Offres spéciales à emporter, options de livraison, fermetures temporaires et plus sur les restaurants, brasseries, camions de restauration et cafés répondant à la pandémie de coronavirus dans les comtés de Sarasota, Manatee et Charlotte.
Ce contenu est fourni gratuitement en tant que service public à nos lecteurs pendant l'épidémie de coronavirus. Inscrivez-vous à nos newsletters quotidiennes ou de dernière minute pour rester informé. Si les nouvelles locales sont importantes pour vous, envisagez de devenir un abonné numérique au Sarasota Herald-Tribune.
Voici notre résumé du samedi 4 avril sur la façon dont les restaurants locaux réagissent à la pandémie de coronavirus dans les comtés de Sarasota, Manatee et Charlotte.
Le 1er avril, le gouverneur Ron DeSantis a ordonné une ordonnance de séjour à domicile dans tout l'État qui interdit aux Floridiens de quitter leur domicile, sauf pour des services essentiels et d'autres raisons limitées.
Les restaurants, qui ont reçu l'ordre de fermer toutes les salles à manger le 20 mars, peuvent toujours fournir de la nourriture et de l'alcool à emporter et à livrer pendant le verrouillage. Le parapluie des services essentiels comprend également les épiceries, les stations-service, les fournisseurs de soins de santé et de nombreuses autres exceptions comme les promenades récréatives, que nous recommandons lorsqu'elles sont effectuées à une distance sûre, peut-être tout en ramassant des plats à emporter.
Nos articles sur les restaurants incluent de nombreux articles sur les plats à emporter et les options de livraison pour les restaurants de la région, ainsi que des informations sur les camions de restauration locaux et les cafés, ainsi que des informations sur l'achat de bière dans les brasseries locales, ainsi que sur les vins et les boissons alcoolisées.
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Voir notre couverture complète de l'épidémie de coronavirus
Vous trouverez également des informations sur Support Local, notre initiative qui vous permet de montrer votre soutien à vos entreprises locales en cette période difficile en achetant des cartes-cadeaux.
De plus, nous fournissons des informations sur les fermetures temporaires de restaurants en raison de COVID-19, qui comprend déjà des sites d'intérêt locaux tels que Bijou Cafe et Owen's Fish Camp dans le comté de Sarasota et Beach Bistro et la chaîne Anna Maria Oyster Bar dans le comté de Manatee.
Pour des mises à jour quotidiennes sur la façon dont les restaurants de la région réagissent à la pandémie de coronavirus, mettez en signet Veuillez envoyer par courrier électronique les informations concernant les restaurants, les brasseries, les food trucks et les cafés à [email protected].
* Profitez d'un séjour à la maison de Pâques avec tous les accompagnements avec les packs de repas de Pâques de Metro Diner contenant un choix de dinde rôtie ou de jambon cuit, accompagnés d'une purée de pommes de terre et de sauce crémeuse, de haricots verts à la vapeur à la française, de farine de pain de maïs ou de macaroni et fromage crémeux ( au choix), salade du jardin, sauce aux canneberges et biscuits et biscuits aux pépites de chocolat frais. Les packs de repas de Pâques sont disponibles pour 9 $ par personne. Les précommandes pour les packs de repas de Pâques sont acceptées jusqu'au 11 avril à 17 h. Metro Diner présente également des combos de repas familiaux, avec un choix de poulet frit ou de "Iron City Meatloaf" servi avec une purée de pommes de terre crémeuse et de la sauce, des haricots verts à la française, une salade de jardin et un biscuit aux pépites de chocolat au four pour le dessert. Les combos repas familiaux sont disponibles pour 9 $ par personne. Les deux options sont disponibles pour le ramassage en appelant le restaurant ou en commandant en ligne sur
* Ionie Organic Vegan Cafe, 1241 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, est ouvert de 8 h à 16 h. (commande avant 15 h, ramasser jusqu'à 16 h) avec des aliments végétaux entièrement biologiques tels que des pizzas, des pâtes, des tostadas, des wraps et plus, y compris leur "célèbre Martin Sandwich". Info: 941-320-0504,
* The Rosemary, 411 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota, est maintenant ouvert de 15 h à 20 h. tous les jours pour emporter et livrer des articles tels que "Sandwich au porc effiloché de George", "Côtes levées de dos en bois de dirftwood" et "Saumon en croûte aux pistaches". De plus, une bouteille de vin offerte avec votre commande de quatre repas ou plus. Appelez le 941-955-7600 pour passer commande. Infos:
* Tsunami Sushi & Hibachi, 100 Central Ave., Sarasota, est ouvert pour livraison locale gratuite et ramassage en bordure de rue de 12 h à 14 h. et de 16 h 30 à 20 h 30 Du lundi au vendredi et de 16 h 30 à 20 h 30 Samedi et dimanche. Info: 941-366-1033,
* Le Gator Club, une icône du centre-ville de Sarasota au 1490, rue Main, vend de l'alcool et peut-être d'autres forfaits "fournitures essentielles" à emporter / en bordure de rue. Les heures d'aujourd'hui (4 avril) sont de 12 h à 15 h. Info: 941-366-5969,
* Zildjian Catering, 6986 Beneva Road, Sarasota, propose des plats préparés par le chef de 11h00 à 18h00. Du mardi au samedi pour la livraison et la collecte en bordure de rue avec des conteneurs à emporter qui sont compostables et peuvent aller au four. Ils ont également un menu Pâque et Pâques et viennent de lancer la commande en ligne. Info: 941-363-1709,
* Pacific Rim, 1859, rue Hillview, Sarasota, est ouvert pour emporter. Info: 941-330-0573,
* Épicerie britannique Scots Corner, 3452 17e rue, Sarasota, est ouverte de 9 h à 18 h. tous les jours pour une gamme d'épicerie britannique ainsi que des œufs de Pâques, du bacon, des saucisses "et tout ce qui vient de la maison". Ils offrent également la livraison gratuite. Info: 941953 6707,
* Siam Gulf, 1100 N. Tuttle Ave. Unité 1 et 2. Sarasota, est ouvert pour emporter. Info: 941-312-4605,
* Buttermilk Handcrafted Food, 5520 Palmer Blvd., Sarasota, une boulangerie / café du Sud avec service au comptoir, est ouverte. Info: 941-487-8949,
* JPan Sushi & Grill, avec des emplacements à Sarasota au 3800 S. Tamiami Trail et 229 N. Cattlemen Road, est ouvert pour emporter. Infos:
* Les vêtements et accessoires Sharky's on the Pier, Fins at Sharky's et Snook Haven bénéficient d'une remise de 10% sur tous les articles de vente en ligne jusqu'à la fin avril, avec la livraison gratuite. Entrez le code "SAVE10" à la caisse pour recevoir votre remise. Infos:
* Aidez à sauver une entreprise locale
Achetez une carte-cadeau maintenant, utilisez-la plus tard et aidez à sauver une entreprise locale (ou deux). Support Local est une initiative qui vous permet de montrer votre soutien à vos entreprises locales pendant cette période difficile. La plate-forme est construite par Gannett, une société de médias qui comprend USA TODAY, Herald-Tribune et des centaines d'autres marques de médias locales. Nos nouvelles marques ont toujours entretenu une relation privilégiée avec leurs entreprises locales et se consacrent à les soutenir. Nous espérons que nos efforts leur permettront de continuer à servir leurs communautés à l'avenir. Achetez une carte cadeau locale maintenant:
LIRE LA SUITE: Nouvelles du restaurant pour les comtés de Sarasota, Manatee et Charlotte
LIRE LA SUITE: Coronavirus Florida: événements annulés à Sarasota-Bradenton-Venise-Punta Gorda
* Bocca Lupo ouvre une succursale dans West Villages
Bocca Lupo Coal Fired Pizza, une pizzeria populaire à Port Charlotte et North Port, a ouvert un nouvel emplacement, le troisième, sur la place du marché West Villages du sud du comté de Sarasota, proposant uniquement des commandes à emporter. David Valentino, directeur d'un groupe de restaurants local qui possède les trois Bocca Lupos, ainsi que le restaurant italien de Donato et le Prime Serious Steak à Port Charlotte, a déclaré que le lancement d'un nouveau restaurant à un moment comme celui-ci avait été un véritable défi, mais la réponse a été été formidable.
"Ce lien avec la communauté locale a été écrasant et je pense qu'il se poursuivra lorsque nous serons complètement ouverts", a déclaré Valentino.
Le restaurant propose des plats à emporter à une fenêtre extérieure de son menu principal, y compris des pizzas, des ailes et des salades assorties. Des amuse-gueules, des plats de pâtes italiennes, des sous-marins et bien plus seront disponibles lorsque le Bocca Lupo sera pleinement opérationnel.
Les pizzas au charbon de style jersey sont la spécialité de la maison avec une croûte croustillante et moelleuse traditionnelle. Les sauces sont faites maison, et la tarte à l'envers du New Jersey avec du fromage en bas et de la sauce sur le dessus est une option préférée. Il existe également des pizzas blanches, des saucisses et de la ricotta, une margherita, ainsi que de nombreuses autres variantes.
Le nouveau restaurant occupe 4500 pieds carrés et proposera éventuellement un bar complet, pouvant accueillir 185 couverts à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur et des accents de brique dans une pizzeria décontractée.
Situé au 12105 Mercado Drive à la place du marché West Villages, Bocca Lupo prend les commandes au 941-676-9653 pour être ramassé de midi à 21 h. du quotidien. Pour plus d'informations, visitez
* Le restaurant Made, 1990 Main St., Sarasota, propose un grand nombre de ses plats réconfortants intelligents (hamburger, poulet frit, pain de viande, "porc sur porc mac") sur un menu régulièrement mis à jour ainsi que des options de repas en famille et "grand format" cocktails. " Info: 941-953-2900,
* Shore, 800 Broadway St., Longboat Key, est ouvert de 12 h 30 à 19 h 30. tous les jours pour le trottoir et à emporter à quai. Forfait alcool, vin et bière disponibles. Appelez pour passer votre commande au 941-259-4600. (Veuillez noter que le site de Shore's St. Armands a temporairement fermé). Infos:
* Connors Steak & Seafood, 3501 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, a lancé un menu du marché avec des viandes et des plats de spécialité ainsi que des plats à emporter en bordure de rue, y compris des repas de style familial qui en nourrissent deux ou quatre. Info: 941-260-3232,
* Skyline Chili, 4112 Lakewood Ranch Blvd., service au volant est ouvert de 11 h à 21 h. avec livraison disponible via Bite Squad. Piment de style Cincinnati, chiens Coney, salades, wraps et tendres de poulet tous fabriqués sur commande. Produits Pepsi et bière également disponibles. Appelez le 941-242-2603;
* Pi 3.14 et restaurant soeur Blas Caf au 5263 Ocean Blvd. sur Siesta Key ont combiné des offres et créé un menu spécial à emporter et de livraison pour les convives désireux de pizza, d'ailes et de certains des articles de signature du café, ainsi que des emballages de bière, de vin et d'alcool. Les choix de menu comprennent également des repas et des boîtes à collations pouvant accueillir jusqu'à quatre personnes, à partir de 12 $ pour une portion individuelle. Ouvert tous les jours à partir de 14 h à 21 h Les commandes et les demandes de livraison peuvent être effectuées en appelant le Pi 941-346-1188 ou en visitant Infos: et
* The Good Liquid Brewing Company, 4824 14th. St.W, Bradenton, est ouvert pour emporter et pour aller manger et bière de 14 h à 19 h. Mardi-jeudi, 12h-18h Vendredi-samedi et 12h-17h Dimanche. Vous pouvez également commander de la nourriture à livrer via: UberEats et GrubHub. Appelez le 941-896-6381.
