tv-show about a punk music band

Publié le 28 janvier 2022 par Yelyam

it's refreshing to see on screen characters that don't have a huge presence usually.

even more when we realise that even the people they represent do not have a place at the table to talk about themeselves, while a lot of people talk about them and how their life's choice is an issue and a threat to [insert here an solid but apparently fragile element of our democracy].

the tv-show is called "we are lady parts".

it's a british production and it's about an all female punk band.

with an extra twist: they are all muslim, with different practice on their religion (from zero to a lot).

but more importantly it's the story of a group of people who love to play music, who try to find gigs, who are facing anxiety, trying to get it together with other activities, handling with their respective family and/or romantic life.