My latest artworks

Publié le 03 février 2020 par Paristonkar @ParisTonkar

Tarek – 童趣盎然之即興幻境

原创 Sunsun HU 巴黎We Need Art喂你艺术 1周前


Tarek will also make some urban and humanistic works by pasting and painting. Every piece of work contains a wealth of content, and it’s unbelievable. His skull and monsters will also appear in the virtual city he created, forming a « Tarek’s world ».


Tarek’s skull was never terrifying. The innocent skeletons seemed to question with empty eyes whether « death » was also a way of « living ». His skeletons seem to be even alive and can not only sense the environment, but also have their own mood!


The works of the Little Monsters-Masks series should be regarded as Tarek’s most representative style. The simple but interesting patterns and harmonious color matching always warm the audience’s hearts. It seems that he never needed to name or define his little monsters. They are the elves walking in the city or the mountains. Each one is unique and free.

Vous pouvez acheter des dessins, des customs ou encore des peintures en visitant les galeries en ligne qui suivent : Art Sy, Artmajeur, Artsper, Singulart, Kazoart et We need art.

You can buy drawings, customs or paintings by visiting the following online galleries: Art Sy, Artmajeur, Artsper, Singulart, Kazoart et We need art.