* Pizzeria Nonna, 7604, chemin Cortez. W., Bradenton, est ouvert de 12 h à 21 h. Du lundi au jeudi, de 12 h à 22 h Vendredi et samedi et 16 h à 21 h Dimanche pour emporter et livraisons. Appelez le 941-761-8327 ou 941-761-8367.
* Limoncello Bistro, 999 Cattlemen Road, Unit H, Sarasota, qui sert des plats à emporter de 15 h 30 à 21 h. Du lundi au samedi, offrira la fête du Seder de la Pâque avec des plateaux et des casseroles pour les vacances, du 7 au 15 avril. Info: 941-342-5060,
* Le Italian Grill de Carrabba propose des kits de sangria à emporter. Faites un achat de vin avec une commande à emporter ou de livraison d'articles populaires comme Chicken Bryan, Pollo Rosa Maria ou Chicken Marsala, puis ajoutez un kit de sangria rouge ou mûre pour 1 $. Le restaurant propose une gamme de sélections de vins en bouteille pour 15 $ et six packs de bière pour 10 $. Infos:
* Un Good Day Cafe au 1092 S. Tamiami Trail, Osprey reste ouvert tous les jours de 8 h à 14 h 30, avec livraison gratuite dans la région et plats à emporter avec option trottoir. Info: 941-412-4889 ou
* The Rosemary, 411 N. Orange Ave., Sarasota, propose un menu à emporter et de livraison, avec des plats du jour, des demandes spéciales et de l'alcool également disponible, de 15 h à 20 h. du quotidien. Liste complète des vins et cocktails à venir bientôt. Appelez le 941-955-7600 ou textez le 941-920-0847 pour passer la commande. Infos:
* Le Sunset Grill de Pop, 112 Circuit Road à Nokomis, a suspendu ses opérations. "Nous avons pris la décision difficile de fermer la livraison et la livraison", a déclaré Stephanie Brown, directrice générale dans un e-mail. "Nous nous concentrerons sur la collecte de nourriture (jeudi après-midi, voir ci-dessous) et rouvrirons après 30 jours ou tel que déterminé par l'État de Floride." Infos:
* Blue Moon Grill, 2045 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota, a annoncé la suspension de ses opérations. "Alors que le virus continue de culminer, nous avons décidé pour la sécurité de nos clients et de nos employés, nous fermerons après le dîner du vendredi 3 avril", ont déclaré les propriétaires du restaurant dans un e-mail. "Nous prévoyons de rouvrir le lundi 20 avril. Cependant, nous réévaluerons à l'approche de cette date. À tous nos clients et supporters, merci! Soyez en sécurité et nous avons hâte de vous servir dans quelques semaines. " Info: 941-260-8597,
* Le Old Packinghouse Cafe de J.R., 987 S. Packinghouse Road, Sarasota, a ajouté des repas de style familial et bien plus encore. Il est ouvert de 11 h à 20 h. Du lundi au samedi. "Ce que nous faisons en ce moment sur les repas de famille est un repas cubain - vous obtenez du riz, des haricots noirs, du pain à l'ail et des tostones", a déclaré le propriétaire J.R. Garraus, pour l'histoire de la couverture des billets de cette semaine. "Les protéines, vos choix sont le picadillo, qui est du boeuf haché; ropa, qui est du bœuf râpé; et porc râpé à la cubaine. Ça se passe vraiment bien, en fait, plus que je ne le pensais. Notre configuration de base est un ensemble de quatre, six et huit. Donc, pour quatre à six, ce serait 40 $, 60 $ nourriront six à huit et 80 $, huit à 10. " Appelez et passez votre commande: 941-371-9358. Infos:
* Riverhouse Waterfront Restaurant, 995 Riverside Drive sur la rivière Manatee à Palmetto, a suspendu ses activités. Ils continueront leur promotion eGift Card: obtenez 10 $ lorsque vous dépensez 100 $ ou 25 $ lorsque vous dépensez 250 $. Infos:
* Jennings Downtown Provisions, 417 Old Main St., Bradenton, est ouvert pour emporter de 11 h à 14 h. Du mercredi au vendredi, le téléphone est ouvert à 10 h. Les plats du menu comprennent des salades faites maison, des sandwichs et des pains plats avec 40% de réduction sur la bière et le vin. Appelez le 941-896-5450.
* Duval's Fresh. Local. Seafood., 1435 Main St., Sarasota, offre 20% de réduction sur votre commande de nourriture avec le code "letseat" avec des articles allant des cheeseburgers à une salade de saumon rôti réfrigéré. En plus de nombreux plats, bières, vins et spiritueux fabuleux disponibles pour livraison ou ramassage gratuits, Duval propose également du papier toilette, des serviettes en papier, du beurre, des œufs, du lait et plus encore. Appelez pour passer votre commande 941-312-4001 ou commandez en ligne sur
* Pier 22, sur la rivière Manatee au 1200 1st Ave. W., Bradenton et le restaurant soeur Grove, au 10670 Boardwalk Loop à Lakewood Ranch, proposent des repas en famille pour accompagner une épicerie en ligne complète. Infos: et
* Caribbean Pie Company, 2245 Bee Ridge Road, Sarasota, est ouvert de 11 h 00 à 14 h 00. Du lundi au samedi pour le ramassage des clients en bordure de rue. Les commandes peuvent être passées en ligne sur ou par téléphone au 941-882-4589.
* Millers Ale House, 3800 Kenny Drive, Sarasota est ouvert tous les jours pour la livraison ou la livraison de 12 h à 21 h. Appelez le 941-378-8888.
* Bijou Cafe, le restaurant du centre-ville de Sarasota détenu et exploité par la famille Knaggs depuis 1986 qui a suspendu ses activités le 20 mars, fait don de 25% des ventes de cartes-cadeaux à son personnel. Infos:
* Les cinq Gecko's Grill & Pub's ouverts continuent de proposer la nourriture, la bière et le vin de Gecko pour le ramassage sur le trottoir. Passez votre commande en ligne à: ou visitez pour les coordonnées. Gecko's et Smacks Burgers & Shakes offrent également la livraison exclusivement via Bite Squad. Gecko's offre également une remise de 40% sur les commandes de nourriture pour les employés des restaurants et des hôtels avec leur talon de chèque de paie.
* Performance Copying & Printing, 8010 25th Court E., Sarasota, a lancé un nouveau programme de tarification conçu pour aider les restaurants locaux et l'industrie des soins de santé touchés par COVID-19. À partir de maintenant, la société offre une remise de 50% à 75% pour les restaurants à utiliser pour les menus de ramassage et à emporter et pour les fournisseurs de soins de santé de la région à utiliser pour toute la littérature et les documents imprimés liés à COVID-19. Info: 941-351-5500.
* Dîners spéciaux au bistro EnRich, au 5629 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, pour le 1er avril comprend du porc marsala avec de la purée de céleri-rave de fenouil rôti, des asperges grillées, de la sauce portabella marsala pour 25 $. EnRich sert les commandes à emporter par téléphone et offre un service de livraison en bordure de rue de 17 h à 20 h. avec 20% de réduction sur les bouteilles de vin. Pour passer une commande, composez le 941-792-0990. Infos:
* Five-O Donut Co., le fournisseur de beignets de Sarasota, détenu et exploité localement, avec des magasins au 2241 Ringling Blvd. et 7119 S. Tamiami Trail, serviront bientôt leurs beignets bien-aimés Cadbury Creme Egg. "Ce week-end et le lendemain, nous déployons notre gamme de Pâques" œufs frits à l'intérieur "!" lit le post du 31 mars sur
* Chaufferie, 5600 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, qui a fermé ses portes en janvier, a repris ses activités, ouvert à emporter. Appelez le 941-792-7176.
* Fav's Italian Cucina, 419 Old Main St., Bradenton, qui a récemment célébré son 20e anniversaire, est ouverte à la réception de 11 h à 20 h. avec leur cuisine italienne classique, y compris les entrées du dîner, du pain frais, des salades et plus encore. "S'il vous plaît, soyez patient car ils embellissent nos trottoirs", lit-on dans le post Facebook d'aujourd'hui. "Nous avons accès aux dispositions de Fav et de Jennings à nos portes centrales. En espérant que certains endroits réservés pour la nourriture soient récupérés au coin d'ici la fin de la journée. En attendant, il y a un parking dans le garage de la 10e rue ou le parking à l'arrière. " Info: 941-708-3287,
* Fresh Start Cafe, 630 S. Orange Ave., Sarasota, propose un dîner de Pâque pour aider la communauté à célébrer les vacances. Toutes les commandes doivent être passées avant le 5 avril et le ramassage aura lieu le 8 avril, nuit de la Pâque. Le menu est de 25 $ par personne et comprend une soupe de boules de matzoh, une poitrine, des pommes de terre et des carottes, des légumes cuits à la vapeur, une salade et du casher pour le gâteau au chocolat de la Pâque. Le café Fresh Start est ouvert pour emporter pendant les heures normales de bureau de 9 h à 14 h. Infos:
* Au-dessus du Bar Hospitality Group, qui exploite le Beach Club, le Hub Baja Grill, MVP, The Cottage et Summer House on Siesta Key, a donné des denrées périssables aux employés lorsqu'ils sont venus récupérer leur chèque de paie le 31 mars. les hommes d'affaires Mike Granthon et Christopher Brown, tous les établissements du groupe d'entreprises locales à Siesta Key Village ont fermé la semaine dernière à l'exception de MVP, alias My Village Pub, qui est toujours ouvert pour les commandes à emporter. Les 250 employés de Above the Bar Hospitality Group ont chacun reçu 100 $ de plus sur leur chèque de paie, gracieuseté du propriétaire. Pour plus d'informations sur la commande de plats à emporter et de boissons auprès de MVP, visitez:
* Le Tiki Bar & Grill d'Oleary, 5 Bayfront Drive, Sarasota, est ouvert pour emporter de 11 h à 18 h. du quotidien. Info: 941-953-7505,
* Scott's Deli, 5350 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, offre des commandes de plats à emporter, de livraison et en bordure de rue de 8 h à 19 h. Du lundi au samedi et de 10 h à 17 h Dimanche. Appelez le 941-778-3000.
* Shaner's Pizza, 6500 Superior Ave., Sarasota, est ouvert pour emporter avec des options de livraison de 16 h à 21 h. du quotidien. Info: 941-927-2708,
* L'usine de palourdes Cortez à Bradenton a fermé ses portes jusqu'à nouvel ordre. "Nous vous aimons tous et vous nous manquez tous, mais nous pensons qu'il est préférable de faire notre part pour arrêter la propagation de COVID-19", lit le post sur Facebook. "Nous ouvrirons nos portes et reviendrons fort dès que possible."
