"Help us confirm it’s really you","airlock.push code.introduction description":"We’ll send a code to the Airbnb app on your phone or tablet.","airlock.push code.introduction reasoning":"Your account security is important to us. That’s why we ask you to complete this extra step when you take certain actions or log in from somewhere new.","airlock.push code.introduction send code":"Send","airlock.push code.introduction try something else":"Try something else","airlock.push code.input title":"Enter your security code","airlock.push code.input description":"Your code should pop up on any phone or tablet you have the Airbnb app installed on.","airlock.push code.input didnt get it":"Didn’t get it?","airlock.push code.input try again":"Try again","airlock.facebook.login with your fb account":"Log in with your Facebook account","airlock.facebook.connect a new fb account":"Connect your Facebook account","airlock.verification failed title":"Let’s try something else","airlock.verification failed error message":"We were not able to secure your account using Facebook.","airlock.wechat.login with your wechat account":"Connect to WeChat to verify your identity","airlock.wechat verification failed error message":"We were not able to secure your account using WeChat."," with your alipay account":"Connect to Alipay to verify your identity"," verification failed error message":"We were not able to secure your account using Alipay.","airlock.verification failed cta":"Choose another option","airlock.reverse caller new phone number verification label":"Add another phone number","airlock.reverse caller new phone number verification subtitle":"We’ll send your code to this number","airlock.reverse caller id.add a phone number title":"Add a phone number","airlock.reverse caller id.user name must be associated with phone account":"Your name must be associated with this phone account.","shared.Phone Number":"Phone Number","airlock.3ds.intro.header":"Confirm your card","airlock.3ds.intro.description.1":"You’ll need to confirm this card through your bank before we can process your payment. This extra step helps prevent fraud and keep your card secure.","airlock.3ds.intro.description.2":"Once you’re done, we’ll take you back to Airbnb."," button":"Connect to bank","airlock.3ds.iframe.header":"Confirm your card","airlock.3ds.braintree_error":"Something went wrong while connecting to your card issuer. Please try again later.","airlock.3ds.failure.header":"Your bank couldn’t confirm this card","airlock.3ds.failure.description.1":"As a result, we can’t process your payment.","airlock.3ds.failure.description.2":"You can try a different card or contact your bank. If you contact your bank, mention that you need help with a confirmation process called 3D Secure.","airlock.3ds.amex_us.introduction.header":"Let’s get a few details before you pay…","airlock.3ds.amex_us.introduction.description":"We need you to enter your billing info before we reach out to American Express to confirm your card. This helps us prevent fraud and keep your card secure.","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.header":"Enter your Amex billing info","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.description":"This is for your Amex card ending in %last_four_digits.","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.first_name_label":"First name","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.last_name_label":"Last name","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.billing_phone_number_label":"Billing phone number","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.mobile_phone_number_label":"Mobile number","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.mobile_phone_number_option_label":"Same as billing number","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form_errors.first_name":"First name is required","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form_errors.last_name":"Last name is required","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form_errors.billing_address":"Check you billing address","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form_errors.phone_number":"Phone number required","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.billing_address_label":"Billing address","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.billing_address.line_1":"Address line 1","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.billing_address.line_2":"Address line 2","":"City","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.billing_address.state":"State","airlock.3ds.amex_us.user_info_form.billing_address.zipcode":"Zipcode","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.intro.header":"Confirm your PayPal account","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.intro.description.1":"We need to confirm your PayPal account to process your payment.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.intro.description.1.dynamic":"We need to confirm your %email_address PayPal account to process your payment.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.intro.description.2":"Once the PayPal window closes, you’ll continue on Airbnb.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.intro.paypal_button":"OK","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.timeout.body":"You ran out of time to log in to your PayPal account, but you’re welcome to try again.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.header":"Let's try that again","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.body":"We don't have that PayPal account on file.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.body.dynamic":"We don't have a %email_address PayPal account on file.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.description.1":"Try again to provide the correct PayPal account.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.description.1.dynamic":"Try again using your %email_address PayPal account. Alternatively, go back to select a different payment method or set up an additional PayPal account.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.paypal_button":"Try again","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.description.2":"Go back to select an alternate form of payment or set up an additional PayPal account.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.error.go_back_button":"Go back","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.success.header":"You're all set!","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.success.description.1":"Keep going to finish processing your payment and return to Airbnb.","airlock.paypal.reauthenticate_friction.success.button":"Continue"," phone.add a phone number title":"Add a new phone number"," phone.add a phone num description":"To help keep your account safe and secure, please add a phone number and help us verify your identity in the future.","airlock.captcha_flow.verification_sucesss.header":"Thanks for taking care of that","airlock.captcha_flow.verification_sucesss.description":"This helps us keep your account secure.","airlock.phone_verification.with_number.introduction.header":"Confirm your phone number","airlock.phone_verification.with_number.introduction.description":"Before your message is sent, please make sure that we have the right number.","airlock.auto_rejection.default.title":"There’s a problem with your account","airlock.auto_rejection.default.description.1":"Due to security concerns, we were not able to process your transaction.","airlock.auto_rejection.default.description.2":"This will likely happen if you try again.","airlock.auto_rejection.default.description.3":"If you feel you should be able to complete your transaction, contact us.","airlock.auto_rejection.default.learn_more.label":"Learn more","airlock.auto_rejection.default.cta.primary.label":"OK, got it","airlock.auto_rejection.default.cta.secondary.label":"Contact Us","airlock.common_select_fallback_friction_cannot_satisfy_any_friction":"I need help","airlock.common.resend_code.user_did_not_receive_text":"Resend code","airlock.account_ownership_verification_description_text.v3":"Your account security is important to us. That’s why we ask you to complete an additional verification step.","choose_language":"Choose language","choose_currency":"Choose currency","datepicker_updated_years_ago":"Updated %smart_count year ago |||| Updated %smart_count years ago","datepicker_updated_months_ago":"Updated %smart_count month ago |||| Updated %smart_count months ago","datepicker_updated_days_ago":"Updated %smart_count day ago |||| Updated %smart_count days ago","datepicker_updated_today":"Updated today","datepicker_never_updated":"Never updated","datepicker_min_nights":"%smart_count night minimum stay |||| %smart_count night minimum stay","datepicker_min_nights_this_month":"%smart_count night min. this month |||| %smart_count nights min. this month","datepicker_min_nights_varies":"Minimum stay varies","sorry_something_went_wrong":"Sorry, something went wrong. Please refresh the page and try again.","checkin_input_format":"Enter your check in date in the format %default_format","checkout_input_format":"Enter your check out date in the format %default_format","canceled_night_promotion_indicator":"50% off the service fee","canceled_night_promotion_day_explanation":"50% off the service fee for this day","shared.Share":"Share","shared_next":"Next","shared_previous":"Previous","calendar_display_for_new_year":"New Year","calendar_display_for_valentines_day":"Valentines Day","calendar_display_for_christmas_day":"Christmas","calendar_display_for_chinese_new_year":"Chinese New Year","calendar_display_for_chinese_valentines_day":"Chinese Valentines Day","calendar_display_for_qingming_day":"Qingming","calendar_display_for_labor_day":"Labor Day","calendar_display_for_dragon_boat_festival":"Dragon Boat Day","calendar_display_for_chinese_national_day":"Chinese National Day","calendar_display_for_mid_autumn_day":"Mid Autumn Day","calendar_display_for_holiday_rest_day":"Day off","calendar_display_for_holiday_shifted_work_day":"Work day"}" id="_bootstrap-phrases"/>

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