* Captain Brian's, au 8421 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, avec un marché complet de fruits de mer frais et de plats au menu du restaurant, propose des plats à emporter et en bordure de rue de 11 h à 19 h. Aujourd'hui (1er avril), les spéciaux incluent les dîners d'espadon de Block Island, 2 pour 15,99 $. Le poisson peut être noirci ou grillé, est livré avec deux côtés et du pain. Le capitaine Brian's propose également de cuisiner tous les fruits de mer achetés sur le marché sans frais supplémentaires. Les articles peuvent être grillés, noircis ou frits (minimum une livre). Info: 941-351-4492 ou
* Hooters offre aux clients pour le "mercredi du mercredi" une offre spéciale de 9 $ toute la journée qui comprend 10 ailes désossées, des frites et du fromage bleu ou un ranch à emporter. Les restaurants South Florida Hooters, qui comprennent des emplacements à Sarasota, Bradenton et Port Charlotte, proposent de la nourriture, des bouteilles de vin scellées, de l'alcool et de la bière. Infos:
* Sharky's On the Pier, 1600 Harbor Drive S., Venise, commencera à midi aujourd'hui (31 mars) en livrant de la nourriture et de l'alcool emballé directement chez vous si vous vivez sur l'île de Venise. Le service de livraison est gratuit mais vous devez commander un minimum de 25 $ de nourriture / alcool. Appelez le 941-488-1456 pour passer votre commande. Infos:
* Le Sunset Grill de Pop s'est associé à ses fournisseurs et à ses amis et voisins pour créer des kits de repas que Pop's distribuera au personnel d'hospitalité de la région. Ils auront 450 à 500 repas à distribuer et ont contacté un certain nombre de restaurants locaux pour inviter leur personnel au service au volant du stationnement de Pop le jeudi 2 avril de 14 h à 16 h. Pop's, au 112 Circuit Road à Nokomis, est ouvert tous les jours de 11 h à 20 h. avec menu complet disponible pour effectuer des trottoirs et des quais en appelant le 941-488-3177 ext. 3. Infos:
* Le ChillMobile, un camion de crème glacée de bonne humeur datant de 1979, apportera des friandises savoureuses et amusantes à votre maison ou votre quartier. Commande minimum de 20 $. Les apparitions hebdomadaires sont les bienvenues. Tous les frais d'événements sont annulés pendant la pandémie. Réservez en ligne: ou envoyez un courriel à [email protected].
* Yoder's Restaurant & Amish Village, 3434 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota, est ouvert de 11 h à 19 h. pour le déjeuner et le dîner du lundi au samedi pour emporter et propose maintenant des repas de style familial. Info: 941-955-7771,
* Captain Brian's, au 8421 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, avec un marché complet de fruits de mer frais et de plats au menu du restaurant, propose des plats à emporter et en bordure de rue de 11 h à 19 h. Les spéciaux du jour (31 mars) incluent des dîners au saumon de l'île Féroé ou au thon ahi, 2 pour 15,99 $. Le poisson peut être noirci ou grillé, est livré avec deux côtés et du pain. Ils offrent la livraison gratuite dans un rayon de cinq miles du restaurant avec un minimum de 30 $. La livraison comprend les articles du marché complet de fruits de mer, le menu complet du restaurant, la bière, le vin et les boissons gazeuses. Le capitaine Brian's propose également de cuisiner tous les fruits de mer achetés sur le marché sans frais supplémentaires. Les articles peuvent être grillés, noircis ou frits (minimum une livre). Info: 941-351-4492 ou
* Le restaurant Miguel's, 6631 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key, propose un menu spécial à emporter ainsi que leur menu complet. Ils proposent également des plats à emporter pour le vin, les spiritueux, la bière et les cocktails. Ils sont ouverts à 17 h. du quotidien. Info: 941-349-4024,
* Schnitzel Kitchen, 6521 Superior Ave., Sarasota, est ouvert pour emporter du mardi au samedi. Info: 941-922-9299,
* Bodhi Tree Cafe, 1938 Adams Lane, Sarasota, est ouvert du mercredi au samedi. Commandes passées avant 16 h pour le même jour, le transport peut être ramassé entre 17 h et 18h30 Livraison gratuite pour le centre-ville de Sarasota. Info: 941-702-8552,
* Brancato's Brick Oven Pizza, 5227 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, est ouvert pour emporter son authentique pizza de style Brooklyn et plus encore. Info: 941-896-6922,
* Le restaurant Dutch Valley au 6721 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, a suspendu ses opérations. "Une fois que tout sera terminé, nous serons de retour en force pour vous servir, et nous ne pouvons pas attendre!" Infos:
* Mission BBQ, 4501 14th St. W., Bradenton, est disponible pour livraison sans contact, à emporter et en bordure de rue de 11 h à 20 h. Info: 941-209-4887,
* Brew Life Brewing, 5765 Beneva Road, Sarasota, est ouvert pour la bière en paquet / à emporter de 15 h à 19 h. Du lundi au mercredi, de 14 h à 19 h Jeudi-vendredi et 12-6 samedi et dimanche. Appelez pour passer une commande de collecte en bordure de rue 941-952-3831.
* Darwin Brewing Company, 803, 17e rue O., Bradenton, présente le programme Beer It Forward, un moyen de soutenir la brasserie et d'acheter de la bière pour d'autres dans la communauté. L'accord est si vous souhaitez acheter un crowler spécifique, un pack de six ou un fût pour un ami de la communauté, envoyez un e-mail à [email protected] avec votre numéro de téléphone et l'article et les coordonnées de la personne que vous souhaitez offrir. à. DBC contactera la personne pour obtenir des informations sur le paiement, puis contactera la personne et l'informera de son cadeau. De plus, les clients peuvent passer par DBC du lundi au vendredi et prendre de la bière pour aller "commandes de 9 h à 16 h. Les offres spéciales incluent 8 $ de passeurs et 32 $ de caisses de bière artisanale sauf Llama Mama (35 $). Toutes les bières à des prix de gros, y compris les fûts. la sonnette de service située à l'entrée principale de la brasserie Info: 941-747-1970,
* Les cinq Gecko's Grill & Pub's ouverts continuent de proposer la nourriture, la bière et le vin de Gecko pour le ramassage sur le trottoir. Passez votre commande en ligne à: ou visitez pour les coordonnées. Gecko's et Smacks Burgers & Shakes offrent également la livraison exclusivement via Bite Squad. Gecko's offre également une remise de 40% sur les commandes de nourriture pour les employés des restaurants et des hôtels avec leur talon de chèque de paie. Signature Events & Catering sert un barbecue au Red Barn Bar sur Bee Ridge Road, avec un menu qui change tous les jours ainsi que des repas de style familial à commander à l'avance et un ramassage sur le trottoir à emporter ou pour une livraison gratuite dans les 15 miles de la maison à The Débarquements.
* Motorworks Brewing, 1014 Ninth St. W., Bradenton, offre de la bière, du vin, des bouteilles d'alcool, des cigares et d'autres produits à emporter. Aussi un désinfectant pour les mains lorsqu'il est disponible (en faire plus et en annoncer les sorties sur les réseaux sociaux lorsqu'il est disponible). Retrait de la commande à l'avance sur
* Off the Wagon / 3 Bridges Brewing, 2107 Tamiami Trail S., Venise, a de la bière à emporter dans des grognards et des bouteilles et des canettes limitées avec de la nourriture à emporter, aussi, de 14 h à 19 h. Du lundi au vendredi et de 12 h à 18 h Samedi et dimanche. Fenêtre sans rendez-vous pour la commande et l'enlèvement. Appelez le 941-497-2048.
* Bridge Tender Inn, 135 Bridge Street, Bradenton Beach, est ouvert tous les jours à midi en bateau ou en voiture. Info: 941-778-4849
* Profitez-en pour en acheter un, obtenez-en un à emporter chez Metro Diner lorsque vous commandez en ligne et prenez l'un de leurs trois plats emblématiques, notamment leur assiette de poulet frit, leur pain de viande Iron City et leur omelette Meat Lovers avec bacon, saucisse, jambon et cheddar fondu. fromage servi avec du pain grillé et choix de pommes de terre rissolées ou de gruau et recevez gratuitement une deuxième entrée du même plat. L'accord est conclu jusqu'au 1er avril. Metro Diner propose également ses packs de repas Metro qui nourrissent des familles de quatre à six personnes dans une variété de plats composés d'entrées complètes, de sandwichs chauds et froids, de salades fraîches et de plateaux combinés familiaux. Disponible pour le ramassage en ligne, la livraison sur DoorDash et UberEats, et le trottoir sur demande, les clients peuvent se réconforter dans leur tarif préféré pour le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner. Pour passer votre commande de retrait en ligne, visitez
* Tous les restaurants IHOP de la région sont ouverts pour les repas ou la livraison via Door Dash et Uber Eats, de 7 h à 14 h. Du lundi au vendredi et de 7 h à 15 h Samedi et dimanche, avec crêpes, hamburgers, petit-déjeuner, déjeuner et dîner! Utilisez l'application de commande en ligne sur La première commande en ligne est 20% de réduction. Utilisez également DoorDash pour 20% de réduction et la livraison gratuite.
* Emplacements de Jimmy John au 83 N. Cattlemen Rd. et 1626 Ringling Blvd. à Sarasota, sont ouverts pour le ramassage et la livraison de 11 h à 19 h. tous les jours avec une zone de livraison élargie. Des paniers-repas personnalisés sont disponibles pour vos besoins de restauration. Appelez le 914-355-1661 pour l'emplacement de Cattlemen Road et le 941-365-8300 pour Ringling Blvd.
* Kahwa Coffee Roasters, basée à Saint-Pétersbourg avec des emplacements dans la région de Sarasota, a conclu un partenariat avec Kathy Ireland Worldwide avec les recettes de toutes les ventes de produits de café Kahwa, aidant à servir et à soutenir la National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, une organisation nationale à but non lucratif qui finance le sauvetage. recherche sur le cancer pédiatrique. Le café peut être acheté dans l'un des 15 magasins Kahwa, en ligne sur et dans plus de 800 clients de gros nationaux et internationaux tels que des hôtels, des restaurants et des épiceries.
* La spéciale Hooters d'aujourd'hui est de deux livres de pattes de crabe et un pack de six bières pour 39 $. Les restaurants South Florida Hooters, qui comprennent des emplacements à Sarasota, Bradenton et Port Charlotte, proposent de la nourriture, des bouteilles de vin scellées, de l'alcool et de la bière. Infos:
* Le restaurant Euphemia Haye, la célèbre destination culinaire du 5540 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, propose un ramassage en bordure de rue tous les jours de 16 h à 20 h. Appelez le 941-383-3633 entre midi et 19 h. pour passer votre commande prépayée. Pour plus d'informations sur le menu et la carte des vins, visitez ou
* Alpine Steakhouse, 4520 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, un point de repère local datant de plus de 40 ans, propose diverses spécialités à emporter sur les steaks, les côtes levées, le porc effiloché et bien plus encore pendant les heures régulières du marché de la viande de 9 h à 19 h. Info: 941-922-3797,
* Demi's Noodle House, 1318 10th St. W., Palmetto est ouvert pour le déjeuner à emporter de 11h00 à 15h00. Du lundi au vendredi et de 12 h à 15 h Samedi avec dîner offert de 17 h à 20 h Du lundi au vendredi et de 17 h à 21 h Samedi. Info: 941-301-1212,
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* Hooters offre aux clients la possibilité d'acheter une offre de repas qui comprend 50 ailes préparées traditionnelles, nues ou désossées avec quatre fromages bleus ou ranch, deux commandes de frites au curley et un choix de quatre mini desserts ou deux morceaux de gâteau ou de tarte. L'offre de repas est disponible pour 69,95 $. Hooters propose également pour emporter seulement un hamburger de 10 $, des frites et de la bière et des kits Margarita de 30 $. Les restaurants South Florida Hooters, qui comprennent des emplacements à Sarasota, Bradenton et Port Charlotte, proposent de la nourriture, des bouteilles de vin scellées, de l'alcool et de la bière. Infos:
* PDQ offre 50% de réduction à tous les professionnels de la santé toute la journée du lundi 30 mars, avec une pièce d'identité valide. Cette offre est valable toute la journée du lundi 30 mars pour les commandes Drive Thru et To-Go uniquement. Cette offre n'est pas valable pour la livraison ou la commande en ligne et ne peut être combinée à aucune autre offre. Plus de détails sur PDQ a également étendu son offre BOGO Tenders jusqu'au 7 avril. PDQ propose Buy One , Obtenez-en un gratuitement sur les plateaux de poulet à partir de 16 h jusqu'à la fermeture du service au volant jusqu'au 7 avril seulement. Infos:
* Council's Bradenton Recreation, a pool hall best known for its burgers and ice-cold beers that has been in business for more than 90 years, has "closed until further notice," according to a handwritten sign posted on the door at 536 12th St. in downtown Bradenton. In July, the Herald-Tribune reported that Council's was for sale.
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* New York Chinese Restaurant, 5010 Clark Road, Sarasota, is open for takeout 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Saturday and 2-8 p.m. Sunday (closed Tuesday). Patrons can also use Grubhub, DoorDash, Bite Squad and UberEats. Info: 941-929-1688
* Palermo Pizza, 7515 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, is open for takeout 4-10 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Call 941-312-5410.
* Texas Roadhouse, which has a location in Lakewood Ranch at 5710 Ranch Lake Blvd., is offering expanded to-go and curbside service options. Info: 941-747-2740,
* Dickey's Barbecue Pit, which has a location at 4406 53rd Ave. E., Bradenton, is launching slow-smoked whole meats and an array of grocery items for guests to order online at and through the Dickey's app. Toilet paper, paper towels, boxes of gloves and bottled water will be available to order for delivery or pick-up at Dickey's Barbecue Pit locations across the U.S. Info:
* Libby's recently received an email from a patient who had just been treated at Sarasota Memorial Hospital's emergency room, where he overheard hospital staff members talking about their love for Libby's and he wanted to thank them for their outstanding care. "He bought them all lunch and we delivered," Libby's wrote on social media. "We were honored to serve these brave men and women who have touched so many lives. In times of heartache, pain, and uncertainty there is always light, love, and kindness." For info on curbside takeout and free delivery at Libby's Sarasota and Libby's Lakewood Ranch locations, visit
* The Clever Cup Coffee Shop, 6530 Gateway Ave., Sarasota, is open for business. Read full story.
* Violinist Matt Dendy is performing to raise funds for the staff of State Street Eating House + Cocktails, 1533 State St., Sarasota. Tune in on Sunday (March 29) at 6:30 p.m. He'll be broadcasting directly from State Street's Facebook page. Any proceeds from his performance will go to the restaurant's staff.
* JPan Sushi & Grill, with Sarasota locations at 3800 S. Tamiami Trail and 229 N. Cattlemen Road, is open for takeout. Enter promo code "relax10" to receive 10% off your online order through March 31. Info:
* Darwin Brewing Company and Taproom, 803 17 Ave. W., Bradenton, is open 11 a.m.-4 p.m. for "beer to go" orders with specials for Sunday (March 29) including $8 Crowlers and cases of craft beer at wholesale price. Info:
* Tom's Bad Ass Bar and Grill and sister business Market On Main Street, 312 Old Main St., Bradenton, are open for takeout, groceries, beer, wine and liquor. Info:
* Loaded Barrel Tavern, 450 Old Main St., Bradenton, is open for takeout daily 11a.m.-8 p.m. Info: 941-745-8433,
* Cork's Cigar Bar, 424 Old Main St., Bradenton, is offering package alcohol and cigar sales with curbside pickup. Info: 941-744-2589,
* Popi's Place Family Restaurants, chef-family owned and operated since 1983 with locations across Sarasota-Manatee, is open for takeout. info:
* Selva Grill, 1345 Main St., Sarasota, has temporarily closed. Info:
* Tasty Home Cookin', 3854 S. Tuttle Ave., Sarasota, is open for carryout, curbside and delivery through Bite Squad 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday, 7a.m.-2p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Dimanche. Info: 941-921-4969,
* Pho Cali Vietnamese Noodle House, 1578 Main St., Sarasota, is open Monday through Saturday for takeout. Info: 941-955-2683,
* Charlie's Steak & Hoagie, 2854 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, is open for takeout by calling 941-366-2221. Info:
* Hungry Howie's Pizza and Salad Bar, which has various locations, is offering takeout and delivery. Info:
* Tropical Smoothie Cafe, the national fast-casual concept known for its better-for-you smoothies and food with a tropical twist, has announced they would donate 100,000 smoothies nationwide to local healthcare workers and first responders to help support those on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Info:
* Help Save a Local Business
Buy a gift card now, use it later, and help save a local business (or two). Support Local is an initiative that lets you show your support for your local businesses during this challenging time. The platform is built by Gannett, a news media company that includes USA TODAY, Herald-Tribune and hundreds of other local media brands. Our news brands have always had a special relationship with their local businesses and are dedicated to supporting them. We hope that our efforts will allow them to continue to serve their communities in the future. Buy a local gift card now:
* Five-O Donut Co., 2241 Ringling Blvd., Sarasota, has "decorate-it-yourself" D.I.Y. doughnut kits available for $12 at its Ringling location only. "Give the kids something fun to do!" reads the post. "Call ahead and we'll bring it out to your car. No need to come inside. Includes chocolate icing, vanilla icing, sprinkles, Oreo bits and candy bar bits. Info: 941.960.1370,
* Kahwa Coffee Roasters is offering free coffee to doctors, nurses, healthcare providers and first responders at various cafe locations in the Tampa Bay Area and Sarasota-Manatee. Any medical professional or first responder that visits a Kahwa Cafe drive-thru (or to-go) can present their work ID to receive a free small coffee beverage. Info:
* The ChillMobile, a vintage 1979 Good Humor ice cream truck, will bring the fun and cold ice cream treats to your home or neighborhood. $20 minimum order. Book online at
* Patrick's 1481, 1481 Main St., Sarasota, is open 11:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. On Mondays, they're offering their $5 burger on deliveries (normally it's dine-in). They also have a promo code with Bite Squad for free delivery over $20, use promo code #Patricks1481. Info: 941-955-1481,
* SouthSide Deli, 1825 Hillview St., Sarasota, is open 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays offering full lunch menu as well as prepared meals to go. Info: 941-330-9302,
* Duval's, Element and PBNT expand takeout and delivery menus
American Dreams Restaurant Group, which operates downtown Sarasota restaurants Duval's Fresh. Local. Seafood. and Element: Modern Mediterranean Grill, is beginning to operate under what owner Jim Abrams said is a "three-prong approach." They're introducing an expanded takeout and delivery menu combining items from both restaurants as well as from Plaza Bistro -n- Tavern, another Main Street, Sarasota, restaurant that Abrams owns. They're also adding family-style meals such as lasagna, pasta, chicken and beef brisket. They also plan to offer groceries for pickup and delivery including eggs, bread, fish and other meats, continuing to expand if customer demand is there. Visit or to place your order.
* Restaurants at The Mall at UTC, 140 University Town Center Drive, are offering are offering various specials for takeout and more. Participating restaurants including Brio Tuscan Grille, Kona Grill, Seasons 52, The Capital Grille and The Cheesecake Factory. Info:
* Michelle's Brown Bag Cafe in downtown Sarasota has suspended operations. "Due to the current circumstances we have decided to close the cafe," reads the email sent Friday, March 27. "Although business was continuing strong, we feel it best for our cafe family to be home until things settle. We are planning reopen April 13th but will keep you posted throughout the upcoming weeks. Thank you for being Brown Baggers! Stay healthy, from our family to yours."
* Island House Tap and Grill, 5110 Ocean Blvd, Siesta Key, is offering free delivery anywhere on Siesta Key as well as curbside pickup. Info: 941-487-8116,
* Hooters is offering customers the opportunity to purchase a Hooters Margarita Mix Kit. For $30 Hooters is offering two bottles of Hooters 1986 Premium Margarita Mix and one bottle of Sauza Tequila Silver. The kit makes approximately 20 margaritas. Hooters is also offering for takeout only a $10 burger, fries and beer. South Florida Hooters restaurants are offering food, sealed bottles of wine, liquor and beer. Info:
* French Table, 103 Gulf Drive N., Bradenton Beach, is open for takeout 5-8:30 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Call 941 779 1930
* Village Cafe, 5133 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, is open for takeout and deliver 8 a.m.-2 p.m. du quotidien. Info: 941-349-2822,
* Anna Maria Oyster Bar, a locally owned and operated business with two locations in Bradenton as well as one in Ellenton and another on Anna Maria Island, will temporarily close as of 7 p.m. Friday (March 27).
* Turtle's Restaurant on Little Sarasota Bay, 8875 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key, is offering takeout and curbside pickup from their dinner menu daily 3-8 p.m. Patrons can order from Turtle's Early Bird Dinner Menu with prices starting at $11.99. Info: 941-346-2207,
* Pier 22 and Grove introduce online grocery market
Pier 22, on the Manatee River at 1200 1st Ave. W., Bradenton, and sister restaurant Grove, at 10670 Boardwalk Loop in Lakewood Ranch, are doing something different to help folks out during the coronavirus disaster. They're offering an online grocery market in addition to their extensive menu of tasty takeout meals.
Order online and drive to either Pier 22 or Grove and allow staff to place the groceries in your trunk. "You will find quality ingredients, heat and serve family meals," reads the press release issued late Wednesday. Plus, there is even booze!"
Ordering hours cut off at 2 p.m. for next day pickup between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Enter the online market at:
* Walt's Restaurant, a top spot for fresh seafood with more than a 100 years of history, is open for takeout from 4-8 p.m. The fish market is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Both destinations are at 4144 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Info: 941-921-4605,
* Marina Jack, 2 Marina Plaza, Sarasota, is open daily 11 a.m.- 8 p.m. for pickup. Call to order 941-365-4232. Menu: Website:
* Starbucks giving free coffee to first responders, healthcare workers dealing with coronavirus. The coffee giant has announced that through May 3 "any customer who identifies as a first responder or frontline worker supporting our healthcare system" will receive a free tall brewed coffee, either hot or iced. The offer is for police officers, firefighters, paramedics, doctors, nurses, hospital and medical staff and medical researchers, Starbucks said.
* Realize Bradenton, a nonprofit organization that promotes redevelopment and economic growth in downtown Bradenton, has launched The web page contains a list of restaurants, such as Pier 22 (see above), Fav's Italian Cucina (see below), Birdrock Taco Shack (see below), Restaurant Edelweiss (see below) and others in downtown Bradenton, the Village of the Arts and Old Manatee currently open for business.
* Riverhouse Waterfront Restaurant, 995 Riverside Drive on the Manatee River in Palmetto, is offering a carry out menu available Monday to Saturday from noon to 7 p.m. (closed Sunday). To order, call 941-729-0616 or stop in to order and pick up at the Snook Deck. Packaged beer and wine is available as well. In addition, Riverhouse is running an eGift Card promotion: Purchase a $50 e-gift card and get $5; $10 for $100 or $25 for $250. Info:
* Indigenous, 239 S. Links Ave. in downtown Sarasota, will be offering curbside takeout Thursday-Saturday this week from 5-8 p.m. with an updated menu, wine and beer package deals and the signature wild mushroom bisque available by the quart. Check their Facebook page or Chef Steven Phelps' instagram, @indigenouschef, for daily updates and details. Call ahead daily from 3 p.m. to place an order. Info: 941-706-4740,
* Smokin Momma Lora BBQ, Currywurst, and KNAM Style food trucks will be at Fruitville Grove the dates below for lunch hours 11a.m.-3 p.m.
Smoking Momma: March 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and April 3
Currywurst: March 28, April 1, 2, 4
KNAM: April 1, 2, 3, 4
Fruitville Grove is at 7410 Fruitville Road, Sarasota. Info:
* Demetrio's Pizzeria, 4410 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, is now open for takeout Sunday through Thursday 4-8 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 4-9 p.m.. Call for takeout/delivery at 941-922-1585 and mention "family" for 10% off takeout.
* Restaurant Edelweiss, 611 Manatee Ave E., Bradenton, is serving takeout 1-7 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Info: 941-748-3838,
* Mad Moe's, 106 N. Tamiami Trl., Osprey, is offering most of its menu items for takeout. Call ahead 941-966-9700 or walk-up to the outside window to place your order. Package liquor, beer and wine is also available. Mad Moe's hours are 12-8 p.m. du quotidien.
* MVP aka My Village Pub, 5200 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key, is offering most of its menu items for take-out. Call ahead 941-777-6787 or walk-up to the outside window to place your order. Package liquor, beer and wine is also available. MVP hours are 11:30 a.m.-9 p.m. du quotidien.
* A Bite has opened in downtown Sarasota at 1272 N. Palm Ave., selling and serving imported fine foods, including cheese and wines from Italy and other top-end products from around the world like caviar, champagne and truffles. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, A Bite is currently offering delivery only, with free delivery for purchases over $30, otherwise flat $5 per order. Info: 941-565-2536,
* Gentiles Authentic Philadelphia Cheesesteaks, 7523 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, is open for takeout and delivery by calling 941-926-0441. UberEats, DoorDash and BiteSquad available, too.
* At Bridges Restaurant, 202 North Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Chef Solomon Shenker has put together a special to-go menu available for curbside pickup starting Thursday, March 26. Call 941-256-0190 or text 803-246-8593 to place your order from 11 am to 8 pm, Monday through Saturday. Info:
* Big Water Fish Market, 6641 Midnight Pass Road, Siesta Key, is open daily from noon to 6 p.m. and is offering lobster rolls, grouper sandwiches and fish plates in addition to fresh seafood and other grocery items. The restaurant is open daily 4-9 p.m. and offers curbside delivery. Starting immediately, Big Water is also offering fresh seafood, produce, limited grocery items, prepared food and beer/wine delivered to your door 5-8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Info: 941-554-8101,
* Rodizio Grill Sarasota, 5911 Fruitville Road, now offers takeout daily 4-8 p.m. To place a takeout order, call 941-260-8445. For larger parties, please call for details. Menu:
* Caf BarBosso, 5501 Palmer Crossing Circle, Sarasota, is open for takeout and curb-side services, also providing pizza specials every day and a special family-style dinner that includes spaghetti and meatballs, house salad and a large pizza. Temporary takeout hours are 3-8:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Info: 941-922-7999
* Kacey's Seafood, 4904 Fruitville Road, Sarasota is open 4-8 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday for takeout and curbside pick up. Order by phoning 941-378-3644 or online at
* The Lazy Lobster, 5350 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key, is open for takeout and curbside pick up 12- 7 p.m. every day except Wednesdays. Order by phoning 941-383-0440. Menu/info:
* Fresh Start Cafe, 630 S. Orange Ave., Sarasota, is open for carryout during regular business hours of 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Info:
* EnRich Bistro, at 5629 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton, is serving to-go orders by phone and is offering curbside service and delivery from 5 to 8 p.m. with 20% off bottles of wine. To place an order call 941-792-0990. Info:
* PDQ, which has locations across Sarasota-Manatee-Charlotte, remain open for drive-thru, to-go and third party delivery. Current hours of operation for all locations are 11 a.m.-8 p.m. du quotidien. Info:
* Fine Wine & Tastings on Main is a retail wine store and wine bar (currently operating as a retail store only) located at 8111 Lakewood Main St., Unit J105, Lakewood Ranch with have over 400 different wines in our store and offering, regular retail, curbside pick up, and for a limited time free home delivery. Delivery is available for those within five miles of the store, six bottle minimum, deliveries take place Wednesday and Saturday. Call: 941-355-4718
* Flavio's Brick Oven Pizza, 5239 Ocean Blvd. in Siesta Key Village, is open for takeout and delivery from 4 to 9 p.m. Call: 941-349-0995. Info:
* Beulah, 1766 Main St., Sarasota, is open for takeout 12-8 p.m. Call 941-960-2305. Info:
* Casa-di-Pizza, 4658 State Road 64 in Bradenton, offers pizza by the pie or slice, authentic Buffalo wings, full menu available for pickup or delivery. Non-contact ordering and payment at curbside, or order over the phone at 941-748-0700 or online at
* Steak 'n Shake has announced a program to recognize and support the thousands of people nationwide who are selflessly working jobs in designated "essential services" who risk their own lives to keep America running. Effective immediately from now through April 7 at all Steak 'n Shake restaurants across America, workers in essential industries just need to show a job I.D., such as a business card, badge or name tag, to receive 20% off of any Steakburger or Fries. Info:
* Turtle's Restaurant on Little Sarasota Bay, 8875 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, has changed its hours to 3-8 p.m., daily, for takeout and curbside pickup. The restaurant offers its regular lunch and dinner menu as well as early bird from 3 to 5 p.m. It plans to offer beer/wine/mixed drinks with food purchases in a closed container, and it is looking into delivery options for south Siesta Key. Info: 941-346-2207,
* Anna's Deli, 8207 Tourist Center Drive, University Park, is open for pickup 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. daily Info: 941-893-5908,
* Help Save a Local Business
Buy a gift card now, use it later, and help save a local business (or two). Support Local is an initiative that lets you show your support for your local businesses during this challenging time. The platform is built by Gannett, a news media company that includes USA TODAY, Herald-Tribune and hundreds of other local media brands. Our news brands have always had a special relationship with their local businesses and are dedicated to supporting them. We hope that our efforts will allow them to continue to serve their communities in the future. Buy a local gift card now:
* Evie's at Spanish Point Restaurant & Tiki, 135 Bayview Drive, Osprey, is now offering carryout, curbside and dockside service from 11 a.m. to sunset Wednesday through Sunday, and will also throw in a free bag of ice with purchase of package beverages. In related news, call any of Evie's four locations and they will waive the delivery fee when you buy a first responder, out-of-work service industry worker, hospital staff, children or someone in need a meal at this time. Info:
* Stottlemyer's Smokehouse, 19 East Road, Sarasota, has a full takeout menu offering of barbecue, tacos and pizza with free delivery up to five miles. Info: 941-312-5969,
* Blue Moon Grill, 2045 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota, is open Tuesday through Friday (11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., 4:30-8:30 p.m.), and Saturdays (4:30-8:30 p.m.) for take out and Bite Squad delivery. They continue to serve Sarasota with their fresh, house-made offerings on a slightly modified lunch and dinner menu. Larger orders can schedule a delivery. Info: 941-260-8597,
* Knicks Tavern & Grill, 1818 S. Osprey Ave., Southside Village, Sarasota, is open 11:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 5-8 p.m. Saturday (closed Sunday, as usual). They have curbside pick up and UberEats delivery, continuing with their full menu in addition to daily specials. They are also offering free ice and toilet paper to customers and neighbors in need. Info: 941-955-7761,
* Cucina Gloria Italian Kitchen, 625 Tamiami Trail N., Nokomis, is open daily for takeout, curbside and delivery from 2-9 p.m. Full menu and specialty pizza items can be found at Call 941-480-0095
* Avli Mess Hall, 1592 Main St., Sarasota, is open for takeout, curbside pickup and deliveries with UberEats, GrubHub and BiteSquad 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Info: 941-365-2234,
* Paris Bistrot, 8131 Lakewood Main St., Lakewood Ranch, is offering takeout/Curbside on all its breakfast, lunch and dinner menus Monday-Friday 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4:30-8 p.m., and Saturday-Sunday 9 a.m.-2 p.m. and 4:30-8 p.m., and a "a time to time delivery service will be available." Info: 941-388-0564,
* Il Conte Ristorante & Pizzeria, 8209 Natures Way, Suite 103, Lakewood Ranch, is open for takeout. Info: 941-388-8062,
* Limoncello Bistro, 999 Cattlemen Road, Unit H, Sarasota, is serving takeout 3:30-9 p.m. Monday-Saturday. Call: 941-342-5060
* Captain Brian's, at 8421 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, with a full market of fresh seafood and restaurant menu items, offers takeout and curbside pickup from 11 a.m.-7 p.m. On Wednesday (March 25) they're running a new take-out special of 3 Baja Fish tacos for $6: fresh fried cod with pico, fresh cabbage and house creamy salsa verde. They're offering free delivery within a five-mile radius of the restaurant with a $30 minimum. Delivery includes full seafood market items, full restaurant menu, beer, wine and soft drinks. Captain Brian's is also offering to cook any purchased seafood from the market for no extra charge. Items can be grilled, blackened or fried (minimum one pound). Info: 941-351-4492 or
* Michael's on East at 1212 S. East Ave., Sarasota, open 5-8 p.m. Monday-Saturday (941-366-0007), is now offering a three-course meal for two with a bottle of wine, choose your favorite items la carte or family-style meals for four. Use promo code "athome" for 15% off & free delivery on your first order of $100 or more. Michael's Wine Cellar, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Monday-Friday and 12-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (941-955-2675), is offering wines and spirits and use code "Promo15" for 15% off on all online & in-store orders of $100 or more. And for every $100 purchased in gift certificates, in-store or online, receive a $25 bonus gift certificate for future dining in the restaurant. Bonus offer available through April 30. Info:
* Smokin Momma Lora's BBQ and Wicked Good Cupcakes food trucks will be at Fruitville Grove, 7410 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, on Wednesday (March 25) 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Info:
* Nancy's Bar-B-Q is bringing back dinner crates. "Our shared calamity calls for bringing back the dinner crate!" said Nancy Krohngold, who started her Bar-B-Q company 16 years ago, via email. "'Dinner crate' is what I called the simple barbecue dinners - pork or chicken with two or three sides, slider rolls and sauce - that I smoked, packed in cardboard cartons, and delivered in my Volvo station wagon to area doorsteps. Now we have a delivery van, but this dinner crate is the same authentic barbecue comfort meal, at easy-to-swallow prices." Her flagship Nancy's Bar-B-Q store in downtown Sarasota at 301 S. Pineapple Ave. is open 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday-Thursday, until 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday for takeout and curbside pickup, also offering its full menu, dinner crate specials and bottled beer and wine for purchase with any food order. Call 941-366-2271 to place your take out or curbside order. Nancy's Lorraine Corners Lakewood Ranch store, 14475 S.R. 70 E. (at Lorraine Road), is open 11 a.m.-8 p.m daily for takeout and curbside delivery, offering its full menu, dinner crate and wings specials, and packaged spirits, including squat quart jugs of ice cold homemade margaritas and red sangria, available with any food order. Call 941-999-2390 for pickup, curbside or delivery to your doorstep from this store. Info:
* Locally owned Mattison's, with restaurants across Sarasota and Manatee counties, has closed all three locations. "I want to take a moment to first thank all of our loyal guests, friends and employees who have been there for Mattison's restaurants over the years," said owner and chef Paul Mattison, who lives in Sarasota, via email. "These are crazy times that we are living in right now and there is no play book for what the right decision is and we are all just trying to figure it out together. Due to the restrictions placed on restaurants and for the safety of our employees and guests, I have decided to temporarily close all 3 locations effective Tuesday, March 24th. It is a tough decision, but ultimately the safety for our team is what is most important. Please know that as soon as it is deemed safe to gather in groups again, we will reopen the restaurants and get our teams back to work as quickly as possible. Thank you for your continued support and stay healthy."
* Sarasota-Manatee Originals
Sarasota-Manatee Originals, a collaborative of independently owned and operated restaurants formed 15 years ago, has created a website page with current information from its member restaurants including hours of operation, takeout and delivery options, gift certificate specials and other timely promotions. Info:
* Turtle's Restaurant on Little Sarasota Bay, 8875 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, has changed its hours to 3-8 p.m., daily, for takeout and curbside pickup. The restaurant offers its regular lunch and dinner menu as well as early bird from 3 to 5 p.m. It plans to offer beer/wine/mixed drinks with food purchases in a closed container, and it is looking into delivery options for south Siesta Key. Info: 941-346-2207,
* Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, 2001 Siesta Dr., Sarasota, is offering a limited curbside menu noon-8 p.m. daily, with $55 three-course filet and lobster, $40 off minimum food purchase of $100 and select bottles of wine half-off with food purchase. Info: 941-358-9463,
* A Sprig of Thyme, 1962 Hillview St, Sarasota, is offering curbside to go dinner for two $55 plus tax Tuesday to Sunday from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Bottles wine are also available at retail level. Info: 941-330-8890,
* Plaza Mexico Restaurant Bar & Grill, 1894 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, invites guests to call in takeout orders or get delivery through Grubhub, Bite Squad or DoorDash. Info: 941-702-5963,
* Maison Blanche, 2605 Gulf of Mexico Drive, Longboat Key is currently offering its regular menu with a few changes for delivery or pick up. Chef Jose Martinez is currently offering a special dish each day from different parts of the world along with a new takeout menu. Info: 941-383-8088,
* Sharky's on the Pier, Fins at Sharky's and Snook Haven are offering 25% off all takeout food and packaged alcohol (beer, wine and specialty drinks) at all three restaurants. All three places are doing curbside pickup as well. Snook Haven has family style to-go platters, too. They're running the 25% off until end of day Thursday (March 26) and will then change the discount. Check our Facebook pages for details and updates. Info:, and
* The Original Egg, 4031 Clark Road, Sarasota, is open 8 a.m.-2 p.m. serving breakfast and lunch for takeout, curbside and delivery. Info: 941-922-2868,
* Restaurants at The Mall at UTC, 140 University Town Center Dr., Sarasota, will participate in Tuesday's #GreatAmericanTakeOut with various deals. Participating restaurants including Brio Tuscan Grille, Kona Grill, Seasons 52, The Capital Grille and The Cheesecake Factory. Info:
* Webber's Hot Dogs, 3590 Webber St., Sarasota, remains open for takeout and delivery by Bite Squad, Uber Eats, Grubhub and more to come. Info: 941-925-9608;
* Bonefish Grill locations will offer delivery via Uber Eats and DoorDash, and for a limited time, guests can also take advantage of 20 percent off carryout when they call to place an order to pick up. Info:
* Carrabba's Italian Grill locations will offer pickup, delivery and online ordering. Use code "SPRING15" to receive 15 percent off your order, or use code "SPRINGFREE" for free delivery. Info:
* Outback Steakhouse locations are offering free delivery through April 30, with delivery also available through DoorDash in select areas, as well as online ordering for curbside takeaway. Info:
* Metro Diner locations are also offering buy one, get one to-go through March 27 when guests online order one of three signature dishes including their fried chicken plate, Iron City Meatloaf and meat lovers omelet served with toast and choice of hash browns or grits. Metro Diner is also offering Metro Meal Packs that feed families of four to six, online pickup, delivery on DoorDash and Uber Eats and curbside-on-request. Info:
* Shogun Japanese Steakhouse, 1219 US-41 BYP, Venice, is open 4-8 p.m. Monday through Saturday (closed Sundays) for takeout. It is currently offering a $10 "Hibachi Chicken with Fried Rice" special. Info: 941-485-8746
* Michelle's Brown Bag Cafe, 1819 Main St., Sarasota, is open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through Friday for counter and curbside pickup and delivery. Info: 941-365-5858,
* Pascone's Ristorante, 5239 University Parkway, Sarasota, is open 5-8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday with curbside concierge service and more. Info: 941-210-7368,
* Hooters locations are open noon-9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and noon-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday for to-go food and sealed bottles of wine, liquor and beer. Area locations include Bradenton (4908 14th St. W., 941-758-1175), Port Charlotte (1360 Tamiami Trail, 941-625-0200) and Sarasota (6507 S. Tamiami Trail, 941-923-4666.) Info:
* Birdrock Taco Shack, 1004 10th Ave. W., Bradenton, is open 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday for takeout and porch-side pick-up. Get free delivery on orders $20 and over through Bite Squad when using "BIRD ROCK" at checkout. Info: 941-545-9966,
* Ortygia, 1418 13th St. W., Bradenton, is offering 5-8 p.m. curbside pickup, with contactless delivery available in some cases. Deals include 20 percent off a dinner for two or four, and 50 percent off bottles of wine and Peroni beer. Info: 941-741-8646, text 941-587-5678,
* Arte Caff, 930 12th St. W., Bradenton, is offering a curbside menu; call for details. Info: 941-750-9309,
* Gecko's Grill & Pub locations remain open except for its S.R. 70 location, offering online ordering, curbside pickup and delivery through Bite Squad, including alcohol. Smacks Burgers & Shakes and Dry Dock Waterfront Grill also remain open, but Dockside Waterfront Grill is temporarily closed. Signature Events & Catering is offering a family-style menu available for curbside pickup or delivery within 15 miles of its location at The Landings. It will also be serving house-smoked BBQ starting tomorrow, then noon-6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday at Red Barn Bar, which will also be open for beer and liquor package purchase. Info:
* Madfish Grill, 4059 Cattlemen Road, Sarasota, is open 4-8 p.m. daily for curbside pickup. Info: 941-377-3474,
* Leaf & Lentil, 2801 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, is open 11:30 a.m.-7 p.m. with curbside service and delivery through Grubhub and Bite Squad, with family-size options available. Info: 941-413-5685,
* Veg, 2164 Gulf Gate Dr., Sarasota, is open for lunch and dinner takeout and delivery through Uber Eats, Grubhub and Bite Squad. Info: 941-312-6424,
* The locally owned Daiquiri Deck chain, which recently opened their Anna Maria Island location bringing the total to five, has temporarily closed all locations. "Our goal as a company is to remain financially stable so that when it is safe to resume operations we will be ready to gainfully re-employ our staff and service to our community immediately," reads the statement issued Monday. "In the meantime, we will be donating all of our perishable food items to local churches and food banks." Info:
* Oak & Stone has announced that "for the safety of our staff members and the communities we serve, we have made the difficult decision to close all Oak & Stone locations temporarily. We look forward to serving our customers again as soon as possible." Fastfire by Oak & Stone at 6220 14th St. W., Bradenton; 941-253-0003, will remain open for take-out and delivery through Bite Squad, Door Dash and Uber Eats. Operating hours will be Wednesday through Sunday from 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Guests can enjoy 64 ounce growlers of any craft beer for $10 all day long and $2 off all pizzas between 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. (offers are for both delivery and take out).Info:
* Brick's Smoked Meats, 1528 State St., Sarasota, is offering10% off on carry out with liquor packages available. Buy $50 in gift certificates, get $10 bonus. Call to order: 941-993-1435. Delivery available via Uber Eats and Bite Squad.
* Beach Bistro, 6600 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, open 4-9 p.m. daily, is offering free delivery on Anna Maria Island with to-go cocktails and bottled wine. Info:
* Eat Here, 5315 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, open 4-9 p.m. daily, is offering free delivery on Anna Maria Island with to-go cocktails and bottled wine. Info:
* Sun Garden Cafe at 201 Avenida Madera in Siesta Village and open 9 a.m.-1 p.m. daily is offering a limited menu for takeout. Info: 941-346-7170,
* Local Chill Artisan Ice Cream & More at 5140 Ocean Blvd. in Siesta Village is serving "ultra premium ice cream, cookies, floats, Nespresso drinks, afogato's and all your favorites for takeout only" with "pints to go." Limited hours are 2 -9 p.m. du quotidien. Info: 941-388-7672,
* Perq Coffee Bar, 1821 Hillview St., Sarasota, is open regular hours until further notice. Info: 941-955-8101,
* A.P. Bell Fish Company, 4600 124th St. W., Cortez is open Monday through Friday 8a.m.-5pm and closed for lunch from 12-1 p.m. and open Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon. "We have lots of fresh fish to sell," they said via email. Info: 941-794-1249.
* Zildjian Catering, 6986 Beneva Road, Sarasota, is open for business. Info: 941-363-1709,
* Jason's Deli, with a location at 5231 University Parkway, remains open for takeout and curbside pickup, offers free delivery. Info: 941-351-5999,
* Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar announced they will be offering free delivery on from locations owned and operated by Doherty Enterprises in Florida including Sarasota, North Port, Venice and Punta Gorda.
* Crow's Nest in Venice at 1968 Tarpon Center Drive has suspended restaurant operations (see below), but its full service marina is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m with food, drinks, gas and all marina services available. Call 941-484-7661 or visit
* Michael's on East at 1212 S. East Ave., Sarasota, is offering its lobster pot dinners to go and much more Monday through Saturday 5-8 p.m. Use promo code "ATHOME" for 15% off and free delivery on your first order of $100. Order now at
* Captain Brian's, at 8421 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, with a full market of fresh seafood and restaurant menu items, offers takeout and curbside 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. They're offering free delivery within five mile radius of the restaurant with a $30 minimum. Delivery includes full seafood market Items, full restaurant menu, beer, wine and soft drinks. Captain Brian's is also offering to cook any purchased seafood from the market for no extra charge. Items can be grilled, blackened or fried (minimum one pound). Today's takeout family special is one-pound fried scrod with slaw and potato salad for $12.95. Info: 941-351-4492 or
* Petrosino's Italian Deli & Market at 5913 53rd Ave. E., Bradenton, open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. and Sunday 12-5 p.m. has fully stocked Italian salads, family style menus, fully prepared entrees, Roman pizza bar, made to order sandwiches, desserts, wine and more. Call ahead for take out, curbside and home delivery by Uber Eats, Door Dash & Bite Squad. Info: 941-251-7266 or
* Duval's Fresh. Local. Seafood., and element: Modern Mediterranean Grill, both in the 1400 Main St. block in downtown Sarasota, are offering family-style take-home meals, special discounted menu items, and retail liquor, beer and wine are all available for free delivery or pickup. Element and Duval's are also offering a gift card promotion: Buy $100 in gift cards and receive a $20 bonus card. Element is open for free delivery and pickup on Fridays and Saturdays for dinner service and Duval's is open for free delivery and pickup during regular business hours. Visit to place your order. Visit to place your order
* Evie's Bee Ridge, Evie's University and Evie's Main Street in downtown Sarasota are all open for pick up and delivery with bottled beer, wine, White Claw available, too. Info:
* Tableseide Restaurant Group has temporarily closed Lemon Tree Kitchen and Circo in downtown Sarasota but will continue to offer curbside and free delivery at its Libby's Sarasota and Libby's Lakewood Ranch locations. Info:
* Pop's Sunset Grill at 112 Circuit Road in Nokomis is open daily 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. with full menu available for carry out curbside and dockside by calling 941-488-3177 ext. 3. Info:
* Fav's Italian Cucina, which recently celebrated its 20th anniversary, is open for carry out 11 a.m.-8 p.m. with their classic Italian cuisine including dinner entrees, fresh baked bread, salads and more. Fav's is at 419 Old Main St. in downtown Bradenton. Call 941-708-3287. Info:
* Taste of Asia at 4413 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota is now offering takeout, with curbside pickup available, daily from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Info: 941-923-2742 or
* Olympia restaurant in Port Charlotte at 2345 Tamiami Trail is offering 50% off on all takeout orders and 40% off on all deliveries (in Port Charlotte). Call: 941-255-3440.
* Isan Thai Restaurant at 5758 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, offers free delivery and take out from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. using our online ordering platform or call in. Curbside pick up and no contact delivery upon request. BiteSquad, Doordash and Uber Eats are also available. Discounted packaged beer and wine is available with food purchases. Info: 941-923-1232 or
* Mellow Mushroom, at 6727 S Tamiami Trail in Sarasota, is open daily from 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. for curbside, take away and delivery. Info: 941-388-7504 or
* Wicked Cantina at 101 7th St. N., Bradenton Beach, is offering curbside takeout and margaritas to go. Info:
* Clancy's Irish Sports Pub & Grill at 6218 Cortez Road W., Bradenton has temporarily closed. Info:
* Gold Rush BBQ, 661 Tamiami Trail, Venice, started a pick up pantry March 23, where people can stop by and leave non-perishable food donations and those in need can take what they may need, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily. Info: 941-483-3137 or
* Pub 32 Irish Gastropub at 8383 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, is open 12-8 p.m. for curbside takeout, and you can take a bottle of whiskey or wine home, too. Want it delivered? Call and order ahead of time. Info: 941-952-3070;
* Joy's Kouzine, 539 U.S. 41 Bypass North in Bird Bay Plaza in Venice, has temporarily closed. The owners plan to reopen April 3.
* Lynches Pub & Grub on St Armands Circle at 19 N. Blvd. of Presidents is open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m.-9 p.m. and 12-9 p.m. Sunday for food and package liquor to go. Call 941-388-5550. Full menu is available at Follow on Facebook for updates
* Trattoria Da Mino, 335 West Venice Ave., Venice, is open for take-out call 941-800-4466.
* OfKors bakery at 1359 Main St., Sarasota, is open daily (during regular business hours) for take-out only. Info: 941-330-2220 or
* Bayside Grille at 918 Tamiami Tr. S. Nokomis is open for takeout, curbside pickup. Call 941-244-2013
* Darrell's Restaurant, 215 S. Tamiami Trail, Venice, is open for takeout or curbside from 11 a.m .to 8 p.m., call 941-485-9900.
* 4&20 Pasty Company at 5638 Swift Road, Sarasota, is offering various takeout and delivery options. Info: 941-927-1421 or
* Ortygia in Bradenton's Village of the Arts at 1418 13th St. W. is open with numerous to go options. Call 941-741-8646 or text 941-587-5678 to place an order. Info:
* Blu' Island Bistro, 625 Tamiami Trail, Venice, has temporarily closed.
* Cafe Venice, 101 W. Venice Ave, Venice, has temporarily closed.
* Brewburgers at 525 S. Tamiami Trail and 370 Commercial Court, Venice, is open from noon to 8 p.m. for delivery and carryout. Call 941-484-2337.
* California Pizza Kitchen, which has a Sarasota location at 192 Cattleman Drive, is open daily for take out and delivery 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Info:
* O'Brick's Irish Pub & Martini Bar on Old Main Street in downtown Bradenton has announced its "shutting our doors for (at least) the next two weeks starting Sunday, March 22, 2020." Info:
* Sharky's on the Pier, Fins at Sharky's, and Snook Haven are offering 25% off to-go food; plus, Sunday 12-7 p.m. (March 22) only, get 25% off packaged alcohol, too. Info:
* Star Fish Company Market & Restaurant, one of the top supplier of fresh seafood in the region, is doing takeout orders. Call: 941-794-1243. Info:
* Tide Tables Restaurant and Marina, 12507 Cortez Road W. in the historic fishing village of Cortez, is offering food delivered right to your car, boat or walking up. Call 941-567-6206. Info:
* Cortez Clam Factory, 10104 Cortez Rd W., Bradenton, is offering a full takeout menu from noon to 9 p.m. Call 941-798-9898. Info:
* Riverhouse Waterfront Restaurant, 995 Riverside Drive on the Manatee River in Palmetto, is offering a carry out menu available from noon to 7 p.m. To order, call 941-729-0616. Beer and wine is available for purchase, as well. In addition, Riverhouse is running an eGift Card promotion: Purchase a $50 e-gift card and get $5; $10 for $100 or $25 for $250. Info:
* Siesta Creamery, 6575 Midnight Pass Road, Sarasota, is open 12-9 p.m with a walk up window available for your favorite ice cream and latte coffee orders. Info:
* Crow's Nest suspends operations
One of Venice's oldest and most famous waterfront restaurants, has temporarily closed.
"It is with heavy hearts that we must temporarily close The Crow's Nest," reads the email sent Sunday morning. "Due to the order from the governor, we have made this decision and will close all services, including dine in, pick-up or delivery. We thank everyone for their patronage and plan to reopen as soon as the state/government allows. We will post updates on our social media page, website and through email."
* Made restaurant at 1990 Main St. in downtown Sarasota is offering its popular Sunday brunch menu items for takeout. Call 941-953-2900 and get your brunch food to go as well as bloody mary kits and mimosa Kits. Info:
* Smokin Momma Lora's BBQ and Wicked Good Cupcakes food trucks will be in the Hob Nob 57 Tavern parking lot (3355 17th St., Sarasota) on Sunday (March 22) from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Info:
* The Old Salty Dog restaurants, on Sarasota's City Island and Siesta Key (the Venice location has temporarily closed) are operating 12-8 p.m. for take out services. Full menus available (some exceptions apply). Bottled beer and bottles of wine available with food purchases. Info:
* Pollo Tropical, with a location at 5415 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, is offering all first responders, doctors, nurses and healthcare workers, as well as USPS, UPS and FedEx workers 50% off all drive-thru or take-out orders at all of the brand's Florida locations. The offer is valid for police, fire personnel & EMTs in uniform. Healthcare, USPS, UPS and FedEx workers must show valid work I.D. at time of purchase. Offer valid for a limited time at participating company-owned locations only. Pollo Tropical is also offering all customers free delivery, now through April 3rd on all orders placed through the brand's website or the MyPollo app. No coupon code is required.
* The Chiles Group's Sandbar in Anna Maria, Beach House in Holmes Beach and Mar Vista on Longboat Key are all open for takeout. Info:, and
* Poppo's Taqueria, a Manatee County based restaurant chain with locations in Sarasota and St. Petersburg, is open for takeout. Info:
* Cortez Kitchen, home to fresh seafood and much more at 4528 119th St. W. in the historic fishing village of Cortez between Bradenton and Anna Maria Island, is offering takeout and curb side pick up by calling 941-798-9404. Info:
* JR's Old Packinghouse Cafe, 987 S. Packinghouse Road, Sarasota, is offering family style meals to go. The family meals include choice of protein (picadillo - ground beef, ropa - shredded beef, mojo- shredded pork, vegetarian- black beans) with black beans, rice, garlic bread, tostones and rice pudding. They also will be providing a fried basa fish option with coleslaw, fries and rice pudding. 4-6 people ($40), 6-8 people ($60), 8-10 people ($80). Call and place your order: 941-371-9358. Info:
* Olive Garden, with multiple locations in Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte Counties, is offering free delivery for orders over $40 (fees waived), and to go made easy with online ordering, payment and carside pick-up. Starting March 23, for $12.99 guests can enjoy two nights of comfort food with buy one take one * now to go * featuring favorites like chicken parmigiana, fettuccine alfredo, lasagna, baked ziti, cheese ravioli, and spaghetti with meat Sauce. To place an order and view additional details, visit
* LongHorn Steakhouse, with multiple locations in Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties, has to go service available, with many locations offering curbside ordering and pickup. Guests can call their restaurant or place orders online at
* Seasons 52, 170 University Town Center Drive in Sarasota, is providing an enhanced to go experience for individual and family-style meals that serve four. Delivery also available. Guests can visit to view the menu and call the restaurant to order at 941-702-9652.
* The Capital Grille, 180 University Town Center Drive in Sarasota, takeout menu features the restaurant's most popular offerings as well as family style dinners for guests to enjoy at home. The restaurant is also offering a Butcher Shoppe selection of uncooked steaks, hand-carved by its in-house butcher and packaged with house-made seasoning and steak butter to be prepared at home. Takeout is available daily from noon to 8 p.m. Call the restaurant at 941-256-3647 to order or view the full menu online at
* Mattison's is offering a 15% discount on all takeout orders and extending pick up options to curbside pick up at each of its three locations across Sarasota and Manatee counties. Guests can call the restaurant; place their order and they will automatically receive the discount. They will be asked if they prefer curbside pick up at the time they place their order. Mattison's offers delivery through Uber Eats, Bite Squad and Door Dash. Mattison's is also offering the opportunity to purchase $100 in gift cards and receive a free $25 bonus gift card. Info:
* Nancy's Bar-B-Q's flagship store in downtown Sarasota at 301 S. Pineapple Ave. is open 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Sat. for takeout and curbside delivery, offering its full menu and bottled beer and wine for purhase with any food order. Call 941-366-2271 to place your take out or curbside order. Nancy's Lorraine Corners Lakewood Ranch store at 14475 SR70 E. at Lorraine Rd is open 11 a.m.-8 p.m daily for takeout and curbside delivery, offering its full menu and various packaged spirits, including (but not limited to) their Strong Armed Palmer (Deep Eddy's Sweet Tea vodka, Triple Sec & Lemonade), homemade red sangria and house-infused cucumber jalapeo margaritas. Info:
* Sonny's BBQ is offering carryout, curb side, drive-thru and delivery services at this time. They also have a family meal deal on special for $29.99 that includes 1 pound of pulled pork, 1 whole chicken, 3 pint size sides, 4 pieces of bread and folks can add on a full rack of St. Louis ribs for $12 more. Sonny's BBQ has locations at 631 67th St. Cir. E., Bradenton, 941-746-6166; 3926 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 941-364-5833; and 1152 Tamiami Trail Port Charlotte, 941-613-1114. Info:
* Harry's restaurant on Longboat Key is now closed. Harry's Corner Store will close Sunday at 11 p.m. Harry's Deli will close Monday at 7 pm. "We will closely monitor day by day to see when it will be safe to reopen," reads Saturday's email. Info:
* Little Greek Fresh Grill patrons can go to, Enter code GREEK 15 at checkout for 15% off the total. In addition, Little Greek's Toga Tuesday promotion scheduled for March 24 has been modified. From March 20 through April 7, anyone who posts a photo on Facebook in a toga will be entered to win a gift card. Tag @littlegreekfreshgrill to be entered. Little Greek Fresh Grill has a Lakewood Ranch location at 8310 Market Street.
* Brewster's Tavern at1454 Main St., Sarasota, has its full menu available to go, Bite Squad available (code ATHOME" for free delivery), all entrees on special for $12.99 & includes a side, all beer, wine available to go, growlers available (please bring your own). Info: 941-343-2380 or
* Duval's and sister restaurant Element, both in the 1400 Main St. block in downtown Sarasota, are offering free local delivery and curbside pickup daily from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Duval's) and 4:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. (Element), Info: and
* Jet's Pizza, with locations in Palmetto, Bradenton, Sarasota and North Port, is are open for "contactless delivery" and now offering carryout. Info:
* The Italian Grill, 8620 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, is open 4-8 p.m. Tuesday-Sunday with walk-in to go orders and curbside to go and the following specials: 60 percent off all take-home bottles of wine, $2 bottles of beer to-go, 15 percent off regular menu prices, and $15 large with 3 toppings pizzas and $12 medium with 3 toppings pizzas. Info: 941-966-6565 or
* First Watch restaurants in Sarasota and Manatee counties are currently offering to-go. Folks can visit to find contact info and call their local restaurant to place an order.
* Siegfried's Restaurant in downtown Sarasota at 1869 Fruitville Road is open for takeout and curbside 4-8 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday "with free kids meals for the little ones." Info: 941-330-9330 or
* Fuzzy's Taco Shop, which has location at 2515 University Parkway, is offering special where if you order a meal to-go through the Loyalty App and get double the points for the next two weeks (started March 18). Also, patrons can get delivery via DoorDash and Grubhub. Info: 941-822-8933 or
* Eleni's Pizza Works, 6711 15th St. E, Sarasota, is offering specials for delivery and takeout for with 20% off for any 750ml wine bottle if you order any large 16-inch pizza and 10% off any 6-pack beer if you order any large 16-inch pizza. Info:
* Sarasota-Manatee Originals
Sarasota-Manatee Originals, a large and diverse group of locally-owned, independent restaurants, has created its own website with updates on hours of operation, take-out and delivery options, gift certificate specials and other timely promotions. Info:
* Pier 22 and Grove offering family meals available for online ordering
Pier 22 in downtown Bradenton and sister restaurant Grove in Lakewood Ranch are offering family meals such as chicken marsala, homemade meatloaf and chicken alfredo pasta as well as platters like barbecue pork, Italian sandwiches and veggie wraps with convenient online ordering.
In addition to limited menus available for takeout, there's also UberEats Delivery with $0 fee and beer, wine and liquor to-go. You can also support these locally owned and operated restaurants by purchasing gift cards to use at a later date.
"We look forward to seeing you curbside and back in our dining rooms in the near future!," reads a statement issued by the restaurants March 21.
Pier 22, on the Manatee River at 1200 1st Ave. W., Bradenton, and Grove at 10670 Boardwalk Loop in Lakewood Ranch, are open 11:30 a.m.-8 p.m.
* Sharky's on the Pier is offering 25% off all to-go orders from 12-7 p.m. Saturday and Sunday (March 21-22).
* Oak & Stone for takeout and delivery only
Oak & Stone has suspended dining room service at all of its locations.
They're still open for takeout and delivery with a limited menu of customer favorites. Guests may call ahead or visit the restaurant to place their order. Deliveries with Bite Squad are also available. Canned and bottled beer and wine are available with to-go orders, and a limited selection of craft beer growlers will soon be available.
Oak & Stone will adopt new operating hours on Saturday, March 21. All locations will be closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Oak and Stone will operate Wednesdays- Sundays from 4 p.m.- 8 p.m. Fastfire in Bradenton will open noon-8 p.m.
- Gecko's to offer delivery and more
Gecko's, which has multiple Sarasota and Manatee locations, is offering to go, curbside pickup, and delivery through Bite Squad for Smacks and for all Gecko's except the one on State Road 70, which has temporarily closed. Signature Events & Catering, also part of the locally owned and operated Gecko's group, is offering a family-style menu Monday-Friday, with free delivery within 15 miles of their location at the Landings.
Gecko's, Smacks, Dockside are also offering an annual gift card sale deal: Buy $100 in gift cards, get a $20 bonus or buy $50 in gift cards, get a $10 bonus.
Gecko's is also offering a 40% discount on food for service industry workers, i.e. restaurant and hotel workers with their pay stub.
- Crow's Nest, on the water in Venice, is offering 20% off curbside pickup for lunch and dinner. Open for curbside pick up for lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and for dinner from 5 p.m. à 20 h Info:
- Der Dutchman Restaurant, 3713 Bahia Vista St., Sarasota, offering delivery, carry out, bakery and coffee takeout. Info:
* Columbia restaurant temporarily closes
One of Sarasota's oldest and most famous restaurants has suspended operations. The Columbia Restaurant Group has temporarily closed all its restaurants, including the Columbia and Cha Cha Coconuts on St. Armands Circle in Sarasota.
"We're taking this step to comply with Gov. DeSantis' order and to protect the health of our guests, our team members and our 115-year-old company," said Columbia fourth generation caretaker Richard Gonzmart, in a statement. "It's absolutely the right thing to do. As hard as this is, it's the only way forward. With drastic measures now, we'll be able to reopen and come back strong. Fortunately, we have history, experience and resources that will help us get through this. At the Columbia, we have survived World War I and II, Prohibition, the Depression, Urban Renewal and we'll survive this, too, by making tough decisions now.
"We look forward to welcoming you back once this medical crisis passes."
* J.R.'s Packinghouse Caf, at 987 S. Packinghouse Road (next to Detwiler's) in Sarasota, is open daily offering car-side carryout, takeout and delivery via Bitesquad. Info: 941-371-9358 or
* Simply Gourmet Caterers, at 4783 Swift Road in Sarasota, is offering a freshly updated "heat & eat" menu with "simple heating instructions you can enjoy fresh five star meals in minutes." Orders can be packed individually or family style. Info: 941-929-0066 or
* Cafe in the Park, which is also a live music venue located in Payne Park on east edge of downtown Sarasota, has suspended operations. Info:
* Anna Maria Oyster Bar, which has multiple locations across Manatee County, is offering takeout food, (limited) delivery and, yes, margaritas to-go! Info:
* Raffurty's Bar and Grill in downtown Sarasota is now closed until further notice. Info:
* Pazzo Southside in Sarasota's Southside Village has temporarily clsoed. Info:
* Phillippi Creek Oyster Bar has temporarily closed
Another one of Sarasota's oldest and most famous restaurants has suspended operations. The restaurant wants to do what is best for their staff, guests and community. They will continue to remain in contact the CDC and local health departments for updates and guidance. Info:
* Tandoor Indian restaurant located at 8453 Cooper Creek Blvd., University Parkway has take out and delivery available. call 941-926-3077 to place your order.
* Amore Italian & Portuguese Restaurant in downtown Sarasota is offering drive-thru services on a side door that is adjacent to their restaurant kitchen. Amore's drive-thru window is at 443 Burns Court Door. Info: 941-383-1111 or
* Polpo Pizza Co. has partnered with Mandeville Beer Garden to offer pizza and beer to go starting 4:30-8 p.m. today at MBG. "We are encouraging all orders to go through our website to minimize contact and help with the effort to flatten the curve. Kindly post to your page for take-out options." Info:
* Melange at 1568 Main St., Sarasota currently remains open with takeout available as well as delivery through BiteSquad. Its current hours are 6-10 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, 6 p.m.-midnight Friday and Saturday and 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday brunch. Info: 941-953-7111 or Partnering business Pangea Alchemy Lab also currently remains open, 6 p.m.-midnight Sunday through Thursday and 6 p.m.-2 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Info: 941-870-5555 or
* Taste of Asia at 4413 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota is now only offering takeout, with curbside pickup available. "We feel strongly that we must try to do our share of keeping everyone out of harm's way," the restaurant posted on its Facebook page. Info: 941-923-2742 or
* A Good Day Cafe at 1092 S. Tamiami Trail, Osprey remains open daily 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., with free delivery in the area and takeout with curbside option. Info: 941-412-4889 or
* Old Hamburg Schnitzelhaus at 3246 E. Bay Dr., Holmes Beach currently remains open, with takeout and delivery via DoorDash available. Info: 941-778-1320 or
* Bijou Cafe suspends operations
The Bijou Cafe, a downtown Sarasota dining destination owned and operated by the Knaggs family since 1986, announced March 20 that it has temporarily closed. Read full story.
READ MORE: Restaurant news for Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties
READ MORE: Coronavirus Florida: Canceled events in Sarasota-Bradenton-Venice-Punta Gorda
READ MORE: See our complete coverage of the coronavirus outbreak
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